Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1756: : Do you know guilt

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Brother actually wanted to see me?

It seems that the situation is a bit bad. I have to find a way to leave this place, otherwise I will be in danger.

Hearing the words of the hostile person, Qin Shanchuan suddenly knew that there was something wrong with the situation, so his face instantly dragged down.

I saw that Qin Shanchuan adjusted his breath and calmed down as much as possible before responding slowly: "Brother Prince has just left the border, I should bathe and change my clothes to visit him, so as not to blasphemy the brother. Otherwise, if the brother is filthy 'S eyes are the sins of Qin Shanchuan. "

The words fell, and Qin Shanchuan planned to turn around and leave.

But he was about to leave, and found that several people blocked the route he left, leaving him nowhere to escape.

This displeased Qin Shan Chuan. After all, the prince had not yet passed the customs clearance to remove his identity and status, so Qin Shan Chuan said indifferently: "What are you doing, do you want to rebel?"

"Sorry Brother Qin, Brother Prince said he wanted to see you, and he wanted to see you immediately, so you can't leave."

I saw that Qin Shan passed the hostile, and could not help but sneered, refuting stiffly: "I believe Brother Qin, you also know very well, if the Prince's things are delayed, then how serious the consequences will be if the Prince is angry. So Brother Qin, Do n’t make us embarrassed. "


Qin Shan Chuan looked at the other person's expression, he knew he was finished.

Obviously the prince should have received some information, but now he cannot leave at all, so he can only walk in with a scalp.

"Waste, it's a soft-foot shrimp."

"I don't know how he was mixed in the past, but actually became the top handle of my crown prince party."

"Huh, I used to use him as an idol in the past, and now it is a garbage to see him. I was blind."

"If it were not for him, our princelings would not be in front of Ye Xiaohu, so decadent and weak."

"I bother."

When Qin Shanchuan left, the members of the Crown Princes around him all made disdainful complaints, which made Qin Shanchuan more discouraged.

In this way, under the guidance of the prince's personal guard, he came to the retreat of the prince, a place to entertain guests.

When he walked in, he immediately saw a familiar figure, which made Qin Shanchuan take a deep breath, then he closed his eyes, knelt on the spot on the spot, and wept bitterly.

"Woo, Brother Prince, you are finally out of the border. If you are not, then our crown prince will be bullied by Ye Xiaohu."

Qin Shanchuan can have today's status and ability, so naturally there are some means.

For example, his observation and observation, for example, he can throw away his face, everything can be done.

So when he realized that the prince did not immediately abolish himself, he immediately knelt on the ground and cried and cried: "That **** surname Ye bastard, while taking advantage of the prince, you retreat, robbed my brother of the mountain, When I went to the outside door to welcome the new one, I was against me everywhere, and insulted you, Brother Prince ... "

Qin Shanchuan smears also have a hand, so he described Ye Xiaohu as a fierce bastard, denigrating Ye Xiaohu's dissatisfaction with the prince everywhere.

Although some of these words were the true feelings of Ye Xiaohu, they fell into the ears of Prince Yi's party, but those people suddenly felt that there was a pair of hands slapping on their cheeks, leaving their cheeks dull, feeling Ashamed.

"Asshole, did that surname Ye really say so?"

"I have long heard that the **** with the surname Ye has always dealt with our crown prince party, but the old man never thought that he dared to be so rude, and he dared to underestimate the crown prince.

"Brother Crown Prince, let Brother Brother go in person, kill the **** with the surname Ye, carry his head, and bring you the wine to Brother Prince."

"Brother Prince, when we go out this time, we must punish the surnamed Ye, as well as other parties that are tempted to let them know the fierceness of our crown prince party, let them know that our crown prince party cannot exist. Restore the glory of our crown princes. "

I saw one by one who accompanied the prince retreat and guarded the prince, who came forward to fight.

But under such circumstances, the prince smiled slightly and shook his head constantly, refusing their request for battle: "When I founded the party in the past, one was to survive, and the other was to fight against other parties. But I will soon become Herranzong ’s future leadership, then the party has no meaning to me, and it will also destroy my rule over Heranzong. So it is at this opportunity to completely dissolve the crown prince. ”

"But ..."

A prince's confidant said: "Are you watching other people grow bigger?"

"The one who follows me and the one who perverts against me dies, no matter which party, must do according to what I stipulate, otherwise they will remain in the Helan Sect?"

The prince snorted, then said to a confidant: "You go and say to the heads of the parties inside and outside the sect, say what my prince said, if there is still no partisan dissolution before the start of the inner door conference, then kill all No amnesty. "


The prince's confidant, seeing that the prince had decided to dissolve the princely party, naturally would not continue to whisper, so he directly ordered to leave.

After he left, the prince looked at Qin Shan again: "Brother Qin, you and I have known each other for decades. When I was a lay disciple, you were also a lay disciple. Now I am a prince party The leader ~ ~ You are my men, do you know why? "

"Brother I don't know."

Qin Shan Chuan's buns sneered and said: "Please also elder brother, please express."

"Because I have perseverance, courage, hard work, and luck ... so I will step out of the crowd step by step when the talent is not as good as those of you, and have the world today. On the contrary, when you were born, you were already the arrogant of heaven, but you did n’t want to make progress. You wanted to take shortcuts all day long, so you will have the result of today, and you will always be trampled under my feet and never turned over. day."


Qin Shanchuan looked directly under the Prince's eyes, could not help feeling that he seemed to be in the ice cave, and made himself tremble.

Just when he wanted to justify himself for a while, he was staring at the prince he was watching, and finally took a deep breath, staring at Qin Shanchuan on the spot and snorted: "Sister Qin, are you guilty?"

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