Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1877: : Tianjun 3 Peaks

"It's just a few dead, what's the big deal?"

"As long as you can kill you and destroy your southern home, then I naturally have countless benefits to get, why not do it?"

"Since the ghosts and ghosts all abandoned their peers for the sake of benefit, what else can I expect from an outsider?"

"What's more, I have done a lot of back work, as long as they are not poisoned, then I can help them to cure them. In that case, there is no big problem."

Facing the doubts of South Young Master, Yao Wang Tianjun couldn't help but look down with contempt, and did not take South Young Master's words in his eyes at all.

Although in the Nine Serenities Union Army, many people felt some sadness.

But they also know that this is their destiny.

In the eyes of Guiyou Tianjun and others, they are just some abandoned children.

Now they still have some use, so they still use them.

If they are useless one day, they can discard it at any time.

But they have no right to change, because this is their destiny.

"Humph, sophistry."

Faced with the refutation of Yao Wang Tianjun, Master Nan Shao could not help but take a deep breath, and then stared at Yao Wang and Gui You Tianjun with death, saying: "But do you think that you can take me this way?"

"I confess that I had some big ideas before and let you take some advantage.

But do n’t think that you can do whatever you want.

My Southern Master is not a weak person and will not let you control it at will. "

Master Nan Shao snorted, and then ran his own immortal law directly, trying to suppress the spread of toxins temporarily with tyrannical cultivation practices.

After solving the medicine king and ghost Youtianjun, he came to deal with the toxins in his body.

But he had just absorbed the fairy energy around him, but found something that scared him.

That is the immortal energy, he could not absorb it at all.

Under such circumstances, after carefully sensing for a while, he couldn't help but frown, and then looked up at the sky and said: "Okay, a ghost and a ghost, and a Lu Bu.

It seems that you have cooperated for a long time, and in this underground, a formation can be arranged to isolate the recovery of immortal qi.

No wonder you didn't chase after the victory and watched me consume the cultivation practice on the ground to defend against the toxins in the body. It turns out that you have been consuming my cultivation practice, consuming my fairy energy, and want to watch me die. "

Nan Shao's face was very embarrassed, feeling his doom is coming.

Although he didn't want to admit it, if he didn't have enough fairy energy, he would fill his shortfall.

Then let alone kill the ghost ghost and the medicine king Tianjun, even if you run away for a while, there is no immortal energy to support it, then the young master is a lamb to be slaughtered, and there is no hope of escape at all. .

"Southern Young Master, you are very clever and talented, but you are wrong and should not provoke my Nine Serenity Realm, because even our Nine Serenity Realm is a skinny camel, it is bigger than your Southern Celestial Realm , Stronger and deeper. "

Guiyou Tianjun sneered, and then said to Yaowang Tianjun: "Daoyou, Daoist, please go and help Brother Netheryou first, let me deal with it here."


Yao Wang Tianjun glanced at Master Nan, he knew that Jiuyou Xianyu had locked the victory at this moment, so he nodded directly and locked the opponent of Ningyou Tianjun, planning to find a chance to throw it up and give him a fatal blow. .

At the same time, Guiyou Tianjun prepared to leave, and directly went to kill the Southern Master.

But while he was preparing, he saw that Lu Buer rushed down one step ahead and directly killed the young master in the air: "Ghost You Tianjin, beheaded a dying southern young master, without your effort, I Collected his head in person and come to report to you again. "

Hearing Lu Buer's proposal, Guiyou Tianjun thought for a while and thought that it would do the same, so he nodded and didn't immediately strike out to kill Master Nan Shao.

At the same time, Guiyou Tianjun is observing the situation and thinking about what to do next.

At this time, Lu Bu Er had already come to Nan Shaozhu's side, and directly punched Nan Shaomin: "Nan Shanyun, you have been arrogant and arrogant in the past, but now you are done?

It is estimated that you have never dreamed that you will die in my palm one day, right? "

Lu Bu'er was proud, apparently thinking he had locked the victory.

But when he saw Lu Buer killing himself, Master Nan Shao sighed.

With this sigh, there were some disappointments and some losses.

The reason for the disappointment was that Gui Youtian Jun did not actually kill him, but instead let Lu Buer kill himself.

The reason for the loss is because the killing of one Lu Fueru did not have a great impact on the overall situation.

