Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 778: : Star of tomorrow

"who are you?"

Suddenly seeing a man come out, this makes Zhang Han slightly uncomfortable: "I am Zhang Han talking to Ms. Xiang Qing, when is it your turn to insert an outsider?"

"If you change to another place, then I really don't have the right to speak."

Ye Xiaohu shrugged his shoulders, and then pointed to the surrounding plant. The employees said: "But I'm sorry, I'm going to disappoint you, because this Yejia Water Plant is a company unique to Ye Xiaohu. Make any remarks in this place. "

"Are you the boss of this place?"

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Zhang Han was slightly stunned.

But when the consternation passed, he immediately regained his original appearance: "Since you are the boss, then it is better to deal with."

Ye Xiaohu smiled faintly: "What do you want to do with it."

"It's very simple. If you want to borrow my reputation to help your company promote it, then you must agree to my request."

Zhang Han tilted her legs proudly and pointed to sister Xiang Qing: "I want to date your employee Ms. Xiang Qing, as long as you can convince her, then I will help you shoot this ad immediately, and call in the fan group Fans buy. "

What date?

That is an excuse.

He wanted to go to the hotel with sister Xiang Qing to open a room.

Faced with such a situation, Ye Xiaohu walked across Zhang Han and gave him a slap: "On the basis of scum like you, is it worthy of dating me?"


Because Zhang Han is the identity of an ordinary person, Ye Xiaohu's slap power is very well controlled, it can be said that it is not light, and it is just right.

I saw Zhang Han clutching his cheek and screamed: "You are done, you dare to beat me Zhang Han, from now on, I will call on my fans, and refuse to buy your company's products altogether, and I also want to sue you this vulgar fellow and let you go bankrupt. "


Ye Xiaohu returned his hand and gave him another slap, hitting Zhang Han on the other face: "Although you tell me! If you can sue me, then I will write the name Ye Xiaohu backwards."

"You wait for Lao Tzu."

I saw Zhang Han took out a phone call on the spot and dialed a number: "Sister Gao, please help me inform my brother-in-law, I want to sue the boss of Yejia Water Plant ..."

Just after Zhang Han finished speaking, he heard a sound of high heels.

Immediately afterwards, a fat figure came out from behind Zhang Han, and raised his hand to give Zhang Han a slap: "You just said you want to sue, if you have the ability, you can tell Miss Ben again."

"Sister Gao, are you beating me?"

"How to hit you?"


I saw that the tall agent pinched his bucket waist with both hands, and then the tiger stared at Zhang Han.

Zhang Han immediately acted well, and took the initiative to reach out and hold the arm of the tall agent: "Isn't it your little cotton-padded jacket? When you get back to the hotel, you can play as you want, then you can do it. But can you now?" Help others, first teach the abominable man opposite? "

Hearing Zhang Han's words, take another look at Zhang Han's movements.

Ye Xiaohu and others have a nausea and want to vomit.

But the tall agent standing next to Zhang Han is more direct than Ye Xiaohu and others.


I saw the tall broker, and pushed away Zhang Han directly: "I tell you Zhang Han, if you can't get the forgiveness of Mr. Ye now, then I will not be your broker from now on."

Zhang Han was dumbfounded.

Since he became a first-tier star, his status has also been high, so when has he encountered such a situation?

But Zhang Han also knows that he can have all of today, that is the help behind the big broker.

Without the help of a tall agent, he is just an ordinary college student, and he would never have such a glorious life today.

So in the face of the persecution of the tall broker, Zhang Han finally chose to bow his head and walked in front of Ye Xiaohu: "Sorry, just my ignorance just now."

"You didn't offend me, so it doesn't make sense to apologize to me."

I saw Ye Xiaohu missed and said, "The person you really should apologize to is my sister Xiang Qing."


Zhang Han cried again, and walked to Sister Xiang Qing, said: "Sister Xiang Qing, I'm sorry just now, but I lost my speech at the moment. I also ask you to have a large number of adults and can forgive me."

"Forget it."

Sister Xiang Qing was originally very angry, but when she saw Zhang Han's apology and humility, the anger in Sister Qing Qing's heart immediately vanished: "Go! From now on, I don't want to see you again."

Seeing that Xiang Qing didn't continue to humiliate him, this made Zhang Han a little easier, so he walked back to the tall agent.

At this time, the tall agent only smiled at Ye Xiaohu Road: "Mr. Ye, after you have Zhang Han's cheeks raised, how about shooting your water plant's advertisement?"

"no need."

Perhaps Zhang Han is more powerful and influential, but in Ye Xiaohu's view, such a person of character, as a spokesperson for his own water plant, is something he cannot accept.

So Ye Xiaohu categorically rejected the proposal of the tall broker, and at the same time said to the tall broker: "From now on, our company and your company's Zhang Han will cut off all commercial contacts."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, the tall agent quickly said: "Can Mr. Ye discuss?"

"No need to discuss, things are decided."

Ye Xiaohu waved directly: "Before I was not angry, now you can go."

"Yes, yes, let's go."

The tall agent listened to Ye Xiaohu's words, but was scared to sweat.

Nodded in a hurry, and took Zhang Han and other people to wait, and quickly left ~ ~ no longer dared to stay in front of Ye Xiaohu.

After their departure, Sister Xiang Qing couldn't help but sighed: "Xiaohu, I know you are good for me, so I just shot Zhang Han. But the reputation and influence of that Zhang Han is really our Ye family. Water plants open channels, the best medium. "

"Is that so?"

Ye Xiaohu said in surprise: "Is there no other star with the same reputation?"

"There are a lot of small fresh meats, which also have such popularity. But those small fresh meats have not been active recently, or they are expensive to die, and our Yejia Water Plant can't afford it."

Sister Xiang Qing smiled bitterly: "This Zhang Han is already the star with the lowest price in the first-line small fresh meat."

"Since this is the case, then we will not invite big names."

Ye Xiaohu thought about it and finally made a decision: "You wait for me to make a phone call, and I invite a star of tomorrow to cooperate with us in shooting advertisements."

(End of this chapter)

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