Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1780: : Pointing 2 Lengzi


Seeing that he survived safely, Erzong et al. Either sat on the ground, or knelt on the ground, or leaned on the roots of the tree, barely supporting the column's own body, and gasped violently.

Because they knew how dangerous the moment was, if Ye Xiaohu woke up a little later and stopped the terrifying thunderstorm, then they had just died on the spot and could not breathe and communicate with Ye Xiaohu.

"Brother Hu, I just thought I was going to die."

"Brother Xiaohu, next time we practice such a horrible trick, can we change a place? I always feel that our mountain, at any time, may be like the mountain just now, and you will be directly bombarded into the ground by accident."

"Yes, I feel the same way."

"Brother Ye Xiaohu, with the method you just did, did they really encounter the Thunder Tribulation as they said, or did you create the Thunder Tribulation?"

I saw Er Lengzi and others continually patting his chest to calm down his heart.

Hearing their words, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but sigh: "Thunder Tribulation, that's not something that ordinary people can simulate. After all, it's a product created by Heavenly Path. Fortunately, Heavenly Path has been sleeping, so Thunder Tribulation is not often encountered, otherwise you You will find that the whole world is dark. As for the immortal method I just cast, it is just a lightning method that barely goes on the countertop. "

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's explanation, Erzongzi and other talents suddenly realized.

However, they were still curious about this Leifa, so they took the initiative to ask Ye Xiaohu.

After all, such a thunder-like thunder spell, if it can be cultivated successfully, it can definitely burst out in the battle, with a super powerful combat power.

Even some people who are more advanced than them can't be the opponents if they eat it all at once.

With this idea, Er Xiaozi and others naturally tirelessly learned the knowledge imparted by Ye Xiaohu.

So Ye Xiaohu pinched the time and felt that there was still plenty of time, so he directly gave a lecture to answer questions and problems for Erzengzi and others for several days and nights.

After seven or eight days in this way, finally everyone at this stage of the question was answered by Ye Xiaohu one by one.

In such a situation, Ye Xiaohu spit out a sigh of air: "These knowledge can help you cultivate all the way to the level of Tianjun without encountering any levels. I hope you will not live up to my expectations."

With Ye Xiaohu's remarks, everyone's heart suddenly settled.

But I don't know why, Erzongzi always felt something was going to happen, so he stared at Ye Xiaohu and said, "Brother Xiaohu, are you going to go again?"


Ye Xiaohu took a deep breath and said, "Immediately, there will be a hundred battles for hegemony. I will fight on behalf of Heranzong. This battle does not necessarily come back, so there are some things that must be arranged in advance."

Er Leng Zi sighed, he was looking for you to Ye Xiaohu, he wanted to follow Ye Xiaohu all the way. But he also knows that his cultivation is still too weak, there is no way to give Ye Xiaohu any help, but will also drag on Ye Xiaohu.

Therefore, Er Lengzi did not force Ye Xiaohu to take himself away, but instead stared at Ye Xiaohu, saying: "Brother Xiaohu, if that is the case, then I want to discuss with you to confirm the doubts and confusions in my mind."

"bring it on!"

Ye Xiaohu nodded and felt that there was no problem, so Ye Xiaohu directly adjusted his cultivation style: "I now suppress the fighting power to the same level as you, so that when you and I fight, you will You will realize that there is a difference. "Ye Xiaohu turned around again, and said to Long Yi and others:" You also look at it a little, which will inspire you a bit. "

With Ye Xiaohu's orders, everyone immediately calmed down and looked at Ye Xiaohu and Er Leng Zi quietly.


Under such circumstances, Erzunzi snorted, followed by the whole person's body, and rushed towards Ye Xiaohu directly like a missile: "Brother Xiaohu, I will do my best as soon as I shoot, I hope you don't be careless, I Overturned. "

"No problem, if I let you kid overturn, then how to mix in the fairy world?"

Ye Xiaohu laughed loudly and said so calmly, but when Ye Xiaohu blocked the shot, he didn't have the slightest carelessness, and was always engaged in the concentrated battle.

Bang Bang Bang Bang.

For a time Ye Xiaohu and Erzengzi fought against each other, and the two hit the sky from the ground, and then hit the ground from the sky.

The two sides did not keep their hands, one by one, they released their killing moves one by one and shot towards the other.

However, every attack of Er Leng Zi was basically calmed down by Ye Xiaohu's display.

And every time Ye Xiaohu succeeded in blocking, the opportunity for Er Lengzi to point out the problem of his attack ~ ~ why Ye Xiaohu found flaws and successfully blocked.

In this way, Ye Xiaohu pointed at Erzong while fighting.

Hundreds of rounds soon passed, and the means of the two sides had been almost used, so Erzongzi directly made a big move, avoiding Ye Xiaohu and said: "Brother Xiao Hu, the next is my last move, I hope you can Resist it. "

Along with Er Lengzi's low drink, a huge pattern appeared on his body, followed by Er Lengzi's fist, just like a mountain, directly facing Ye Xiaohu.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but frown: "It's interesting, Erzengzi actually got the inheritance of the mountain essence, and it fits very well. It seems that the peak fighting power of the mountain essence can erupt. But after all, Erzongzi is a human, so for this There are still many unclear things about Shan Jing's law. "

After observing Erzongzi's flaw, Ye Xiaohu will naturally not continue to be polite.

So Ye Xiaohu took a deep breath, his body disappeared directly in place, waiting for the next moment to come to Er Leng Zi's side, and punched directly at Er Leng Zi: "This killing trick is good, but you are not Shan Jing after all, so the body bears The ability is far less than the mountain spirit, so the destructive power of the outbreak will also be much weaker, so I took this victory. "


Er Leng Zi was taken aback. He was keenly aware that the situation was wrong, but he was too late to change it.

Just when he reacted, Ye Xiaohu had already hit Huanglong with one stroke, and forced Erzong to retreat on the spot: "This victory belongs to me. After you go back, retreat and practice well. I hope to wait for me to return from the battle of 100 cases. , You can make progress. "

(End of this chapter)

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