Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1857: : Refuse to draw

? Ye Xiaohu's speed is too fast, almost a blink of an eye, beyond the past rivals.

What **** purple glass Tianjun?

At this moment, he was crushed behind him, and I saw Ye Xiaohu taking Master Nan forward step by step.

Swish swish.

In a blink of an eye, Ye Xiaohu took Master Nan to the last floor.

I saw a dozen people already at this level.

"Are you coming again?"

"I feel the breath, and it's still two people."

"This hundred battles, it turned out that the opponent has increased a lot. This time, two people came directly."

"It's already seventeen or eight people. I didn't expect to see so many geniuses this time."

"At this moment, I finally feel the pressure, otherwise it won't be a trivial victory, so it's too boring."

The people who insisted this time were basically some people with four heavens.

I saw their faces, one was uglier than the other, obviously they suffered a lot of gravity.

"I can not make it."

At this stage, Master Nan Shao couldn't help but look ugly, but he looked at Ye Xiaohu with embarrassment: "I can't hold on to this level, let me go to the second level."


Ye Xiaohu glanced back at Master Nan, and he saw that his body was already about to collapse.

Although gravity can cheat, most people's bodies are unbearable in the face of absolute pressure, so they are gradually suppressed and collapsed.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu had no choice but to place Master Nan Shao on the second floor, which was regarded as his wish.

"Huh, why did someone give up?"

"It's weird."

"Let Lao Tzu take a look at who he actually gave up this last level, but chose the second level to practice?"

"Huh, why are they?"

When the strongest group of people opened their eyes and looked at the past, they suddenly found that the person in front of them was Ye Xiaohu.

A person in the early days of the triple heaven.

However, Ye Xiaohu could stand on the same floor quietly as if he were nothing. He didn't feel the huge pressure like they did, and had some difficulty breathing, and seemed to be at ease.

So they looked down, and they saw Nan Shaozhu, who was only one step away from them. They grinded their teeth and practiced on the second level, and they resisted the gravity.

As for other people, although they are still struggling to advance, but their order is too bad. Obviously, the people just mentioned are not these people.

Then it can only be Ye Xiaohu and South Young Master, but the South Young Master who should have been arrogant is actually the one who gave up the first layer. Such a picture has to be said to surprise them.

"Waste, the people of the Nan family are too wasteful, and they dare not even try the first floor."

"It seems that the Nanjia will not need to pay attention in the future, and there will be no big table."

"The Nanjia have been hovering in the top 30 all these years, and it has long been not our top 20 camp."

"Forget it, don't pay attention to him, continue to practice."

This group of peerless geniuses only knew Master Nan Shao, but not Ye Xiaohu.

So when they saw Ye Xiaohu, they were surprised in most cases, and then immediately withdrew their eyes.

Ye Xiaohu, who saw this scene, did not get too entangled in this issue.

I saw Ye Xiaohu found a place that was most suitable for him, and sat quietly cross-legged, and put himself into cultivation.

This special gravity can refine his body, and Ye Xiaohu will not miss it.

So Ye Xiaohu withdrew his elemental dharma power, withdrew his five-element golden body power, and used his own physical body to resist this power.

So under the pressure of gravity, Ye Xiaohu's body began to evolve rapidly.

I saw that Ye Xiaohu's genes, under the pressure of gravity, actually began to fission. This special situation has violated what most people can understand.

After all, the gravity inside the Nantianmen is formed by the fairy power, so when they press the fairy body, they will also promote the genetic changes of the fairy people.

With this continuous fission of genes, Ye Xiaohu felt that his cultivation was also improving a little bit.

Probably practicing for a quarter of an hour, under the premise of genetic enhancement, Ye Xiaohu directly raised a small realm, reaching the middle of Tianjun's triple heaven.

And there is no stop here, still strengthening Ye Xiaohu's body.

Ye Xiaohu at this moment, because the cultivation base is weaker than those of Tianjun's fourfold heavens, and he takes less natural materials and treasures, so his body improves the fastest.

Everyone else at one minute, he raised ten points and grew rapidly at ten times the rate of others.

