Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 798: : 8 different

"A secret technique?"

Ye Xiaohu whispered softly, but didn't do anything.

Even Ye Xiaohu put away the big sword, and then looked up at the sky with his hands on his back.

A black hole appeared above the clear sky.

The black hole expands a little bit, and contains the power of terror.

At this time, a strange body appeared at the black hole.

Obviously, on the other side of the black hole, there should be a creature that is passing through the black hole a little bit, so as to reach the plane of the earth.

"You are so damn."

Seeing Ye Xiaohu's expression and Ye Xiaohu's arrogant movements.

The leader of the samurai group who was originally showing his secret skills could not help but bite his teeth and said: "Dare to underestimate our samurai group, underestimate our eight gods, you really deserve to die!"

"Is it really bad?"

Ye Xiaohu smiled coldly, he had long expected it.

Who is the **** called by the samurai group?

But when he determined the identity of Baqi, he could not help but fall into a cold expression, just like meeting a life and death enemies.

Seeing Ye Xiaohu's expression and movement, the leader of the Samurai Group thought that Ye Xiaohu was afraid.

So he smiled coldly, and then said to the surviving samurai group's titled samurai: "What are you still looking at? Now it is time for my samurai group to survive or die, and it is also the time when we have to separate the winners and losers. So everyone All give me the blood of his essence, and I want to summon the top eight gods. "

The summoning technique can be different according to the show.

Can summon masters of different levels, so in order to kill Ye Xiaohu, the samurai group's people must also desperately.



"I used my blood to summon the Eight Gods to come."

"The great God of Eight Differences, I beg you to come and destroy that rampant Ye Xiaohu."

Seemingly afraid of Ye Xiaohu stopping them, he was ordered by the leader of the samurai group.

A group of nominated samurai warriors who were still alive, gave up their desire to resist and fight. Instead, he held his samurai swords one by one and plunged into his belly on the spot.

Cut the belly.

This is a sacred ritual of the Sun Island nation, which can be exchanged for the advent of the Great God of Eight Divine.


A drop of blood from the titled samurai flowed out and irrigated the entire sky.


The black hole above the sky is like a huge vacuum cleaner, constantly absorbing the blood of the titled samurai.

Under such circumstances, the eight-pointed **** in the black hole is clearly unable to bear the slow opening.

So its eight tails frantically whipped around the black hole.

Bang Bang Bang Bang.

Under the whip of the Great God of Eight Differences, the black hole, which had been slowly progressing, actually opened at a super fast speed.

Seeing this scene, the leader of the samurai group finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then said to Ye Xiaohu: "I think I should thank you. Without your encouragement, then we will not be cruel and call our great The Great Divine God is coming. So for a while, I will beg the Great Divine God to give you a happy death. "

"I won't die."

Ye Xiaohu stood calmly and said: "Because my mission to Sun Island has not been completed."


Almost when Ye Xiaohu was talking, the creatures in the black hole finally could not bear it.

So it struggled straight ahead, suddenly rushed out of the black hole, and came over the earth.


I saw that the Great God of Eight Divers breathed and breathed, absorbing the air on the earth: "After a long dark period, and the **** seal of the Chinese monk, I returned to the earth again. Kill everything. "

"You think too much."

Hearing the words of the Great God of Eight Differences, Ye Xiaohu walked towards him step by step: "As long as there is my Ye Xiaohu in one day, you eight Qi family will never want to rule the earth."

Others don't know, Ye Xiaohu still knows the identity of the Baqi family.

That is a traitor from heaven, a depraved of the Protoss.

They rejected the arrangement of the heavenly court, and after the gods of the heavenly court left, they tried to make a storm on the earth. The result was sealed by the secret hand left by the heavenly court at that time, and drove to a different space.

As a result, there were many masters in the heavenly court at that time, but they ignored the dark hands left by Baqi, and did not expect that Baqi could return through the summons of the Sun Island Kingdom Samurai Group.

But today Ye Xiaohu is coming, so naturally to solve this problem, I saw Ye Xiaohu staring at the Eight Divided Road above the sky: "And you are not the body of the Eight Divided Body. From the breath and energy in you It is estimated to be a descendant of Baqi, or is it a clone? "

"A little eyesight."

The Eight Divine God glanced at Ye Xiaohu, and the eight eye corners could not help shrinking together: "Human, why am I feeling a breath of immortality in your body?"

"Because I am a fairy."

Ye Xiaohu smiled indifferently: "So you must come and die."

"Damn, you are a fairy."

The Great Divine God was stunned for a moment, so its first consciousness turned around and left.

But when it approached the black hole, he suddenly thought of something, so he turned and walked back and said: "No, your body is having problems. Although you have a fairy encircling your body, it is not as strong as the ancient god. So Even if you are an immortal, then it is also an immortal who has just evolved, so the immortal energy in your body is not very strong. "

"You are very smart."

Ye Xiaohu did not deny: "Even if I am not an immortal, but you are not a real eight difference, so I have no pressure to kill you."

"Is that right?"

Baqi gave up and returned to a different space ~ ~ Instead, he went to the leader of the Samurai Group and said: "Humans, don't you feel that you are too arrogant? If you start your own strongest attack at the beginning, maybe Beat me, but now it's too late. "

The leader of the samurai group said in horror: "What are you going to do?"

Almost when Ba Qi spoke, one of the tails had already rolled up the leader of the Samurai Group.

"You slaves of my protoss, the value of being, naturally increases the power of our protoss."

The Great God of Eight Differences smiled aloudly, and then sent the head of the warrior group that was rolled up directly to one of his heads.

The head of the eight-man, directly swallowed the leader of the samurai group.

Immediately afterwards, the Great God of Eight Divine Engulfed several living samurai group title samurai, and then he was contented to make a sigh, and then proudly said: "Next, I decided to eat you, when the time is above the earth , Who else is my opponent? "

(End of this chapter)

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