Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1757: : Luxury Operations

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"I am guilty."

Qin Shanchuan wanted to justify himself all at once and avoid the punishment of the prince.

However, he knew that there was no way to cover up his excuse before the prince.

As long as the prince is willing, then as soon as he speaks casually, someone will investigate what Qin Shanchuan did. And when those things happened, Qin Shanchuan did not want to cover up, or could not cover up, so the prince wanted to figure out that there was no problem at all.

Under such circumstances, after a short amount of Qin Shanchuan, he kneeled on the spot on the spot and responded directly to the prince: "Brother Prince, please give me another chance, as long as you give me a chance, then I will definitely help you perfect Completed the task and successfully resolved Ye Xiaohu. "

"What did you do earlier?"

The prince snorted coldly, then stood up and looked out the window, coldly said: "You and Huangfu Nanshan are the kind of people who want to face too much. Because of this, you can develop my crown prince party and at the same time bury it There are endless scourges. For example, this time, if you organize a large number of masters to kill Ye Xiaohu early in the morning, then I believe that Ye Xiaohu died long ago in the hands of my crown prince, and there is absolutely no chance to turn over. But But you just do n’t listen, you have to bump up one by one, and go to die one by one, but instead raise our enemies a little bit, and make it a situation where the tail is not big now. "

Prince said nothing wrong, Qin Shanchuan now regrets not doing that.

But he thought again, he couldn't do it even if he wanted to.

Because Qin Shanchuan had no right to speak in the early stage, if he violated Huangfu Nanshan's order for Ye Xiaohu at that time, even if he killed Ye Xiaohu, who was inconspicuous at that time, he would not be able to gain the appreciation of the prince, and he would offend Huangfu Nanshan. .

Although he later took control of the power, Ye Xiaohu had been raised by the people of Huangfu Nanshan, so that he wanted to start against Ye Xiaohu, but he was helpless.

But these words, he dare not say it.

Because Qin Shanchuan knew very well, once he said this, it would only make the prince think he was not good.

It's better to close your mouth and listen quietly to the prince's instructions.

After all, talk more, make less mistakes.

Under such circumstances, Qin Shanchuan saw the crown prince withdraw his gaze, and then preached to Qin Shan: "According to your sins, I should kill you directly and warn all the members of the Crown Prince. But now I The crown prince happened to be hiring, so I will give you a chance at the end to give me a chance to run this internal meeting. Otherwise, I will be punished with multiple crimes and severely punished. "


Qin Shanchuan breathed a sigh of relief, he knew he had survived.

If he just said something wrong and did something wrong, then the prince would kill him on the spot by listening.

Therefore, in order to avoid causing more troubles and wrong things, Qin Shanchuan looked at the prince after he received the order: "Brother, Prince, what should I do in this inner door meeting?"

In the past, it was the elder Heranzong.

The Prince's Party has never handled this, so Qin Shanchuan lacked experience in this area, so he took the initiative to ask the prince.

Under such circumstances, the prince thought hard.

After all, he was still a disciple of the inner door, not the ruler of Herranzong.

So after thinking over and over again, the prince preached to Qin Shan: "This time it will be a big event, a special event. I want everyone around Heranzong to know that I want to hold an inner door conference, even the spirit bird fairy. Forces like the door also sent me invitations. As for whether they will come or not, that is their problem. "

"No problem, I will arrange someone to notify them."

Qin Shanchuan thought about it for a while. Huangfu Nanshan had already dealt with similar things before. He could do everything according to the pot, and he could get things done quickly, so Qin Shanchuan immediately asked again: "In addition to this matter, please ask the surname Ye Boy, do you still use me to deal with him? "


Prince snorted, then looked at Qin Shanchuan and shook his head immediately.

It's not that he despised Qin Shanchuan, but from the information he got from the prince, Ye Xiaohu now has a big tail, at least he should be a person at the top of the Nine Saint Xuanxian.

A master like this is no longer able to contend with a person who does not think about progress, such as Qin Shanchuan.

Then the prince shook his head directly and preached to Qin Shan: "I will arrange for someone to cook him personally at the inner door conference, so let him live happily within the sect door during this time!"


Qin Shanchuan nodded and asked about other things in detail.

Prince also responded to him one by one and told him how to operate.

After such a communication, Qin Shanchuan finally got what he wanted to know, so he sat down with satisfaction and turned away from the inner palace of the prince.

After he left, a confidant of the prince walked in front of the prince in a puzzling way: "Brother Prince ~ ~ A villain like Qin Shanchuan, who repeatedly failed in his mission, always made excuses. , To get the **** that people sympathize with, the villain does n’t know why Brother Prince you want to give him opportunities again and again? ",

"You are not wrong, Qin Shanchuan is a villain, a waste that is nothing, and his achievements have stopped. But this does not prevent him from being outstanding in other aspects. For example, this time the inner door conference, only the payment Give him to get the most sensation and effect, to the point where everyone knows. "

The prince snorted coldly, and then said with a wicked smile: "We who sit above the high position, must be good at using people to achieve their goals, and we cannot give up more suitable candidates because of our own preferences. If Huangfu Nanshan didn't abandon Qin Shanchuan's words because he hated Qin Shanchuan, why did my crown prince party have today's situation? "

"The villain understands."

The man standing under the crown prince, after listening to the prince's introduction, suddenly woke up, so he nodded quickly.

Under such circumstances, the prince couldn't help but take a deep breath, and then commanded: "But that Ye Xiaohu, is indeed a trouble. So above the Inner Conference, Youyu is responsible for solving him."

"No problem, just give me the kid named Ye."

An inner disciple named Youyu could not help but stand up and responded: "Under the Heavenly King, no one can protect him from dying."

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