Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1718: : Unbelievable

But it is a pity that no matter how hard the disciples of the spirit bird immortal gate can't save Ling Batian. Please Baidu search

Because they were wrong from the beginning, when they chose to give up themselves and surrender to Ximen Yihe, they were already doomed to today's result.

So in the face of their rescue, Ximen Yihe directly snorted and waved directly for a night.

Suddenly a huge fairy force swept the world directly to the disciples of the spirit bird fairy gate.

Bang Bang Bang.

The disciples of Spirit Bird Immortal Gate have no Ling Batian's cultivation and physical body.

For a time, disciples of Spirit Bird Immortal Gate continued to fall in this special energy.

It was also a few breathing exercises. There were countless deaths and injuries, and the remaining people were all covered with scars, making it difficult to continue fighting.

This made Ximen Yihe's original worries and vigilance completely disappear at this moment.

I saw Ximen Yihe carrying his hands, and then said to his companion: "All solved, don't stay one, I don't want to see a living person."

"Brother Simon, don't worry, we will not go wrong with our work."

"I just wanted to tease them for a while to have some fun, but since Big Brother has already shot, then we are welcome."

"They are too weak. Killing them is like killing chickens. There is no challenge at all."

"Don't talk nonsense, let's get going quickly."

In the disciples of the spirit bird immortal gate, all the expressions of unwillingness.

The people brought by Ximen Yihe shot out and wiped out all those who were lingering.

In this way, the disciples of Spirit Bird Immortal Gate were almost dead and injured. Only a few people who did not agree with Ling Batian did not participate in this operation, so they survived, but those people are not enough to filter.

When Ximen Yihe was going to retreat wholeheartedly, to enlighten the preaching tradition in front of him.

One of his fellow students suddenly raised his head and asked: "But Brother Simon, although our method this time is very secret, there are still many flaws. If it is exposed, if you return to the fairyland, you might be immortal. The door is aimed. "

This person's expression is dignified, because they cooperated with the disciples of the spirit bird fairy gate.

If they were not injured one by one, there was no death, but the disciples of Spirit Bird Immortal Gate were countless dead and wounded, and even Ling Batian hung up. If they spread the word, the elders of Spirit Bird Immortal Gate will definitely doubt that there is a problem in this.

At that time, even if they hide deeper, they will be caught with some handles, which is also a huge problem for them.

"You are right, I hadn't thought about it before."

Hearing this person's weirdness, Ximen Yihe couldn't help but stunned slightly.

But he was relieved quickly, only to see the corners of his mouth curl slightly, and then he walked step by step towards those who questioned him.

When he approached this person, he stretched out his arm directly, and at a speed that the other party could hardly respond to, he pinched directly on the other person's neck.


With only a soft sound, the other party ’s neck was twisted off by Ximen Yihe on the spot, and then Ximen Yihe exerted some means to directly grasp the soul that the other party was about to release and throw it directly into the cavity for refining.

Seeing this scene, the other people brought by Ximen Yihe felt a chill, obviously Ximen Yihe's cruel and cruel means made them deeply afraid.

Faced with such a situation, they panic one by one cautiously.

"You do n’t have to worry, I ’m not a greedy, killing human being, so I wo n’t kill innocent people. The reason why I killed him just now is to give the spirit bird the immortal gate. Respond, avoiding the guess he just made come true. "

Seeing his own people, one by one, Ximen Yihe couldn't help but smiled slightly, and responded briefly, then turned back and continued to walk forward: "Now that he is dead, everything can be explained clearly. So You do n’t have to worry at all, not to mention that we are about to get a huge legacy of cutting off teaching, which is fortunate for none of us. "

"When we are not alone, we all refine the inheritance in the mountain gate of interception, and then return to the ground. As long as this matter is pulled to the body of the Spirit Bird Immortal Gate and the Helanzong, then we can get away from this right and wrong. The ground. "

Apparently Ximen Yihe had already planned this early, and wanted to trigger the conflict between Herranzong and the Spirit Bird Immortal Gate, so as to take advantage of the fisherman.

Facing the confident Ximen Yihe, the few survivors brought by Ximen Yihe could not help but looked at each other and accepted Ximen Yihe's explanation.

Because they knew that when they helped Ximen Yihe, they were already bound with Ximen Yihe, and there was no way to escape.

What's more, in the face of the inheritance of cutting off teaching, none of them can't let go.

I saw them seriously looking at Yimen Yihe one by one, and wanted to see his follow-up performance ~ ~ Brother Ximen Yihe, you are right, we just had some doubts. Please forgive me. "

"Brother Ximen Yihe, now that all obstacles have been removed, what should we do next?"

"Brother Ximen Yihe, in order to avoid long nights and dreams, let's make a quick decision."

"Yes, we feel that we have settled the matter here so that we can rush back to the Imperial Guard, and no matter whether it is the Spirit Bird Immortal Gate or the Helanzong, there will be no way for me to wait for trouble."

Hearing his own robe, Ximen Yihe nodded, because he thought so.

So he turned around and continued to tell his fellow robe: "Since that is the case, then everyone cooperates with me, and we will cast some immortals to completely activate this place."


Simmen Yihe's same monk, who cast immortal methods one after another, and made every effort to cooperate with Ximen Yihe to break everything in front of him.


Under the full cracking of Ximen Yihe and others, this long-disrepaired Shanmen Mountain Gate inheritance formation method can no longer resist, only a burst of unwilling voices, and then completely destroyed by Ximen Yihe and others, and A real door of inheritance is revealed inside.

As long as you can enter the door of inheritance, you can get the inheritance inside.

This made Ximen Yihe and others happy one by one, only to see that they glanced at each other, and saw the greed of their companions' eyes.

At this time, they saw that Ximen Yihe had sorted out his mentality, and took a step forward straightforwardly, stepping directly into the heritage transmission.

But when they entered the real place of inheritance, they hadn't had time to be happy, standing blankly one by one, showing a trace of unbelievable color.

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