Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 783: : Coincident plan

The two actually knew that if Ye Xiaohu was here, they would be very shocked.

But Ye Xiaohu has already left, and naturally will not find this.

I saw the man in sunglasses, took off the glasses on his head, and put it directly in the pocket on his chest.

At the next moment, the breath of the man in sunglasses rose in a straight line.

Almost in a blink of an eye, it reached the peak level of martial arts.

I saw that the man with sunglasses moved his wrist and neck, and then said to the man with the salted pig hand beside him: "It's too difficult to wear a playman and pretend to be an ordinary person."


The salt-pig man nodded and took off a medal he was wearing, and smashed it on the spot: "If you do n’t obey the command of the young master, come and try this Ye Xiaohu, then I will never wear this **** The law of the seal. "

"me too."

The man in sunglasses touched his beard and then said to the salted pig: "Hao Jian, what do you think is Ye Xiaohu's biggest weakness?"

"I feel that Ye Xiaohu's biggest weakness is that he attaches great importance to family."

The Xianzhu Hand man smiled evilly, and then said to the man in sunglasses: "I went to Yejia Village as you asked and learned about Ye Xiaohu's past life. As a result, I found that Ye Xiaohu attached great importance to family. Almost he I did n’t do one thing, I was doing it for my parents, and I never fought for myself. "

"And on the way back, I approached him deliberately and tried the sister who was beside him. As a result, he was taught a hard meal and sent to the police station. Fortunately, I prepared some means in advance, so I can rush back Round with you. "

The man with the salty pig smiled bitterly, and then said to the man in sunglasses: "Gao Fushuai, how was your temptation just now?"

"Like you, it's a guy who protects the calves."

The man in sunglasses sighed, and then pointed at the salted pig hand Hao Jiandao: "No wonder, he will not keep the piece armor killed by the Laojun Palace and Yinyang Gate for the national special forces unit. And for the parents, he will kill the demon up and down. Clean and clean. A person like this will either not provoke or kill him in one blow. "

"But our young master has already provoked him."

Salted pig hand Hao Jian shook his head helplessly: "Now that Er Leng Zi has been cultivated by the young master. As long as he waits for him to mature, then the young master will directly take away. Once let Ye Xiaohu know the young master's plan, I am afraid Cause unnecessary trouble. "

"So we must report our investigation as soon as possible to the young master."

Gao Fushuai, the dark-haired man, touched the bridge of his nose and said seriously: "And we have to find a way to force Ye Xiaohu into the Kunlun world."

Salted pig hand Hao Jian puzzled: "Why?"

"Because the old master can't cross the border and return to the earth now. Therefore, relying on our strength, there is no way to deal with Ye Xiaohu, only to watch him grow up. But Ye Xiaohu's talent is no worse than Erze. Once Let him grow up, and I worry that the old master can't deal with him. "

I saw that the Sunglasses man Gao Fushuai thought deeply: "So only by pushing him into the Kunlun world and relying on the old master's means to directly kill him, can we resolve the crisis of the young master."


Hearing Gao Fushuai's words, salted pig hand Hao Jian raised his hand in praise: "However, how can we force Ye Xiaohu to be fooled and enter the Kunlun world?"

"Earth's article, we two can't do it, so we can only do that Erzong's article."

In the eyes of the handsome man Gao Fushuai in sunglasses, the aura of wisdom flashed: "I will return to Tianshan City in a moment, and send a message to the contact office in Kunlun Realm, let them help us get a token of the froze. Then we hold the token, Force Ye Xiaohu into the Kunlun world. "

"Just do it."

Although Hao Jian, a salty pig player, doesn't think it is a good decision.

But he couldn't think of a better idea, so he could only trust his partner, so the two turned away and prepared to lure Ye Xiaohu to be fooled.


As for the judgment of Gao Fushuai and Hao Jian, if Ye Xiaohu knows, then he must be crying and laughing.

Because they didn't design with them, Ye Xiaohu would also enter the Kunlun world.

It's just that one is early and the other is late.

Of course Ye Xiaohu didn't know, and naturally there would be no response.

So after returning to Songjiang City, Ye Xiaohu and Wang Fangfang watched another movie, followed by a sumptuous dinner.

The next day Ye Xiaohu accompanied Wang Fangfang to go shopping frantically, until Wang Fangfang's company called and urged her to go to work in Tianshan City.

So Ye Xiaohu sent Wang Fangfang, and then went to the water plant.

Because Liu Yifei has arrived ~ ~ is currently being received by sister Xiang Qing.

But Xiang Qing did n’t know how to shoot the specific advertisement, so she could only look for Ye Xiaohu.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu rushed to the water plant non-stop.

"Mr. Ye."

Upon seeing Ye Xiaohu coming in, Liu Yifei, who was waiting in the water plant for a long time, stood up directly from the sofa and said, "We meet again."

"It's coming very quickly!"

Ye Xiaohu nodded and then asked curiously: "How are you talking about your contract with your brokerage company?"

"already solved."

Liu Yifei said happily: "The last time I hung up the phone, I asked my boss to cancel the contract. But at first he did not agree, so I followed the phone you gave me, and I found a colleague from your company's legal department. Let him help me solve the problem. As a result, your colleagues in the company's legal department, after a brief look at the contract in the past, persuaded our company's CEO in a few words. In this way, I became completely free, so I cleaned up the ceremony , Just come to you, Mr. Ye. "

"Just solved it."

Ye Xiaohu smiled slightly: "Like a company that is not as good as a beast, if you stay here, you will only wipe out your talents."


Liu Yifei was still very confident about her talents. I saw her with a big chest: "Sooner or later, I will make them regret, and regret against me Liu Yifei."

"There will be that day."

Ye Xiaohu nodded and did not object to Liu Yifei's words. At the same time, he asked Sister Qing for a piece of white paper, and wrote some text on it, and then called Liu Yifei: "Because of time comparison It ’s tight, so I ’m going to give you a feast for the wind, we ’ll hold it later, I ’ll talk to you about the content of the advertisement and how to shoot it. ”

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