Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1856: :Do you need help

? "Strange, what is that Ye Xiaohu doing, actually acting so slowly?"

"What else can he do, he must be looking after him like that."

"Stupid, his fellows are so weak that they cannot be saved at all. If I were, I should leave them in place and let them wait for the final pick-up, instead of advancing with us on the climbing ladder."

"Yes, that was a complete waste of time. If he is not catching up, it is estimated that it is difficult to participate in the final reward."

People from the Nan family have been with Ye Xiaohu and others.

In fact, they felt good about Ye Xiaohu, and they wanted to move forward together.

As soon as he wanted to go up the ladder, Ye Xiaohu was left behind because of the same thing. He didn't keep up with their speed, which disappointed them one by one.

"Don't worry about them, let's take care of our own affairs first."

Master Nan Shao glanced around and said to them: "When we reach the 10,000th floor, you immediately start a plan to help me go directly to the highest level of Tongtianzhu. I want to enlighten the Tao in this place."

"Master Nan, you can rest assured that we will complete the task successfully."

"We have gone for seven or eight days. Ten thousand floors are just a few moments. I believe it can be done soon."

"Master Nan, you can rest assured that we will not fail your trust in us."

"The young Master Nan must be the first to reach the top of Tongtianzhu in the future."

The people in the Southern Celestial Realm patted each other enthusiastically, which made Nan Shaozhu frown.

Although he was dissatisfied, he did not express it at this moment.

In this way, they moved forward for a while, and when they reached a thousand floors, some people began to fall behind.

Obviously their potential has basically been exhausted, and now they cannot withstand the pressure of gravity, so naturally they can only slow down.

At this time, a person flew up from the outside and stayed beside Nan Shaozhu and said, "Oh, hey, is n’t this the prodigal son of the Southern Celestial Realm? Why, you act so slowly, it takes so much time It only barely reached 8,700 floors, which is really a bit behind, and does not deserve your genius immortal status. "

"Huh, that's my own business. What does it have to do with your scum?"

Master Nan Shao snorted, because the person in front of him was also one of his opponents.

So in the face of the sarcasm of the other party, Master Nan replied on the spot: "You still take care of yourself, don't end up unable to reach the summit, what do you look arrogant when the time comes?"

"I can't reach the summit?

This is simply the biggest joke in the world.

If I ca n’t reach the summit, then I ca n’t climb to the top of this ladder, and it will wrap up your young master. "

Dundi Tianjun snorted coldly, and then said to Master Nan Shao: "You and I have similar cultivation styles. I can go wherever you can, so you can't surpass me anyway."

Unless you think of your talents, you can't log in to the top of the ladder. "

"Fart, of course I am confident that I can climb to the top."

Nan Shaozhu snorted and refuted the words: "But your boy, but not necessarily, after all, you don't have secret treasures."

"Master Nan, you think too much. The secret of resisting pressure is not unique to your Nan family."

Dundi Tianjun snorted coldly: "But it's already a thousand layers, it's time for you to see how powerful my secret treasure is."


I saw that Tiandi Jun showed his secret treasure, so he took off quickly.

After a while, it will break ten thousand layers, twenty thousand layers ...

It wasn't until Duntian Tianjun disappeared in the same place that Master Nan Shao regained his gaze and commanded his subordinates to say: "I'll take a step first, you can climb slowly, you don't need to rush."

After Master Nan commanded, he flew towards the target with all his strength regardless of the other three, seventy-one and twenty-one.

Swish swish.

South Shaozhu's body continued to take off, and soon came to the last distance from the ascending ladder, only about a thousand layers left.

"Damn, what the **** is going on, why do I feel that the gravity of this ladder has increased several times compared to the past, so that we are more and more difficult to climb."

"No, the body oppressed by gravity is too horrible. I can't move on. I'm going to resume my cultivation temporarily in this place, and then move on."

"I didn't expect this gravity to be so terrible, so I used the treasures early in the morning. Now that all the cents inside the treasures have been consumed by me, I am afraid it is difficult to help me move on."

"Damn, as long as I knew this, I was consuming a lot of cultivation in advance because of the advancement from layer to layer, instead of going forward so much."

All the geniuses of the last thousand floors are gathered in this place.

These geniuses are clenching their teeth one by one. They want to climb to the top quickly, but they find that their cultivation method ca n’t make him climb to the top quickly, so they can only wait for recovery within the range of their bodies, and then continue to move .

This is equivalent to cheating, but no one is entangled in this matter.

Just when they rested, the Nan Shaozhu who came here couldn't help but look at the front with gasping, and then took a deep breath: "Dundi Tianjun, Guying Tianjun ... Since you are all in this place, then We can talk about it. "

Hearing the words of Master Nan Shao, the people named by him turned around and glanced at him.

Ignoring it and just glancing at it, they took back their eyes.

Obviously, they did not put South Young Master in their eyes, because the ranking of the Southern Celestial Realm is not high, and the cultivation behavior of the South Young Master is not the highest level of Tianjun ’s four-level heaven.

Seeing that someone despised himself ~ ~ South Master Suddenly felt very dissatisfied, so he went forward in anger, but found that he could only move forward step by step, which made him very helpless.

"Master Nan, why did you get to this place?"

Ye Xiaohu caught up from behind and faced the Master Nan Shao: "Do you need my help?"

The young Master Nan asked worriedly: "Is it possible?"


I dare not talk about the first floor, but there is no problem with the first 100 floors. "

Ye Xiaohu smiled faintly, and then took Master Nan Shao one step forward to climb a hundred floors.

The emergence of Ye Xiaohu naturally cannot avoid being noticed, so they watched Ye Xiaohu and Nan Shaozhu action, they could not help but stunned: "Damn, how did he do it, why can he move forward one hundred layers forward?" , Just like the gravity around, has no effect on them. "

(End of this chapter)

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