Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1779: : 5 color thunder

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In the next few days, the mountain peak of Qin Shanchuan occupied by Ye Xiaohu was renamed Yejiashan.

From this day on, the thunder is occurring every day on the top of Yejia Mountain.

Thunder's voice was fast and slow, suddenly the thunder was loud, and suddenly the sound was so low that it was difficult to detect ... In short, the Helanzong Yejia Mountain did not stop.

"What the **** is going on, why has such a strange thing happened suddenly in Yejiashan, which has always been calm?"

"What is Brother Ye Xiaohu doing, why do I have a feeling of lingering fear?"

"The thunder sound is like the thunder robbery when we just broke through and successfully promoted to a fairy. It makes people feel the scalp tingling at a glance."

"As long as the thunder sounds for one day, I can't feel at ease to practice within the sect, I have to say that this younger brother Ye Xiaohu is too pitman."

With the thunder bursts, the people who practiced around Yejiashan all showed bitter smiles, obviously they were also affected by the thunder made by Ye Xiaohu.

However, when they communicated, they did not notice that there were several people beside them.

These people are relatively low-cultivated, so they don't attract people's attention.

But if you are familiar with what happened recently and Ye Xiaohu, then you will definitely recognize them, because these people are Liu Guanyue, Erzunzi and Longyi.

Even the two Gao Qingshan brothers who stayed in the outer gate in the past appeared in this place.

Of course, with their cultivation behavior and identity, it is naturally impossible to appear in the inner door.

The reason why they will appear in the inner door is entirely because after Ye Xiaohu got rid of the prince, he used his right to transfer them one by one to the inner door.

When everyone else is discussing Ye Xiaohu, they are also discussing.

Because they are affected more than the nearby mountain peaks, after all, they are practicing beside Ye Xiaohu!

So they looked at the peaks of the mountains one by one with headaches, and they were even reluctant to climb to work and practice, so they stood quietly.

"I don't know when Brother Ye Xiaohu is such a head!"

"What kind of immortal method is that, why did Brother Xiaohu practice this immortal method, and they still made such a big move."

"I don't know exactly what fairy law is, but from the attitude of Brother Xiaohu, it must be very extraordinary."

"But he did so, let's not go up and practice, even if he took care of the fairy on the mountain, there is no way to do it!"

Just when Erzong was upset, someone suddenly pointed to the head and said: "Look, that Leifa seems to form a special aperture after another, and gradually unites together, which is really amazing."

"Thunder Tribulation, that must be Thunder Tribulation."

Someone hid in fear and said: "Only the legendary thunder robbery can do this step. We must be careful, and we must not be involved in it, otherwise we will be unbearable afterwards."

"Damn, doesn't it mean that once it becomes an immortal, then it is impossible to encounter thunder robbery again?"

I saw another Heranzong disciple who complained with unhappy face: "Does the Heavenly King still need to cross the robbery in order to move on? If this is the case, then I don't want to continue to work hard, lest I will encounter such a horrible sky-tribulation in the future. "

"Relax, based on your talents, you can't touch the Heavenly Tribulation at the level of Tianjun in your lifetime."

At this time, a disciple who was a highly trained disciple couldn't help but laugh bitterly: "Not to mention that from all the classics, there is no place to prove that the fairy above the heavenly king still has to cross the robbery. . So I suspect that Brother Ye Xiaohu should be practicing a thunder dharma, rather than trying to robbery. "


Seemed to be responding to him. Almost at the end of his words, a thunder came down from the sky, splitting a thousand-year-old tree not far away into powder.

After seeing this scene, the disciples of Heranzong who spoke out their judgments immediately shrank their heads, then hid in the dark, and dared not jump out.

Others were also surprised, and did not dare to watch on the front line.

Only Erzongzi and others were left, still standing at the foot of the mountain depending on the formation left by Ye Xiaohu.

Has passed for another hour, just as Erzengzi and others were bored, they suddenly felt the sun in the sky and released a hot light.

Immediately after the deafening and unbearable thunder, it magically disappeared.

"has it ended?"

"Finally there is no thunder."

Erzongzi and others looked up and looked in the direction of the sky together.

As expected, the dark sky was completely clear at this moment, without any problems.

Under such circumstances, Erzengzi and others immediately laughed: "Go, let's go and see quickly, don't let Xiaohu brother have any accidents."

After being greeted by Er Leng Zi, everyone smiled happily and used their fastest immortal method to go straight to the top of the mountain ~ ~ But when they rushed to the top of the mountain, Before they even asked Ye Xiaohu, they saw a colorful thunder, and they crossed the sky directly and rushed to them.

Colorful Thunder Tribulation contains horrible fairy power. It hasn't been close to Erzongzi and others. It is just a lock that has made them feel very uncomfortable and unable to break free.

At such a critical moment, Er Leng Zi quickly exclaimed: "Little, Brother Xiao Hu, it's my Er Leng Zi!"

Erzongzi's voice rang out loudly, and Ye Xiaohu, who had been devoting herself to practicing the elemental lightning method, suddenly awakened from the constancy.

Almost when he was awake, he noticed the elemental thunder trick he had released, and ran to Erzongzi and others.

This made Ye Xiaohu stunned slightly, but he didn't stand still.

I saw Ye Xiaohu's anxious flashing body, and came to the front of Erzengzi and others, and gently stretched his hand to catch the element thunder.

Immediately after Ye Xiaohu casts a transition, he moves that element thunder to the distance.


In the distance, a huge mountain was directly wiped out by the element thunder thrown by Ye Xiaohu. After seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu returned his gaze with satisfaction, and then looked at Erzongzi with a sorry face and waited: "Sorry, just now I was addicted for a while, but I didn't control the strength and direction, and I was exhausted by several of you. "

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