"No, it's still too slow."

But Ye Xiaohu was checking his body while practicing.

Although Ye Xiaohu has raised a small realm, it is still very slow for Ye Xiaohu, so he only has to move on.

So Ye Xiaohu glanced around, and found that other people didn't seem to know the peculiarity of this gravity, and they were still using immortal resisters such as Fashen.

"When they discover the mystery of gravity, it is estimated that they are all over."

Ye Xiaohu glanced around and found that there was only one hour left.

An hour is too fast, so Ye Xiaohu can't continue to waste.

So Ye Xiaohu took a deep breath, actually gave up the operation of the Immortal Fa, gave up the resistance of the flesh, and just let the oppression of gravity.


The next moment, when Ye Xiaohu had just let go of everything, the terrible fairy gravity had already overwhelmed Ye Xiaohu's body, and pressed him to the floor.

"Stupid, obviously not strong enough, but came to the first level by relying on some magical magic weapons. Now that magical powers and magic weapons are unsustainable, are you completely dumbfounded?"

"As for his Tianjun's cultivation practice, it is estimated that he will be squashed in a while, and I don't know if his life can survive. If the inventory is not available, then this time is a waste of an opportunity. And even if it survives I am afraid that some combat power will also be lost. How to get rid of the actual battle of the next hundred battles? "

"No, didn't you find that the new kid has improved a lot, and has reached the middle of Tianjun triple heaven?"

"Is Tianjun Mietian mid-day? I remember when he first came to this level, the fighting power that broke out seems to be only Tianjun Mietian early?"

"Perhaps he was more treacherous, so he concealed his means at the beginning. Another one we have been resisting this weird gravity, so there is no way to investigate all his cultivation practices?"

"How about him? As long as you don't step into Tianjun's fourfold heavens, you can never pose a threat to us."

For a time, the strong men of Tianjun's fourfold heavens closed their glasses again, and continued to resist the test of the last floor of Tongtian Ladder.

At the same time, Ye Xiaohu, looking at the fission rate in the body, the slowing cells, could not help but sigh.

Even if he gave up the dharma god, gave up the golden body, gave up the immortal dharma ... Although he could greatly improve Ye Xiaohu's talent and cultivation, there was still no way for him to directly reach the four heavens of Tianjun.

Unless he can stay in such an environment, he can persist for a year and a half.

However, there is obviously no way to make Ye Xiaohu stick to this test for a year and a half.

So Ye Xiaohu could only sigh, and then took out some of the elixir he had previously stored from his storage magic weapon, and swallowed it directly.

At this moment Ye Xiaohu, using the power of Xianqi gravity, to help himself absorb the medicine properties of those elixir.

This approach is slightly risky, but the effect is still very significant.


In this way, Ye Xiaohu's cultivation is a little bit of improvement.

I don't know how long it has passed. When Ye Xiaohu felt the weight of his body and began to fade a little, he knew his body was basically fine.

At this time, Ye Xiaohu's cultivation practice has been promoted to the late Tianjun Mietian.

This speed of progress was already a big improvement for Ye Xiaohu, so he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Ye Xiaohu saw one by one stand up and looked at the place where Ye Xiaohu was.

"Who are you, from which fairyland?"

"Boy, your talent is good. Did you join our sect and become the core disciple of my sect?"

"Fart, your sect is only among the top 100 immortal gates, barely ranked in the top fifteen, what qualifications are there to recruit talented disciples?"

"Huh, Lao Tzu is not qualified, are you qualified? Our top 20 immortal gates have similar powers, the difference is who plays better."

"Soft egg, if you are not convinced, you can play against me, can you see if I can beat you?"

"Fuck, are you going to die?"

No matter what level of people they have, they have their own contradictions, so they see the potential of Ye Xiaohu and want to win over Ye Xiaohu.

At the same time, they have to face the oppression and sarcasm of their opponents, which makes them feel very headache when they want to do anything.

"Go away."

