Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 785: : Advertising is on fire

"The general manager can't drag on."

"Xinmin Daily called over the phone and urged, if we can't fix it, then they will give the advertisement position to others."

"Not only the daily newspaper, but also the provincial TV station, the Southern Guangdong TV station we contacted ... and some other partners also gave us an ultimatum. If they can't get a result today, then they will find other businesses and take payment Liquidated damages. "

"The same is true on the Internet, all major media software, WeChat, Tencent chat software ... are also waiting for our reply."

Inside the Yejia Water Plant Office.

At this moment, it was already a mess. One by one, the staff responsible for contacting the major media reported to Xiang Qingjie.

This made Xiang Qing feel pressured. After all, she encountered such a situation for the first time.

This huge pressure made her unable to breathe.

At this time, the person in charge of Songjiang City TV Station, who first reached a cooperation with Yejia Waterworks, came to Yejia Waterworks and said to Xiang Xiangqing: "Ms. Xiang, although in our relationship, we can delay for you Japan. But such delays are not delayed indefinitely, so we can only give you up to a week. If not, then we can only choose to broadcast advertisements from other companies. "

"Thank you, brother Chen."

Hearing to the person in charge of Songjiang TV station, Sister Qing Qing smiled bitterly and thanked the other person in person.

"Ms. Xiang, I have to say that your advertising space is not cheap. Every minute of delay will cause a lot of losses."

The person in charge of Songjiang City TV seriously asked Sister Qing: "If you really can't find a good advertising company, you can also use the next advertising company to create an ordinary advertisement and deal with it for a while. The big deal, After a while, I replaced it and got a brand new boutique ad. Many companies have done this in the past. "

"I think too, but the boss has his own ideas."

Sister Xiang Qing spread her hand, and then said to the person in charge of Songjiang City TV Station: "And I believe him, he will definitely be able to come back with a high-quality advertisement today."

"Then I'm waiting!"

Ye Xiaohu's name is already well-known in Songjiang City.

Therefore, the person in charge of Songjiang City TV Station did not want to be unhappy, so he chose to wait for a while.

While he was waiting, a man and a woman walked in from outside.

That man is not very handsome, but he is very attractive.

As for the woman's appearance, she was very embarrassed, and even had some sweat beads on her face, but when people looked at it, they felt like a beauty.

I saw the man walked directly to Sister Xiang Qing and said, "Sister Xiang Qing, I am back."

"Just come back."

Sister Xiang Qing smiled happily, then said to the man: "How is Xiaohu, did the ad come out?"


Ye Xiaohu patted the camera in his hand, then said to Xiang Xiangqing: "There were some accidents in the middle, so I came back a little late, but is it still a hurry?

"Hurry up."

Sister Xiang Qing nodded, then said to the person in charge of Songjiangcheng TV Station: "Brother Chen, shall we take a look at the advertisement first?"

"Look at it!"

Brother Chen, who is in charge of Songjiang City TV, hesitated and said, "But IMHO, what good advertisements can you shoot with such a camera?"

"Rest assured, you will never be disappointed."

Ye Xiaohu smiled slightly, then in front of everyone, and pressed the play button.

At the next moment, the pictures in the video recorder slowly played out, one after another beautiful pictures, exceptionally beautiful Liu Yifei, and the goddess water that people eager to quote.

Seeing this scene, sister Qing Qing and other person in charge of a dry Yejia water plant were relieved.

Even Liu Yifei on the side was relaxed at this time.

After all, she has been working hard to make advertisements, and has never seen the effect of Ye Xiaohu's video.

But after reading today, she knew that she could finally return to the public's sight, and could even take it to a higher level, more than her reputation.

"Okay, it was great."

Compared with a layman like Ye Xiaohu, Chen Ge, the head of the advertising department of Songjiang City, has a certain understanding of advertising.

So after reading Ye Xiaohu's advertisement, he immediately praised: "After I just watched it, I have more expectation for you Ye family's pure water, and I even want to take a sip."

"Xiaoyun, go get some bottles of pure water made by the water plant."

On the one hand, the purified water from Yejia Water Plant is distributed to major cooperatives to assist them in planting and smelting pharmaceuticals. On the one hand, it is also made into bottled water like mineral water, which is sold on the market.

So when sister Xiang Qing heard Brother Chen's words, he immediately made people prepare all pure water and gave it to Brother Chen for reference.

"Then I will taste it first."

Seeing the Ye family's pure water coming up, Chen Ge unscrewed a bottle without any politeness, and drank it.

"Delicious, this is really delicious."

A pure natural mineral water, but as durable as a drink, such pure water will definitely be hot.

Seeing Brother Chen's satisfied face, Sister Xiang Qing took the initiative to ask: "Brother Chen, do you see this ad?"

"No problem."

Brother Chen of Songjiang TV nodded quickly: "At eight o'clock tonight, you can rest assured that you are watching the advertisement we are playing at home, I believe the results will be very good."

"Thank you Chen first."

"You are welcome, if there is no other order, then I will go first."

"I send you."

"No, you stay."

Although Brother Chen insisted on not using it, Sister Xiang Qing insisted on sending him out.

After returning, sister Xiang Qing said to Ye Xiaohu: "While there is still some time to play the advertisement, I will take Ms. Liu Yifei to take a shower, and then we will go to Lingyun Hotel for dinner ~ ~ By the way, appreciate the advertisements you have taken. "


Ye Xiaohu nodded and agreed with Xiang Qing's arrangement.

Sister Xiang Qing took Liu Yifei down to wash. After more than an hour, the two changed clothes and walked back.

So Ye Xiaohu took the initiative to become a driver and took two people to the Lingyun Hotel.

This time in order to see the effect of the advertisement, Ye Xiaohu and his party did not choose to go to the box, but sat down in the living room of the Lingyun Hotel.

After ordering dishes, Ye Xiaohu and three people chatted while watching the TV screen in the Lingyun Hotel.

After half an hour has passed in this way, the picture on the TV is one side, followed by a diner, pointing to the picture on the TV and saying: "I rely on, what kind of advertisement is that, how can there be such a wonderful place in the world, wonderful Water? "

"A water advertisement, what's the big deal?"

"My God, how did that woman fly into the sky after drinking water?"

"Impossible, it must be Diaoya."

"Why don't we know if there is Wia?"

"But that woman is so beautiful."

"I feel that the water must be delicious."

"I want a bite."

Some people even directly greeted the waiter of Lingyun Hotel, want to ask if there is such water in Lingyun Hotel.

Fortunately, the relationship between Lingyun Hotel and Ye Xiaohu is relatively close, so it is the earliest batch of pure water from Shangye.

So the staff of Lingyun Hotel brought up a bottle of goddess water.

As a result, after the diners drank, they were very satisfied and praised them one after another.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu and three people couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It is foreseeable that the advertising fire is on, Liu Yifei is on fire, and the goddess brand pure water produced by Yejia Water Plant is also on fire

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