Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 775: : Brother Xiaohu

? "Wait a minute."

If you change to the past, then Ye Xiaohu will not care about him.

After all, the two parties have nothing to do with each other, but he has just asked that there is no prime time advertising space.

As a result, Deputy Director Wu sold a prime time advertising space to a **** broker, which made Ye Xiaohu very uncomfortable.

I saw Ye Xiaohu's frosty expression: "What's the meaning of Deputy Director Wu, I just asked if you have any prime time advertising space, and you told me there wasn't, and she was there as soon as she came?"

"Originally there wasn't, but the tall agent came, so there is no advertising space, and I will help her make a prime time."

Deputy Director Wu looked at Ye Xiaohu with disdain: "And even if there is a prime time, how much money can ordinary entrepreneurs like you invest in prime time advertising space. Instead of leaving you wasted, it is better to give it directly to the tall What about the broker. "


Tall and fat agent said disdainfully: "Little brother, where are you still cool, where are you going to be cool, don't mess around in this place."

"I'm fooling around, this is really a big joke."

Ye Xiaohu stopped and left, and then said to Deputy Director Wu and the tall agent: "I don't care what the two of you are, or what kind of relationship you have. In short, I want Ye Xiaohu for this prime time advertising position."

"You said it was about to happen?"

"Really what I said to Deputy Director Wu was farting?"

Tall brokers sneered, and Deputy Director Wu sneered aside: "Young man, you better leave the TV station obediently, otherwise I would n’t mind telling my peers to block your company ’s products and advertisements. Promote. "

"Block our company's products and publicity?"

Ye Xiaohu also got angry, and saw him sneer: "Okay, if you have the ability, then block my Ye family products. I want to take a look at what you have skills, block my Ye family products."

"Ye Family?"

"Where does it seem to have heard this title?"

Deputy Director Wu recalled it carefully, but he still did n’t remember where he had heard the Ye family ’s name, so he gave up thinking and pointed at Ye Xiaohu with contempt: “Ye family, right? From now on, we Provincial TV station will not have any business dealings with your Ye family. If there is any media unit in the province, if you cooperate with you, then it will be equal to our provincial TV station. Now you can go. "

"Let me go?"

Ye Xiaohu stood coldly and said: "When I returned to Songjiang City, no one had ever let me get out of the way."

"It seems that you don't cry without seeing the coffin."

Deputy Director Wu went to the secretary who was watching the play at the door and said: "You are still stunned, so hurry and blast me out of this ignorant person."


"Take it easy, Director, I will help you to teach him a hard meal."

The secretary standing at the door, and the TV station employee who helped Ye Xiaohu lead the way, looked at Ye Xiaohu's bad face.

But when they reached out and grabbed Ye Xiaohu.

Found that Ye Xiaohu could not be grasped at all. I saw that Ye Xiaohu passed through them like ghosts and spirits, and went to Deputy Director Wu on the spot and said: "A person like you is also worthy of being a TV station director?"

"What are you doing?"

"Of course it's beating you."

Ye Xiaohu was at the top, and waved his hand directly to beat him. On the spot, he deputy Deputy Director Wu flew on the spot: "The deflated third Deputy Director like you, also dare to find me Ye Xiaohu's trouble, I really do not know the life and death."

"Dare you hit me?"

Deputy director of Provincial TV Station is not only the person in charge of a TV station, but also the provincial leader.

Such an identity is not ordinary, but Ye Xiaohu said that he would fight, which made the Deputy Director Wu and the tall fat agent surprised. They saw that they looked at Ye Xiaohu one after another and could not help but take a step back.

"How to hit you?"

Ye Xiaohu stared at Deputy Director Wu with a black face and said: "You have the ability, you can fight back."

"Yes, I can fight back."

Deputy Director Wu's eyes suddenly lighted up, and if he raised his hand directly, he would hit Ye Xiaohu.

Which would like Ye Xiaohu's hand to be faster, almost when Deputy Director Wu raised his hand, Ye Xiaohu had already slapped in the past.

"Aren't you, let me fight back?"

Deputy Director Wu covered his cheeks with both hands, and looked awkward: "Why still hit me?"

"I'm not your mother, just hit it if you want to."

Ye Xiaohu sarcastically said: "I am not your son, why should I beat you?"


Deputy Director Wu was about to curse, but he saw Ye Xiaohu raise his hand again and quickly hid behind his men.

Ye Xiaohu originally wanted to keep up, and was teaching Deputy Director Wu.

It turned out that at this time, Ye Xiaohu saw two familiar people, and walked towards this side together, could not help standing in stunned.

"what happened?"

Saw a majestic woman's voice, sounded behind Deputy Director Wu: "What were you doing just now?"

"Taiwan, director."

Deputy Director Wu suddenly saw himself behind him. The director, nicknamed the Black Widow, quickly reported: "Director, this man is lawless, he actually committed murder in our TV station. Look at what he has done to my face."


Which one wanted to be Deputy Director Wu began to say, but the director of the provincial TV station vetoed: "Brother Xiaohu has always been polite, how could he hit you?"

Brother Xiaohu?

Hearing what the director said, Deputy Director Wu was dumbfounded. The TV station employees were all sweaty, and even the tall agents on the side were stunned. They did n’t know what to do.

"I haven't seen you in a while. You have been promoted to the director of the original sister. This is really a great event. Let's celebrate it later?"

Seeing the hurried people ~ ~ Ye Xiaohu said joyfully: "Brother Wang, why are you on TV too?"

"I used to be the acting director, executive deputy director, and I have just been straightened recently."

The former director smiled slightly, responded briefly to Ye Xiaohu, and said to the man beside him: "Mayor Wang, do you know Xiaohu?"

"Know, he is my brother."

Wang Yalou is a man who protects the calves. He saw Ye Xiaohu seriously: "Aren't you kid going to Zhongjing? Why did you come to the provincial TV station to make waves when you came back?"

"I just returned from the task."

Ye Xiaohu shrugged helplessly, and then explained: "I recently acquired a tobacco factory, specializing in the development of a special supply of cigarettes. So I want to make an advertisement and sell a batch of them. So I came to the provincial TV station to find a way When Naicheng wanted this Deputy Director Wu to see me young and was not rich enough, I asked Ye Xiaohu for trouble. So I was out of breath and taught him a meal. "

(End of this chapter)

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