However, Lu Bu Er had already arrived, so Master Nan could not find a second chance anymore, so he could only sigh and directly changed his defensive posture, volleying towards Lu Bu Er.

"Huh, you who are less than 30% cultivated, will not kill me."

Facing the attack of the South Shaozhu, Lu Buer's disdainful expression was full of sarcasm.

But when the two of them attacked and collided with each other across the air, Lu Buer realized why Master Nan looked down on him, because Master Nan was really too powerful.


I saw a muffled noise. Just now, Lu Buer, who was arrogant and arrogant, reached the pinnacle of Tianjun's double sky. He didn't understand what was going on. He was beaten by the South Master on the spot.

"this is……"

Seeing the ghost and ghost Tianjun in this scene, he could not help looking at the young master in horror, obviously feeling that the situation was a little strange.

Although Lu Buer is very weak, it is not so weak, right?

So Guiyou Tianjun glanced at the young master Nan, and he suddenly found that the master ’s cultivation behavior was directly promoted to the heyday. This made Gui Youtianjun look like a ghost: "Damn, what is this? What happened, why did the immortal energy in your body return to its peak state in an instant? "

"I don't know what happened. Although I couldn't communicate the fairy energy briefly before, but after a period of adaptation, I finally noticed the fairy energy and recovered a little bit."

Master Nan Shao said coldly: "Perhaps this question, you should go back and ask the person who arranged this formation."

"Netherworld, you mistake me."

Ghost You Tianjun has never participated in specific operations like this. Basically, You You Tianjun is operating.

So when he noticed this, he naturally gave all the problems to Ningyou Tianjun and asked him to be taken by this **** pot.

Although he said so, in order to avoid the return of Master Nan Shao and affect the subsequent battle, Guiyou Tianjun took the initiative to kill Master Nan, and shouted: "Drug King Taoist, please come back and help me kill Nan Little Lord."


Such a good situation turned out to be a tremendous change as soon as he left.

This made the medicine king Tianjun had to curse, and then gave up to help the ghost, instead came back to help the ghost.

So the masters of the three great heavenly kings and the threefold heavens collided again.

This time, the two sides were still fighting for half a catty, but judging from the situation, the South Young Master should be slightly weaker. After all, he still has toxins in his body.

However, because the Nine Nine Forbidden Immortal Array lost its function, the Alliance Army of the South Young Master could still replenish its own immortal power, and it was difficult for both parties to contain each other for a time. This was not a good thing for the Nine Nine Immortal Territory.

So while fighting, while taking advantage of the free opportunity, Guiyou Tianjun said to a younger brother: "Brother Gongsi, please go to the Nine Nine Forbidden Immortals, take a look at what is going on, try to repair the Nine Youxianxian array.

Brother Qi Lian, go up and help Brother Bei Gong temporarily to block his opponent. "

After a simple command from Guiyou Tianjun, the named Beigong Tianjun immediately withdrew and handed his opponent to the same gate, quickly entered the interior of the Nine Nether Forbidden Immortal Array.

As soon as he came in, he found that there was no problem with the operation of the Nine Nine Forbidden Immortals, but there was a problem with the core.

Because there is too little energy in the Nine Nether, it is difficult to maintain the strength of the Nine Nine Forbidden Immortal Array at all times, so it will cause the Nine Nine Forbidden Immortal Array to be intermittent, which gives the South Young Master and others the opportunity.

"It turned out that there was a problem with the Nine Nether Evil Energy, so as long as the problem is solved, the Nine Nine Forbidden Immortal Array can resume normal operation."

After a brief glance, Beigong Tianjun understood the problem, so he directly accelerated the speed and quickly came to the place where the Nine Nether Evil Energy was located.

Together, he discovered a problem that surprised him.

A piece of the Nine Nether evil energy, which was supposed to be large, has disappeared at this moment.

Instead, it was a fairy, sitting cross-legged in that place.

When Beigong Tianjun saw the other party, the other party also saw Beigong Tianjun.

"who are you?"

The Beigong Tianjun did not act as a hands-on, but instead frowned and interrogated: "Why are you here, and where is the Nine Nether Evil in my Nine Nether Fairy Territory?"

"Nine Nether Evil Energy is in this place."

