Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1719: : Was cut off

"What's the situation and why this place is desolate. Mobile phone side"

"Look, it seems that a very precious fairy was once grown in that place, but I don't know what the reason was, it was picked off by someone, and it was swollen."

"My God, that seems to be a kirin holy fruit, it should be a treasure fruit cultivated with the blood of kirin, but now there is only one core."

Ximen Yihe and others, they are all people who come to seek treasure and inherit the inheritance.

So when they saw the damaged things in front of them, the lost material was suddenly sad.

At this time, a more cautious Ximen Yihe companion, could not help but squat down his body and picked up the core from the ground.

But just picked it up, and he threw it away.

Immediately after he took out a Xian Pa, he quickly wiped his fingers, and then he said with satisfaction: "There is something wrong with Brother Ximen Yihe, there is liquid and temperature on the core surface.

At the exit of this person's words, Ximen Yihe and others were suddenly taken aback.

Because they knew that this place had already been destroyed after the ancient heaven, and no one had come in for at least ten million years.

But the core of the land is relatively moist and warm.

Then there are only two possibilities. One is that the masters of cutting off the teachings in the ancient days are very powerful, so they can keep the temperature of the food they eat for thousands of years without being cold.

There is also a possibility that someone came in before them, so left such a trace.

First, the first guess was directly rejected by Ximen Yihe.

Because he is very clear, there are many masters in the ancient days of the court, but it is impossible to have too many. What's more, people in the same realm won't grab as many immortals as they are now. At most, they have a deeper understanding of the Tao.

Therefore, they will not waste fairy power in order to break a fruit core, keeping them warm for thousands of years.

So excluding this first possibility, then only the second possibility remains.

So Ximen Yihe turned around and ordered a robe saying, "Brother Yifei, I will hand it to you next."

"no problem."

Dog Yifei knew the importance of this matter, so he nodded directly, and then this important task.

Immediately after the dog Yi Fei exhibited his talents, a magic method of listening to the position of the voice and locking the target.

This kind of fairy law has a very high accuracy rate, and it can also explore a long range.

Ordinary people have no way to learn. Only people like the one who flew in the ancestors, who once had blood of demon beasts, can practice it.

I saw that he used his talent secret method, and quickly locked his target, so he went straight and flew towards the front: "Everyone follow me, I have locked the target."

Hearing the dog flying, everyone immediately took off and chased.

At the same time, they clenched their teeth tightly, and were angry one by one.

They wanted to see if there was any lawless person who dared to intercept Hu of their imperial guards.

So they flew for a few minutes and finally reached their destination.

I saw that under their attention, a few people who were not very high-cultivated actually picked Xianzhen around them happily.

One of the more greedy people actually worked while eating. Obviously, the hot and humid cores seen by Ximen Yihe and others should have been left by this person.

When they judged one by one, the greedy fairy who spit out the fruit core actually extended his magic hand to another fairy, and prepared to send it into his mouth.

"Damn, put down that fairy treasure."

"You stupid wastes, don't understand the preciousness of these immortals, they actually destroy their roots."

"Pick fruits without roots. Isn't it true that you don't understand such a simple truth?"

"Fuck, have you guys heard anything from me, don't you put your hand down quickly?"

With the call of Ximen Yihe and others, they picked them more quickly.

Seeing this scene, the same robe of Ximen Yihe can no longer hold back, and actually directly a big volleyed handprint, regardless of the three seven twenty-one to those who pick the effect.


Under his attack, the person who picked Xianzhen was beaten into a cloud of blood mist by him on the spot.

Under such circumstances, Ximen Yihe's companion only felt a little more at ease.

But when he continued to prepare to speak and stop those people, he found that those people did not put his actions in his eyes at all. What he did at the beginning, he continued to do.

This made Ximen Yihe's robes, with an indescribable anger in his face, obviously he had reached his critical point.

"Something is wrong. Look carefully at those who picked Xianzhen. There is no change in their expressions, as if nothing happened."

"Not only that, you see that the person who died just now, the blood mist released by him, actually a little bit of condensation ~ ~ seems to have signs of resurrection."

"Yes, I have discovered this, and I always feel that they have a special power, but I still have no way to judge."

"I also have the feeling that it seems that we have fallen into the trap of some people, but we can't see it, and we have fallen into the trap of what."

Hearing his own gown's remarks, Ximen Yihe, who was also angry, gradually calmed down.

I saw that after he thought for a while, he directly released a detected fairy law and tested it on the spot.

"No, it's a **** blind eye."

Ximen Yihe briefly observed, and suddenly found some problems.

So he exclaimed, and then unimaginably said: "They ran away, not in this place at all, we were taken."

"Sure enough, you are not stupid, you can guess the truth of the matter so quickly."

Hearing Ximen Yihe ’s guess, Xue Shanling, who was picking Xianzhen across from him, could not help but smile slightly, revealing a calm color, and then said to Ximen Yihe: "But this is not a blinding method, but reflection, a special projection. , As long as we do n’t retract it, they can repeat it all the time, just like looping. "

"Damn, you are delaying time."

When Ximen Yihe heard Xue Shanling's words, he suddenly thought of a possibility, which surprised him, where could Kung Fu continue to talk nonsense to Xue Shanling in this place.

I saw that he exhibited all the cultivation practices and went to the deepest place with the fastest speed.

When Ximen Yihe's companions all followed Ximen Yihe and left, Xue Shanling sighed: "I don't know what Brother Ye Xiaohu is preparing for, and can defeat Ximen Yihe."

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