At this time, the second-ranked Xianyu Overlord came over from a short distance and directly pushed away other Xianmen strongmen. He quietly looked at Ye Xiaohudao: "Boy, our Xiandimen, is Within the entire Central Immortal Kingdom, the most powerful immortal gate, as long as you join my immortal gate, then my immortal gate will definitely cultivate you. In the future, I will be the elder of the immortal gate of my immortal gate, there is also a chance. "

Fairy Emperor Gate?

Ye Xiaohu's eyes lit up when he heard the other party's self-protection.

He had already had a clear understanding of the Immortal Emperor Gate in the information provided by Master Nan Shao before.

According to the records given by the Southern Shaozhu, Xiandimen is located in the imperial capital.

There are two powerful immortal gates in that place, one is immortal emperor gate and one is immortal phoenix gate.

Both are on one side, but they can enter a hundred battles together.

The original situation of the Shuanghaomen in the imperial capital when the Jibeian Fairy Territory was not created was exactly one hundred sect. However, in the aftermath of the Demon Clan Disturbance, in order to consolidate the dominance of the Northern Immortal Territory, the Immortal Emperor of the Central Immortal Kingdom created the Northern Immortal Territory and allowed the ancestral gate of the Northern Immortal Territory to enter. Hundred battles, thus enhancing the combat power of the extremely northern fairyland.

But the matter of the Shuanghaomen in the imperial capital has still not been resolved.

Therefore, the current Hundred Sects Battle is actually one hundred and one sect, but no one cares about that problem, because both Xiandimen and Xianhuangmen represent the imperial capital.

And these two immortal gates have the most geniuses, and each time is the first and second place in a hundred battles, firmly controlling the position of this peerless arrogance.

Hearing the invitation of the genius of Immortal Emperor Gate, the South Young Master who had just awakened on the ground couldn't help but brow his eyebrows, and was obviously shocked by the news.

At this time, the invited Ye Xiaohu shook his head and sighed: "Sorry, the Jibei Immortal Territory is where I gave birth. If I can, I don't want to leave the Jibei Immortal Territory and betray Heranzong. . "

"Humph, stupid."

Seeing Ye Xiaohu directly rejected his invitation, facing the genius of Xiandimen, but there were some dissatisfied saying: "One day sooner or later, you will regret the decision just now. But at that time, you are doomed to have been abandoned by us, Can no longer enter our immortal gate to study, hum. "

As soon as the genius of Immortal Emperor Gate left, the Southern Young Master who had been pretending to be dead on the spot, could not help opening his eyes carefully, and then came to Ye Xiaohu and said: "Mr. Ye, you should not have rejected the invitation of Immortal Emperor Gate."

"Everyone has their own perseverance. The extreme northern fairyland and Helanzong are my persistence. I will never betray Zongmen."

Ye Xiaohu disagreed and insisted on nodding and saying, "Not to mention that the sincerity of Xiandimen is not enough. Let me be an ordinary elder, that is not the goal I yearn for."


Hearing Ye Xiaohu's prosperity, Master Nan Shao couldn't help but sigh: "You know, the person you just invited is the famous genius of Xiandimen, the new generation of Landi Qiu Zhishui. His character has always been compared Arrogant, although he didn't express it just now, I am worried that he will trouble you later. "

"When I rejected him, I had expected this. If I was afraid, then I would not have said that at all."

Ye Xiaohu shook his head ~ ~ still said indifferently: "Because I don't care about him, if he comes to trouble me, then I will let Ye Xiaohu not let him walk around. "


Nan Shaozhu laughed bitterly, if Landi Qiu Zhishui of Xiandimen really came to invite him, then he might really give up the responsibility of inheriting the family and choose to join Xiandimen.

But it is a pity that Immortal Emperor Gate did not look at him as a young master.

Just when Master Nan Shao was so moved, a group of people had been driven out by Nan Tianmen because they had been eliminated.

Only those who survive and have improved physical talents will be sent to the top of Tongtianzhu to enter the third level of testing.

So Ye Xiaohu and Nan Shaozhu went together, and finally came to the last place to test the level, simply looked at it and said: "This is the actual test, is it the old Devil Channel?"

(End of this chapter)

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