Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1878: : Wanwang Poison

"What's going on underground, why is there such a big shake?"

"Damn, the Nine Nine Forbidden Immortals array really has a problem. Someone must be doing damage underneath, so the younger brother of the Northern Palace will fight with people underground."

"A familiar smell, it seems to have been seen somewhere, but I can't remember it for a while?"

"No, there is a problem with the Nine Nine Forbidden Immortals. We must stay away from this place, otherwise even if this force erupts, even we will be attacked."

There was violent shaking from the underground, so that the people on the ground also changed their faces one by one, obviously they felt horror.

In particular, some people who have become weak are feeling a huge crisis.

So at this critical moment, they took a step back and temporarily pulled a distance away to avoid being affected by underground fighting at this time.

As soon as they gave way, Master Nan and other people's faces instantly looked better.

Because in this way, they can breathe for tens of seconds, and recover the lack of immortality in the body, and recuperate the damage to the body.

Although this time is short, it is basically difficult to repair anything, but some are better than none.

At the moment they separated, a person rushed out of the ground.

"Brother Gong Shi."

"What's going on, why are you so embarrassed?"

"What happened to the Nine Nine Forbidden Immortal Great Array, and why did it suddenly collapse?"

As soon as Beigong Tianjun came out, Guiyou Tianjun saw him immediately, so he quickly inquired.

Seeing this scene, Beigong Tianjun couldn't help but brighten his face and quickly rushed towards Guiyou Tianjun: "Brother Ghost You save me, there are leaves underground ..."


Almost when the Northern Palace Tianjun was speaking, suddenly a violent force rushed straight up from the underground.

He didn't give Bei Gong Tianjun any reaction time at all, nor gave Ghost You Tianjun the opportunity to help, he directly devoured Bei Gong Tianjun.


At the next moment, Beigong Tianjun didn't make any more sounds, but was swallowed up by the strong and immortal force behind him on the spot.


A Tianjun triple-strength strongman, without any struggle, was wiped out on the spot.

The change in this scene has to be said to shock everyone.

Even the most powerful one-on-one Nan Shao on the scene could not help but change his face.

Obviously, the person who appeared suddenly did not have weaker combat power than him, even stronger than him.

Because in terms of his cultivation, it is impossible to want to destroy the Beigong Tianjun in such a silent way.

Of course, Beigong Tianjun can do it without defense, but this probability is too low.

Just when Master Nan and others were surprised, the people who killed Beigong Tianjun underground came out from the ground.

As soon as he came out, the people on the other side of the Nine Serenities Territory were not surprised at all, and some were only vigilant.

But their opponents, the people of Nantian Alliance, were surprised at this moment, especially those who had seen Ye Xiaohu, their faces changed a lot at this moment.

"My God, is it that I am dazzled, I actually saw that traitor Ye Xiaohu?"

"Isn't Ye Xiaohu defected and turned to Jiu You Xian Yu? Why did he still appear in this place, and he is still helping us to destroy Bei Gong Tianjun of Jiu You Xian Yu?"

"No, don't you forget that the person who said that Ye Xiaohu defected has always been Lu Buer, and there is no substantial evidence. What's more, Lu Bu Er is now dead, and he also betrayed before his death, and He turned to Jiuyou Xianyu and dealt with Master Nan, so how could he believe what he said? "

"You said that, and I remembered it. It's actually the same thing. If it wasn't Lu Bu Er, we wouldn't be in such a crisis."

For a time, the people of the Nantian Alliance came to wake up.

Hearing their remarks, the people of the Nine Serenity Realm naturally heard it, so their faces changed greatly.

Ye Xiaohu.

People from the country?

The significance of his appearance is too important.

The people in the Nine Serenity Territory, when they were horrified, Ye Xiaohu flew into the air and looked back at Master Nan Shao: "Sorry, I came a little late."

"Just come."

Master Nan Shao took a deep breath and gave Ye Xiaohu a satisfied smile, responding to Ye Xiaohu said: "It happened that we did not encounter any major problems, and now you are joining again, which is just like adding strength to the tiger."

Ye Xiaohu laughed loudly, and then continued to look at the people in the Nine Serenity Realm.

