Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 793: : Ye Xiaohu's background

"Old Chief, why are you here?"

Mr. Huo Lao and Wang Guanzhong both met Comrade Zhongmou on different occasions.

There have even been some exchanges between the two parties, so when they saw Comrade Zhong Mou appear, they immediately came over and greeted Comrade Zhong Mou.

"It turned out to be Si Zhong and Xiao Wang!"

"Since we talked to you about some proposals at the last conference, have we not seen each other for three or four years?"

Comrade Zhongmou apparently knew Mr. Huo Lao and Wang Guanzhong, so Comrade Zhongmou first greeted each other with the two of them, and then asked: "The two of you also cooperate with Xiaohu?"

"Yes, there is."

"Yes, this time we came to find Ye Xiaohu for cooperation."

Hearing the name of Comrade Zhong Mou's relative named Ye Xiaohu, Mr. Huo Lao and Wang Guanzhong were completely shocked.

Originally, they felt that Ye Xiaohu had a deep background, and it was definitely not an ordinary person.

But when they saw a giant like Comrade Zhongmou in Ye Xiaohu's farm, they finally realized that Ye Xiaohu's background was unfathomable.

At this moment, Huo Lao and Wang Guanzhong were thankful that they did not provoke Ye Xiaohu.

Otherwise, Ye Xiaohu told Comrade Zhong Mou that they would say goodbye to China and could only go far away.

"Xiaohu is a good comrade. If you cooperate with him, you will definitely not lose money. And the products produced by the Ye family are all special products for our country. I believe you can make a lot of money."

In the surprised eyes of Ye Xiaohu, Comrade Zhong Mou publicized Ye Xiaohu in detail. As a result, Huo Sizhong and Wang Guanzhong were shocked.

"Yes, we will definitely cooperate a lot."

"I will not only cooperate with Xiaohu in other aspects, but also introduce some hard horses to fight for my glory in the equestrian project."

Hearing Mr. Huo and Wang Guanzhong, Comrade Zhongmou was very happy, so he greeted the two of them and said, "You must have come to dinner too. Since then, enjoy it together."

"That's great."

"It's the blessing of someone who is my king to be able to eat with you, Comrade Zhongmou."

Old Huo is better. After all, he is older and he is from the island and port.

But Wang Guanzhong is a proper Chinese inland man, almost under Comrade Zhongmou's management almost every day, so it is definitely a blessing to be able to eat with Comrade Zhongmou.

In the future, it is better to publicize, after all, the average person does not have this treatment.

"Ye Jiacai's taste is very good, everyone is welcome."

Comrade Zhongmou tried his best to promote Ye Xiaohu, and then said to Ye Xiaohu: "Xiaohu, after these few days of experience, I found that you, the old cadre rest center of Yejia Farm, have no problem, so there will be successive cadres in the next Come to recuperate, I hope your people can accompany you well. "

"Relax, we have already trained people."

Ye Xiaohu nodded with a smile, and then said to Comrade Zhongmou: "Brother Qian Deyuan has more experience than me in this respect, so he had expected all possibilities long ago, and secretly prepared."

"Those children of Qian Deyuan, I haven't seen him for a while. But although he is a bit ridiculous, he still works hard in terms of officer."

Comrade Zhongmou obviously had a good impression on Brother Qian Deyuan, so after simply complimenting Brother Qian Deyuan, he continued to taste the rich flavor of Yejiacai.

However, Mr. Huo and Wang Guanzhong obviously did not have the mood to taste the wine and food. Instead, they stared at Comrade Zhongmou all the time, fearing to miss the words Comrade Zhongmou said and missed a chance.

Seeing such a situation, Comrade Zhong Mou couldn't help but laugh bitterly, and after a simple sip, he got up and left.

"Huhu, I didn't expect to see Comrade Zhongmou in this place, and I almost didn't scare me."

"The old man was suffocated in front of Comrade Zhongmou."

Mr. Huo and Wang Guanzhong complained one after another, and then said to Ye Xiaohu: "Mr. Ye, why didn't you remind us that Comrade Zhongmou is in your farm?"

"You didn't ask me!"

Ye Xiaohu shrugged helplessly: "And this is not a big deal."

"I understand, the little things in your eyes are the big things in our eyes."

Mr. Huo felt that his heart could not bear a bit, so he patted his chest and said: "Xiaohu, if there is nothing else, then I will say goodbye. After I arrange it properly, I will arrange for someone to pick it up. Ye Jiama. "

"no problem."

Ye Xiaohu nodded and accepted Mr. Huo's arrangement.

Wang Guanzhong, on the side, saw that Mr. Huo was going away, and naturally did not stay too much.

So he also called a car, followed in the footsteps of Mr. Huo, and left Yejia Farm.

Without the two of them behind, Ye Xiaohu went directly to the veteran cadre rest center and found Comrade Zhongmou: "Comrade Zhongmou, did you have anything to say in ~ ~?"


Comrade Zhongmou nodded, then said to Ye Xiaohu: "The news came back that the second batch of Dragon Emperor's reinforcements looking for national treasures had lost contact not long ago. If it continues to drag on, it may cause some unnecessary losses. So I discussed it with the comrades in the team and decided to arrange for you to go to the Sun Island country in advance. While seizing the Jiulong Ding, we must rescue the Dragon Warriors. "

Ye Xiaohu could not help frowning: "Who are the second batch of reinforcements?"

"Almost half of the Dragon Warrior."

Comrade Zhongmou laughed bitterly, and then introduced to Ye Xiaohu: "Among them is the star of hope of the Dragon Emperor's future, Chen Zhirui of the Chen family."

"Chen Zhirui also failed?"

Suddenly hearing this fact, Ye Xiaohu was also slightly shocked.

Because he knows Chen Zhirui's abilities, most people are probably unable to take her, so it can be seen that there are indeed some powerful characters within the Sun Island Country.

With this judgment, Ye Xiaohu said to Comrade Zhongmou: "When I go back to say goodbye to my parents, I will immediately go to the Sun Island country."

"If you go, then I can rest assured."

Comrade Zhongmou smiled bitterly and then said to Ye Xiaohu: "After you leave, your family and property will be assisted and protected by the state. There will be no accidents. This is my guarantee to you."

"Thank you."

Ye Xiaohu understood the meaning of Comrade Zhongmou's words, and nodded in satisfaction.

Immediately after the two of them negotiated the way to the Sun Island country.

Ye Xiaohu returned to the Ye family with satisfaction, and personally prepared a sumptuous dinner for his parents and Xiaohong.

Immediately after the family, after a few hours of communication, they returned to their respective rooms to fall asleep.

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