Ye Xiaohu pointed to his Dantian position, and then said with a smile: "Now it has been completely refined by me, so if you want to get it back, I'm afraid you won't get it back.

As for my name, I believe you should know it. After all, your former Zhao Renyi has been looking for me and aimed at my sect and immortal domain. "

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Beigong Tianjun's complexion changed greatly.

He is a core member of the Nine Serenity Realm, and naturally knows what task Zhao Renyi is going to perform, so he looks black and stinky: "You are from the extremely northern fairy land, Ye Xiaohu, the wild kid in that country?"

"Ye boy or something, I am not talking about me, because the extremely northern fairyland is also a land of civilization, but it was developed late."

Ye Xiaohu shrugged his shoulders, then stood up from the ground and moved his bones: "Fighting outside and fighting again, you hurriedly entered this place again, it seems that the Nine Serenity Realm has battled with the Southern Celestial Realm?"

"Zhao Renyi is really a waste, he has broken the plan of Brother Guiyou, he is really damn."

Bei Gong Tianjun snorted, and then looked directly at Ye Xiaohu said: "But since you took the initiative to come to the door, then let me die!"

Will Zhao Renyi kill you?

Then I come.

This is the inner thought of Beigong Tianjun at this moment.

And only if he killed Ye Xiaohu, then he can draw his hand and adjust the Nine Nine Forbidden Immortal Array, otherwise procrastination will not be a good thing for the Nine Nine Immortal Domain.

"If you want to teach Zhao Renyi, then you have to go to the prefecture to find him."

Ye Xiaohu laughed loudly, and then didn't talk to Beigong Tianjun nonsense, he directly killed Beigong Tianjun and said: "But since you miss him, then I'll be a good person and send you to see him."



The cultivation of the Northern Palace Tianjun is not weak, and it is the level of the Tianjun triple mid-day.

And the combat experience is very rich, making it difficult to parry the first shot.

Unfortunately, his opponent is Ye Xiaohu.

Ye Xiaohu categorically couldn't easily let him defeat himself, not to mention Ye Xiaohu swallowed such a big piece of Nine Nether evil energy, naturally it couldn't be too weak.

So Ye Xiaohu took a deep breath and his breath changed.

Soon Ye Xiaohu's cultivation practice reached the peak of the terrifying Tianjun triple sky.

It's a pity that the Nine Nether Evil can have some less energy. If you can get another one, then Ye Xiaohu believes that he can directly reach the Tianjun Fourfold Heaven.

But this is not the time to talk about this, so Ye Xiaohu did not continue to talk nonsense, and directly punched Tiangong Tianjun with a punch.


After just one contact, Bei Gong Tian Jun was beaten by Ye Xiaohu and flew out four or five meters, which made Bei Gong Tian Jun's face ugly.

In the information he originally knew, Ye Xiaohu was an ordinary Tianjun Mie Tian early strong, but now the opponent's cultivation behavior is higher than himself.

But he thought again and again, and he knew why Ye Xiaohu was quick to improve here, obviously related to that piece of Nine Nether Evil Energy.

But now is not the time for the more serious problem, he must pass this kid out, and let Guiyou Tianjun and others prepare as soon as possible, so as to avoid any problems.

"Ye Xiaohu ~ ~ You eat me one move and kill nine worlds."

Bei Gong Tianjun roared, and directly made a killing move, directly killing Ye Xiaohu.

Ye Xiaohu knew that this trick left, so he quickly dodged.

When Ye Xiaohu dodged, Beigong Tianjun, regardless of three, seventy-one and twenty-one, ran directly towards the Nine Nine Forbidden Immortal Array.

"Interesting, it was actually a deception."

Ye Xiaohu was stunned for a moment, but then he understood it after another thought.

Because the trick of exterminating the world is too powerful, even the person who is the triple peak of Tianjun is difficult to display at will, not to mention the weak first-ranking Tiangong Tianjun?

So Ye Xiaohu punched Long Kong directly and smashed the Nine Nether Worlds of Beigong Tianjun, while chasing toward Beigong Tianjun, then said with a smug face: "Don't run away, from this place Even if you take the practice of your Tianjun Triple Heaven, then at least you need to run 0.0009 seconds, this time is enough for me to kill you, so I advise you, it is best not to struggle. "

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