Seeing this scene, Master Nan and others did not continue to wait, because at this moment the underground shaking had stopped, and the role of the Nine Nine Forbidden Immortals had completely disappeared, so everyone knew that the formation had completely failed. Too.

Just as they were about to start the decisive battle, Guiyou Tianjun's face changed greatly and said, "How did you do it, how did you enter into my Nine Nine Forbidden Immortals without knowing the ghost, and destroy the Nine Nine Forbidden Immortals The core of the array? "

"Then I would like to thank you, after all, you have left so many evil spirits in the Nine Nine Forbidden Immortals."

Ye Xiaohu thanked Guiyou Tianjun with a look of excitement: "Otherwise, it is impossible for me to rise to a new level in such a short period of time."


Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Guiyou Tianjun couldn't help but spur blood.

He originally thought that the arrangement of the Nine Nine Forbidden Immortals would enable him to secure his victory. Ye Xiaohu succeeded in his wish.

But under such circumstances, things had already been promoted, and he could not change naturally, so he stared at Ye Xiaohu with an ugly face: "Since you have come to this place, where is my brother Zhao Renyi?"


Ye Xiaohu shrugged his shoulders, and then said to the ghost You Tianjun: "Zhao Renyi's name is good, but unfortunately he is not benevolent at all.

So in order to punish him, I will make him immortal. "

Ye Xiaohu said it was plain, but it made some people like Guiyou Tianjun feel deep fear.

There was Zhao Renyi first.

Behind the Palace of Heaven.

Both of them died, and both died so tragically, and it was difficult to resurrect.

This method is too cruel.

People in the Nine Serenity Field, their gums are tickling.

However, the people on the Nantian League felt no fear at all, because Ye Xiaohu was on their side.

Especially those who had misunderstood Ye Xiaohu before, at this moment completely gave up the misunderstanding at the beginning, and renewed the feeling of trust in Ye Xiaohu, naturally they would not be afraid of it.

"No more nonsense, because you are about to die."

At this time, Master Nan Shao did not continue to remain silent, only to see that he came up to Ye Xiaohu and said: "Since your cultivation behavior has reached the peak of Tianjun's triple heaven, the weaker drug king Tianjun will hand it to you Ghost You Tianjun gave it to me. Let ’s fight for a quick decision to help others. "

"no problem."

Ye Xiaohu nodded. Since Master Nan is willing to deal with the most powerful person, Ye Xiaohu will not rob him.

After all, they are cooperative, not masters and servants. Ye Xiaohu naturally has no obligation to desperately serve Master Nan.

So when Ye Xiaohu heard Master Nan's decision, he immediately walked towards Yao Wang Tianjun.

Seeing this scene, Yaowang Tianjun could n’t help but look gangsterly: “I admit that your cultivation base has reached the level of Tianjun ’s triple heaven peak, but you think that a new person like you is just like me. Opponent?

I tell you, it ’s simply delusion. "

Tianjun Wang saw that he was underestimated, which made him very unhappy.

Master Nan can underestimate him, because they are the same generation, so he is not convinced, and there is no way to take Master Nan.

But Ye Xiaohu is just a rising star, a few hundred years younger than him.

But such a person still does not take him in his eyes, which makes him look very embarrassed: "Well, since you want to die, then I will complete you."

Originally it was just the medicine Wang Tianjun who wanted to work without effort. At this moment, he completely gave up his initial thoughts. He decided to give a hard lesson to Ye Xiaohu and correct his name.


Seeing a muffled sound, Yao Wang Tianjun directly volleyed to Ye Xiaohu.


"Everyone is stunned."

"Kill all the people in the Nine Serenity Realm, and don't let any one of them escape. This is our mission. From then on, a new chapter will be opened, so that the people of the Southern Sky Alliance can go further."

"The people of the Southern Sky Alliance are too arrogant, and they actually want to challenge our people in the Nine Serenity Realm, which is simply a sin that should be punished. We should not be polite with them, and we should not have any hands, even if we change lives, It is also necessary to leave this group of people who dare to commit crimes to stay in this place so that they cannot return to the fairyland. "

For a time, people in the two major alliances broke out fiercely.

