Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 776: : Life meets everywhere

? "Nonsense."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu ’s words, Wang Yalou immediately said: “Ye Jiacai, Xian Hospital, and Shen Hospital you made ... In short, it ’s a good thing for the country and the people. Why do you often get faint recently? A Yejia winery and another Yejia cigarette factory, do you want to make money like that? "

Wang Yalou, who resented the iron and steel, obviously felt very dissatisfied with Ye Xiaohu's establishment of a tobacco factory.

The former director next to seemed to know the relationship between Ye Xiaohu and Wang Yalou, so he stood quietly and did not defend Ye Xiaohu, because she also wanted to see how Ye Xiaohu explained.

"Brother Wang, you are right, the cigarettes in the past are indeed harmful to the body."

Ye Xiaohu did not circumvent this problem, but instead explained to Wang Yalou seriously: "But the cigarettes produced by our Yejia Cigarette Factory are definitely better than most cigarette factories. harmless."

"Cigarette is harmless?"

I saw Ye Xiaohu wanted to go to the black road, Wang Yalou even said: "If you don't explain it to me today, then I will take someone to seal your tobacco factory."

"I believe Brother Wang also knows that our Ye family launched a new subsidiary not long ago, specializing in selling a special kind of pure water?"

Wang Yalou nodded, and Ye Xiaohu continued: "This new pure water is actually a kind of high-tech pure water that I specially developed. But all plants irrigated with this water will be well developed. And cure some of the internal defects of plants. Similarly, if humans drink it, it will also enhance the body's resistance. "

Wang Yalou frowned: "You mean, your Yejia Cigarette Factory also made cigarettes through this method?"


Although the Ye Family's pure water is just ordinary spirit water.

But it really does have the conditions that Ye Xiaohu said, so under the attention of Wang Yalou, Ye Xiaohu said frankly: "We Yejia Cigarettes not only use Yejia pure water to cultivate tobacco leaves, but also use Yejia Pure water grows Yejiacai and Yejia medicinal herbs, which is why our Yejia medicinal herbs and vegetables are so hot. "


Whether the Ye family cigarettes will be harmless, Wang Yalou does not know.

But he knew that Yejiacai and Yejia herbs were harmless, because he secretly arranged people to investigate and tested it, so Wang Yalou stared at Ye Xiaohu Road: "You put Yejia pure water on the market like this. Not afraid of being taken away by opponents? "

"Many people have thought about this in the past, but they have tried countless ways, and there is no way to study the mysteries and formulas of Yejia's pure water."

Ye Xiaohu said calmly: "And they study Yejia pure water, then they need to buy my Yejia pure water, which will also create benefits for my Yejia, so I can't wait for them to study. Not to mention our Yejia's Pure water, medicinal herbs, cigarettes, wine, vegetables, poultry, etc. have all been recognized by the state and become special products for the country. Who dares to compete with our Ye family and create contradictions unless he wants to talk to the country Right. "

National special offer.

These four words were thrown out and immediately attracted the attention of Wang Yalou and others.

I saw that the former Taiwanese director couldn't help but walked out from the side and said: "Xiaohu, you know the national special offer, that is not available to ordinary people, so you must not make up for yourself to avoid getting into the country. Leader's attention. "

"Origin Director, you can rest assured that I, Ye Xiaohu, never brag."

Ye Xiaohu patted his chest, swearing: "Yejia vegetables, Yejia liquor and other products ... I have obtained the approval of the state through Granny Huayingxiu and Chen Lao. As for the Yejia cigarettes, although they have not taken Approved by the state, but ... "

Ye Xiaohu drew a long note, and after attracting everyone's attention, he said word by word: "But our cigarettes from the Ye family were approved by Comrade Zhong Mou, and he personally instructed them to become special cigarettes for the state. "

"Zhong ... Comrade Zhongmou?"

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's explanation, Wang Yalou, who has been mixing in the official word all the year round, suddenly heard this title and suddenly said cautiously: "But who is Zhongjing?"

Ye Xiaohu promised: "Yes!"

"How do you know him?"

Wang Yalou said in disbelief: "Even me, it was only when I went to Zhongjing to attend the conference last time that I had met his old man."

"Is it so hard to see?"

Ye Xiaohu puzzled: "His old man is currently in my farm. I saw it every day recently. I feel that his old man is just a curious baby. Every day I am entangled with me to introduce everything in the farm, which makes me very upset. "

Ye Xiaohu didn't lie, Comrade Zhongmou was indeed curious about Yejia Farm.

In addition to negotiating with Ye Xiaohu to go to the Sun Island country, I have had more time to negotiate with Ye Xiaohu in the recent period, making Ye Xiaohu impatient.

"What, his old man is in Songjiang City, at your Yejia Farm?"

Wang Yalou could n’t sit still. The national leader came to his site, but he knew nothing about it. This made Wang Yalou unable to sit still, so he turned around and walked on the aisle: "Original sister, today ’s inspection will arrive. Here, I will go to Xiaohu's farm first. "

Wang Yalou did not respond to the original director, and disappeared directly on the provincial TV station.

"Deputy Director Wu, you have been out of work recently, so you have recently suspended work to stay paid, go out and relax."

The original director directly could not deal with Deputy Director Wu. At the same time, he said to Ye Xiaohu: "Go, go to the office with your sister, and your sister will make the decision for you personally to ensure that your Yejia brand cigarettes can be successfully advertised in prime time."

"Then thank the former director."

Yi Xiaohu smiled slightly, so he kept up with the footsteps of the original director ~ ~ The two left one after the other.

After they left, the tall agent next to him helped the deputy director Wu collapsed to the ground and said: "Deputy director Wu, it was all my old Gao's fault, which made you suspended and introspected."

"It's not your fault, it can only be said that I don't know Mount Tai with my eyes, and I didn't recognize this Bodhisattva."

Hearing the words of the tall agent, Deputy Director Wu could n’t help but smile bitterly: “But sister Gao, I also remind you that you should never provoke this **** in the future, especially within the boundaries of Songjiang City, otherwise do n’t say I, even your brother, can hardly protect you. "

"so serious?"

"It's more serious than this, you need to know that it's a hand-eye character!"

"That's bad."

The big agent suddenly thought of something, so he turned and ran towards the outside and said, "Xiao Han, still shooting advertisements for the pure water of Ye Family."

(End of this chapter)

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