Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 779: : Xiaohu is my noble

"Boss, I want to film."

In today's peaceful era, entertainment is already a matter of greatest concern to the public.

Therefore, anyone with some abilities will create their own entertainment company.

At this moment, in the office of the boss of the Kailong brokerage company, a beautifully dressed woman pressed her hands to the boss ’desk:" I have joined Kailong for more than a year, but since this year, I have been in two TV series. , Came on for a bit, ran a dragon set, and did nothing, so fans will forget me sooner or later. "


The boss of Kailong Brokerage Company, Wang Dakai said disdainfully: "Do you think that Liu Yifei still has fans?"


Liu Yifei just said that he certainly has fans, but he saw Wang Dakai's smirking expression on his face, and could not help but choked: "You deliberately, deliberately consumed my popularity, so I pressed me for a year, Do n’t let me go out for the show? "

"Aren't you stupid?"

Hearing Liu Yifei's words, Wang Dakai said with disdain: "If you find out earlier, then there may be a chance to turn over. But now, no matter where you go, it is estimated that no one will ask for it?"

"Why, why is this?"

Liu Yifei looked at Wang Dakai puzzledly: "I used to have no contradiction with you Wang Dakai, and even joined your Kailong brokerage company at the lowest price. Why did you deal with Liu Yifei like this?"

"You and I have no hatred in the past, but you have overlooked a problem. I used to be Gao's younger brother."

I saw Wang Dakai hung his toothpick, and looked at Liu Yifei with disdain: "You shouldn't have to, you shouldn't. When you have a little fame, you will go against Sister Gao."

"Sister Gao, the dead fat pig Gaofen?"

Hearing the name of the tall agent, Liu Yifei suddenly said with a bitter smile: "It turned out that she was a ghost in the back. No wonder she hadn't targeted me after I quarreled with her last year? , Come and deal with me, the unknown pawn. "

In Liu Yifei's mind, it appeared at a press conference last year.

Zhang Han, a popular fried chicken, took a fancy to himself and made himself his girlfriend.

After being rejected by Liu Yifei, Zhang Han used the relationship of tall brokers to force himself everywhere and let himself submit to his threats.

As a result, Liu Yifei still did not surrender, and even violated the face of the tall broker, left the original brokerage company and joined Wang Dakai's Kailong brokerage company, but now it seems that she still has not escaped her magic claw.

"Since I said something today, I will give you two options."

I saw Wang Dakai spit out the toothpick in his mouth, and then said to Liu Yifei: "One is to apologize to Zhang Han and find an opportunity to accompany Zhang Han to sleep. Then, when Zhang Han died, it was up to him To help you say a word to Sister Gao, you are not without hope to return to the sight of the audience. "

Liu Yifei resolutely said: "That is impossible."

"Then there is only one result."

Wang Dakai pointed at Liu Yifei and said: "In our remaining half-year contract, I will do my best to suppress you and create some negative scandals for you, so that you will never have a chance to come back."

To continue the star dream, or to fight back to its original form, or even smell for ten thousand years.

pick one of two.

This made Liu Yifei more entangled. I did n’t know what to do for a while.

As a result, the phone in the bag rang through.

So Liu Yifei withdrew his emotions and briefly glanced at the phone number.

When Liu Yifei confirmed the identity of the person who called, he immediately overjoyed the external channel: "Mr. Ye, how could you call me?"

"This is it?"

"I am interested, but my situation is more complicated. My boss blocked an opponent for me. I haven't taken anything for more than a year."

"What, don't you mind, can you cancel the contract for me?"

"Then thank you very much Mr. Ye."

Doodle doodle.

When there was a blind tone on the phone.

Liu Yifei was awakened in shock, and then she picked it up. The cup on the table raised her hand directly and poured the water in the cup onto Wang Dakai ’s cheek: "Lao Niang officially informed you all at once From now on, the old lady will not be mixed with you. So if you want to block it, you want to make a gossip, then go get it! "

After the harsh words were finished, Liu Yifei turned around and went out.

Looking at Liu Yifei's back, Wang Dakai stunned: "Don't you want to film?"

"Yes, of course I have to film."

Liu Yifei turned and smiled: "But without you, I can return to the entertainment circle and return to the eyes of fans, because the noble I hit has already arranged an advertisement for me."

Jingle bells.

The sound of high-heeled shoes sounded loudly, and Liu Yifei passed away, not Wang Wangkai.


Inside Yejia Water Plant.

Watching Ye Xiaohu hang up the phone, so Xiang Qing sister curiously said: "Xiaohu, who were you calling?"

"A very interesting artist."

Ye Xiaohu briefly introduced her story of meeting Liu Yifei in Zhongjing and listened to Sister Xiang Qing: "Although this girl has used a lot of small means for fire, she is still decent. So this time the company needs The artist publicized, and I immediately thought of her. "

"So it turns out."

Sister Xiang Qing smiled slightly and obviously felt very satisfied with Liu Yifei's performance in Zhongjing.

But after smiling, Sister Xiang Qing said again: "But once this is done, then our company's advertising content will change. So next we need to find a suitable advertising company to design a brand new one for us. The content of the advertisement will do. "

Ye Xiaohu nodded, because of the original advertising content, everything was mainly Zhang Han.

It was an advertisement made by a male ~ ~ for female fans.

But if it was changed to Liu Yifei, then the content would be shown to men, so Ye Xiaohu said: "Let the previous advertising company design another one for us."

"Yes, yes, but designing ads requires inspiration and time."

Sister Xiang Qing said: "But it is not a few days since we handed over the manuscript to the TV station. I'm afraid they can't design it."

"Can't the design come out?"

This is indeed a problem. After all, excellent advertising is not researched overnight.

Just when Ye Xiaohu frowned, thinking about how to solve the problem.

He found that the white clouds outside the sky are constantly changing into various forms.

This made Ye Xiaohu's eyes bright, and he could not help but smile with a heart: "Relax, the advertising is also handed over to me, and then I will shoot this commercial in person."

(End of this chapter)

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