Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 794: : First arrival in Sun Island

In the morning radio news, a young entertainment reporter truthfully reported on the incident of Zhang Han splashing dirty water.

And explained all the causes and consequences.

For a time, both men and women, young and old, shouted at Zhang Han.

"It's terrible, how can this star be so black-hearted?"

"For the endorsement of a contract, so many sailors were mobilized to go to the Negro, it was a complete loss of conscience!"

"The product endorsed by this guy, from now on, people in our family must not buy it again, and do not give such a garbage, a space where they can survive."

"Yejiacai has always been my favorite vegetable. If it weren't for Zhang Han's tinkering, I wouldn't break Yejiacai for a few days, so that any vegetables I eat recently have no taste."


Breakfast stand.

An old man called for fritters, and after a simple bite, he happened to see Zhang Han ’s news and could n’t help but exasperately said, “How can there be such a **** in this world?”

"What happened to Lao Zhang?"

A person next to him who had just finished buying earlier walked over to sit down and said, "Early in the morning, how mad is it?"

"I was blown away by the whole person."

Lao Zhangtou handed his newspaper to the old friend on the side and said: "Look at it, how can there be such a selfish and self-interested person above things?"

"I have a look."

Old Zhangtou's friend, old Litou nian chatted about the content of the newspaper, and then said to old Zhangtou: "It's really the world, how can people be like this now?"

"People in the entertainment industry are kind on the surface, but don't want to be so ugly inside."

Lao Zhangtou sighed and said to Lao Litou: "I have used a product he endorsed before, but after using it, it has no effect. I think there must be a secret cooperation between Zhang Han and the company. If we deliberately abduct and swindle the money in our pockets, like an advertisement endorsed by a junk star, we must refuse it later. "



Within a famous entertainment company.


I saw the vice president of the company, walked into the president's office with a happy face, and said to the middle-aged man who had been in the office: "Big Brother, this time our entertainment company's opportunity has come."

"How to say?"

He froze for the elder brother: "What the **** is happening that makes you so excited?"

"Our throne of China's No. 1 entertainment company is expected to undergo huge changes recently."

The deputy general who came to report the work said with a happy face: "Just now in Lingcheng, a negative news about Zhang Han quickly occupied the living areas of the major naval forces and netizens at the speed of light."

"Is there such a thing?"

I simply searched for Big Brother and immediately found negative news about Zhang Han. I could n’t help laughing with three channels of laughter: “With this incident, I believe that our company can certainly go up against the sky and become the entertainment circle. Giant. "


The vice president nodded seriously, and said to Big Brother: "I suggest that our public welfare activities be carried out immediately to let people know that we and Zhang Han are not the same way."

"Just do it."

Nodded to his elder brother, he approved his deputy's proposal, and at the same time told everyone: "Everyone should act immediately, let our people blow up the entire entertainment circle as soon as possible, and do more charity."



On a famous forum.

A sailor of Zhang Han just sent a post to maintain the sail.

In less than three seconds, he maintained Zhang Han's post and was deleted by the administrator.

For a time, the forum was full of special dishes and news from Zhang Han.

"Down with Zhang Han."

"A talentless star like Zhang Han, then he should go back to the countryside to grow land instead of calling for wind and rain in the metropolis."

"The pure water produced by the Yejia Water Plant, although relatively expensive. But for such a high price, this person must be very rich and do not care about the interests of pure water."

"That is, people were originally entrepreneurs who benefited the country and the people. As a result, they became a mob in Zhang Han's mouth and became the role played by everyone. Fortunately, people from Xinmin Daily found this problem in time, and Maintenance for Ye Xiaohu, thus ensuring the future of Yejia Farm. "

"Go, paste Zhang Han's black material on other forums, so that everyone has a certain understanding of Zhang Han's abhorrence."


For a time.

All media channels have uploaded a news message about Zhang Han.

Almost at the time when this news broke, as the leader of Zhang Han's company, Wang Guanzhong's stock fell.

Fortunately, Wang Guanzhong was the initiator of this incident, so he held a press conference on that day, and announced a series of corporate needle plans in public, and announced the termination of the contract with Zhang Han.

At this moment, Zhang Han finally became the role of everyone shouting.

On the contrary, the slandering of Yejia's pure water was released at this moment.

But for these things, Ye Xiaohu didn't care.

Because early in the morning, Ye Xiaohu boarded the plane and went directly to Sun Island.

"It's finally time to travel abroad."

"The Sun Island Country is said to have a lot of things to play. After arriving in the Sun Island Country, we must play it once."

"Well, this honeymoon trip can be held in Sun Island, which is really happy."

"I don't know what the **** is going on. This time the price of the tour group is very cheap, comparable to half of the travel expenses of the Sun Island country in the past."

"How about him? Anyway, he receives less money and does not engage in any shopping activities, so the old man will participate."

"Unfortunately, I don't understand Japanese, otherwise I can go to more places to play, and I don't need to be caught by the guide."

Hearing their conversation ~ ~ Ye Xiaohu understands that this must be done by Comrade Zhong Mou.

Obviously, these people who come to travel are estimated to be the dark piles arranged in advance for Ye Xiaohu entering the Sun Island.

The goal is to hide Ye Xiaohu's identity and help Ye Xiaohu successfully enter the Sun Island.

"Comrade Zhongmou is really committed."

Knowing Comrade Zhongmou's approach, he nodded in satisfaction.

So he closed his eyes and waited for the moment, waiting quietly for the plane to land.

A few hours later, the plane landed steadily, so under the maintenance of a group of ordinary people, Ye Xiaohu walked off the plane with ease.

When he carried a salute and walked to the exit of the airport waiting hall, he saw a man, holding a sign of his name, and couldn't help but take the initiative to go forward and said: "Hello, but you came to pick up a man named Ye Xiaohu People? "

(End of this chapter)

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