Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 784: : Goddess Water Advertising Planning


Watching Ye Xiaohu holding a pen and paper and writing an advertisement plan on the spot.

This made Sister Xiang Qing a little bit a little bit coerced.

Although she believed Ye Xiaohu very much, Ye Xiaohu was too hasty.

"As a man, of course I do."

Ye Xiaohu smiled slightly, and then handed over the advertising plan he wrote to Liu Yifei on the side: "You can see if you can perform."


Liu Yifei took a look at it and couldn't help but frown: "I know what you introduced, and I can perform. Even I believe that if you can really shoot the effect, then it can be really hot. But your this Advertising, relying on our company, is difficult to produce such an effect. "

"Is it so difficult?"

Ye Xiaohu frowned: "If you can't shoot the effect, then this short film has no meaning."


Liu Yifei agreed with Ye Xiaohu's judgment: "The domestic team basically has no hope. I don't have much contact with the foreign advertising team, so I don't know very much. But based on my understanding of the advertising industry, I think If you want to achieve the advertising effect you require, then the cost is very high, I am afraid it will be difficult to pay back. "

"What about then?"

Sister Xiang Qing said: "Our time is running out. It is too late to find foreign advertising companies. Domestic companies can't produce this effect. Would you like me to let the company that made the advertisement last time temporarily replace the whole one? 'S ads, put them on the media first? "

"No, it's too late, and the company's advertising design is not very beautiful."

Ye Xiaohu sighed, and then said to Xiang Qing: "For advertising matters, you continue to contact and publicize with outsiders and tell the major media that we will definitely send out advertising cost films on the same day."


"Sister Xiang Qing, you don't need to worry about other things. I, Ye Xiaohu, will solve them together."

"Since that is the case, then I will contact."

The company is Ye Xiaohu, and sister Xiang Qing has natural confidence in Ye Xiaohu.

Under such circumstances, she immediately turned around and left after hearing Ye Xiaohu's instructions.

After Sister Xiang Qing left, Ye Xiaohu said to Liu Yifei: "Then in order to catch up with the progress, so it will be very hard to shoot commercials, you have to be mentally prepared."

"Relax, I have no problem with this."

Liu Yifei nodded firmly and said to Ye Xiaohu: "Drying our industry, although it is very bright on the surface. But everyone has to work hard in the dark and give everything to achieve success. So stepping in When I was in this industry, I was ready for everything. "

"Then there is no problem."

Ye Xiaohu nodded, then took the advertisement book and said: "You follow me, this time I personally help you shoot the advertisement."


Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Liu Yifei was even more surprised.

So she quickly kept up with Ye Xiaohu's footsteps while watching Ye Xiaohu.

As a result, she found that Ye Xiaohu, who was busy, was still very heroic, with a special temperament, which made people feel upset.

Under her attention, Ye Xiaohu first asked Brother Li Longrui and asked for some shooting equipment through his doorway.

Then I drove in person, pulled the equipment, and came to the outside of Songjiang City, a wilderness and wilderness.

If you are not confident in Ye Xiaohu, it is estimated that Liu Yifei had long suspected that Ye Xiaohu had conspiracy, so he turned around and left.

"The environment here is pretty good, so I can barely make it."

Ye Xiaohu glanced around, then said to Liu Yifei: "You find a secret place to change clothes."

"Just here?"

Liu Yifei looked at Ye Xiaohu puzzledly: "But there is nothing in this place?"

"Relax, wait for you to change your clothes, then you have everything."

Ye Xiaohu smiled slightly, then said to Liu Yifei: "Come and change your clothes."

"it is good."

Liu Yifei agreed, and then picked a secret place to change clothes.

When she returned, she found a wooden door in the place where she had just stood.

So with curiosity, Liu Yifei pushed the door open with his clothes on and stepped in.

"Have a drink and visit the fairyland."

When Liu Yifei walked in, he suddenly found Ye Xiaohu, who was framing, and curiously said, "My God, how did you make the scenery?"

"Now is not a time to care about this matter, but to focus on shooting."

Ye Xiaohu could not tell Liu Yifei that she is currently not on Earth, but in the space of the floating island.

So in response to Liu Yifei's inquiry, Ye Xiaohu responded solemnly with a serious face: "You will devote yourself to the performance for a while, as for other things, don't worry about it at all, I will help you get it."

"But that action is going to fly, aren't props like coercion necessary?"

"No, if you use that prop, then there will be some loopholes, which will affect the authenticity of the advertisement, thereby reducing the attraction of the advertisement to the audience."

"OK then!"

Although it felt unbelievable ~ ~ Liu Yifei still did it according to Ye Xiaohu's instructions.

As soon as she was ready, she found her body, flying a little bit, which caused Liu Yifei's heart to shake violently.

But the professionalism made Liu Yifei calm down quickly, and follow the script set by Ye Xiaohu to shoot today's advertisement.

"Little Seven ..."

I saw Liu Yifei gently spit out the lines, and flew towards the front.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu frowned and said, "Ka, your performance just now is slightly exaggerated and not natural enough. This jump is coming again, I hope you can be more natural this time, because you are performing a fairy . "

"I know."

Knowing Ye Xiaohu's request, Liu Yifei made another one.

This time she substituted herself into the role of the fairy and continued the performance just now.

The effect this time is obviously better than the last time.

Therefore, instead of calling the card, Ye Xiaohu carried the camera, and the follower Liu Yifei's movements changed along the way, shooting Liu Yifei one by one and shooting them completely.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu's expressions became more and more abundant. Obviously, Ye Xiaohu felt that this time he was right, so the effect of the advertisement shooting was very good.


"Take the next article."


"This shot was also good."

"This line of your sight must stay more on the water and be emotional."

While shooting, Ye Xiaohu instructed Liu Yifei to achieve the effect he needed.

It persisted for about three or four days. When the last shot was finished, Ye Xiaohu directly announced the end: "Card, goddess water advertisement shooting is finished, Liu Yifei, we can go back."


Ps: Birthday banquet blessings and more, thank you all for your blessings.

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