However, in order to avoid affecting the people of Tianjun one or two heavens, Ye Xiaohu and others pulled apart while fighting.

Soon they separated from others and came to a relatively empty and safe place.

So six people, three pairs, launched an extremely tragic fight.

The pair of Ning You Tianjun, because their cultivation ability and combat effectiveness are similar, so they played extremely tragic, basically all life and death.

As for Master Nan Shao and Gui You Tian Jun, because Master Shao broke out his own mystery before, and there are toxins in his body, he could not exert his peak fighting power. Therefore, he played against Jin You Tian Jun for a while, who was in a short time? It ’s hard to beat anyone.

Only the pair of Ye Xiaohu and Yao Wang Tianjun, the situation at this moment is relatively calm. The two collided in a volley, and after a brief trial, they all got a mentality.

"Drug King Tianjun?"

After contacting the medicine Wang Tianjun, Ye Xiaohu glanced at the medicine Wang Tianjun and said in a deep way: "If I am not wrong, you should have cultivated the medicine **** tactics.

No, not right.

You should have practiced a simplified version of the medicine **** formula, because I was aware of the shortcomings of the medicine **** formula in your body and your battle fluctuations. "

Medicine God tactics, that was a fairy law that all fairy doctors must practice in Tianting Immortal Hospital.

Ye Xiaohu was also fortunate enough to learn and watched for a while.

However, this fairy method is not suitable for Ye Xiaohu, so Ye Xiaohu did not learn, and kept it in his mind, without moving him.

But Ye Xiaohu never thought that today he actually saw a person who practiced this fairy law.

When Ye Xiaohu realized this, he immediately had a deeper thought in his mind.

The Southern Celestial Domain has the Southern Celestial Gate.

The Nine Nether Fairy Territory has the Nine Nether Evil Code.


Ye Xiaohu knew all these things, and they were all essential things in ancient times.

The ancient heaven was destroyed, but they passed on.

However, there are some incomplete places in the inherited classics. Perhaps this is the reason for the situation in Xianjie.

So who inherited it?

What purpose do they have?

Ye Xiaohu didn't know.

Ye Xiaohu at this moment is full of curiosity about the medicine Wang Tianjun.

"You actually know the medicine **** formula, it seems that you can't be kept anymore."

Yao Wang Tianjun's face was shocked, because Ye Xiaohu actually knew the name of the immortal method he practiced, and even knew the incomplete immortal method. For Yao Wang Tianjun, he had touched his inner secret.

This is the most important thing in their fairyland, and naturally it is impossible to let it go easily.

As a result, Yao Wang Tianjun snorted coldly, and a mass of green gas appeared on his body, which made Yao Wang Tianjun's face look ugly, but made Ye Xiaohu frown.

Venom body.

This is an immortal method that can turn your body into a poisonous body, which can cause fatal damage to the enemy.

Of course, this kind of immortal method also has a huge impact on those who practice it.

"Why bother?"

If Ye Xiaohu did not complete the breakthrough, then met the medicine king Tianjun who exhibited such a magic method ~ ~ There is really no way, at most, both sides play a tie.

But now that Ye Xiaohu's cultivation is up, coupled with cheating devices such as the five-element golden body tactics, the fighting power is naturally far above the medicine king Tianjun.

So Ye Xiaohu's body bathed in a golden yellow fairy.

Immediately afterwards, he went towards the medicine king Tianjun and said: "Although King Poison is powerful, but there is no way to break through my defense. If you only have this ability, then today's matchup, I Ye Xiaohu won the victory. "

Along with Ye Xiaohu's loud drink, Ye Xiaohu's body strength all gathered in Ye Xiaohu's hand, and along with Ye Xiaohu's palm, he went towards the medicine king Tianjun.

"Hugh looks down on me."

Yao Wang Tianjun heard Ye Xiaohu's remarks, and immediately roared, and displayed all the cultivation behavior, fiercely chiseled towards Ye Xiaohu, wanting to directly take Ye Xiaohu's life in return for Ye Xiaohu's shame.

But he had just made contact with Ye Xiaohu, and he felt that his blood was tumbling, and he flew out on the spot.

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