Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 799: : 8 Qi to send treasure

"Human beings die."

"Stupid humans, actually watched me devour slaves."

"Now I have passed the weak period, how are you my opponent?"

"Now my power has returned to a terrible state, enough to kill you, a human who has just evolved."

"Unfortunately, the aura on the earth is too thin, otherwise I will be able to return to the peak moment, so as to deal with garbage like you, there is no pressure at all."

Ye Xiaohu had eight heads and eight tails.

After devouring the titled samurai of several samurai groups, each head of Baqi has changed from the snake's head to a human head.

And this human head is exactly like the title samurai it swallowed just now.

Among them, the main brain changed into the leader of the Samurai Group.

I saw it pale and looked at Ye Xiaohu said: "You said, how do you want to die, be roasted by fire, frozen, killed by lightning, or hit by a boulder ...?"

"I don't want to choose any of them."

Ye Xiaohu smiled indifferently, then said to Ba Qi: "Have you finished the evolution? If the evolution is finished, then I am ready to start finishing."

Ye Xiaohu is not a foolish man, he will watch the Bifido step by step in a silly way, thus threatening his life.

The reason why he watched the evolution of Baqi is that because of the plan of Baqi, he already has the body of Jiaolong.

Under such circumstances, Baqi's snake tendons can be picked down and forged into bundles of spirit rope.

"To this day, you don't know how to provoke me."

The Great God of Eight Differences was furious. Obviously, after being underestimated by Ye Xiaohu, he felt very unhappy.

In such a situation, Ba Qi growled angrily.

Immediately after its body, it suddenly stepped on the ground.

At the next moment, the entire body of the eight Qi was soaring directly from the ground, and he was chiseling directly towards Ye Xiaohu.


Seeing a domineering rage, Ye Xiaohu got serious for the first time.

I saw Ye Xiaohu staring at his eyebrows, and then the big sword in his hand directly struck the Eight Divine Gods.


The huge amount of land collision caused the surrounding buildings, trees, ground ... to be destroyed.

But with one move, the arrogant **** of eight differences did not take advantage of anything at all.

This made the Great God of Eight Differences look surprised: "In such a backward era, the earth with thin aura and humans like you can actually achieve such terrible cultivation, which really shocked me."

Baqi couldn't believe such a result, staring at Ye Xiaohu's gaze, and thinking about how to deal with Ye Xiaohu.

"Have you finished the attack?"

Looking at the immobile God of the Eight Distinctions, Ye Xiaohu shrugged his shoulders, and then walked forward step by step: "If your attack is finished, then it should be my turn."


Baqi froze for a moment, and stepped back step by step.

"Relax, I will be gentle with you."

Ye Xiaohu smiled lightly: "Because the materials on your body are all precious materials, I can't bear to hurt them."

"You are looking for death."

Ye Xiaohu's words completely angered the Great God of Eight Differences.

At the next moment, a head of the Great God of Eight Differences pounced directly towards Ye Xiaohu.

Open your mouth at the same time and spray a flame.

"Di Yuan Huo can't hurt me."

Looking at the attack of the Great God of Eight Differences, Ye Xiaohu shook his head and felt a helpless look: "But this is also fine, then I will take your head first."


Ye Xiaohu threw it straight forward, and suddenly Ye Xiaohu brought the magic weapon back from heaven.

The bundled spirit rope directly responded to Ye Xiaohu's greeting and flew directly from Ye Xiaohu's body.


"Bundle the spirit rope."

The Great God of Eight Qi panicked when he saw the bundle of spirit rope appearing.

The name of the man's shadow tree, the Eight Divine God in front of Ye Xiaohu's eyes, is not a real **** after all.

Therefore, when he was expelled that year, there was no shortage of damage caused by the bundle of spirit rope.

So it has some shadows on the bundle of spirit rope, so it turns around and leaves.

It's a pity that its moving speed, how can Ye Xiaohu's response speed be fast.

Moreover, the bundle of spirit ropes that Ye Xiaohu brought down from the heavenly court can evolve into a bundle of fairy ropes in just one step.


Almost in a blink of an eye, Ye Xiaohu's bundled spirit rope bound the head of the eight-spirited fire.

"Broken me."

Ye Xiaohu snorted, and the big sword in his hand responded directly, cutting off the fire-breathing head of the Great God.


A head fell, and the fire-breathing body of the Great God of Eight Differences also fell to the ground, losing his resistance.

After resolving the eight-divided god, Ye Xiaohu reached out his hand and bound the spirit rope back to Ye Xiaohu.

"Get one, there are seven left."

Ye Xiaohu smiled indifferently: "If you can cooperate with me a little, then I may be able to give you a happy, otherwise today I will let you see how I can forge your snake tendons into a bundle of spirit rope."

"You demon."

The Great Divine God wants to cry. When has it seen such a fierce human being?

Once you come up, you must forge yourself into a bundle of spirit ropes.

Is this too inhuman?

But now it's fighting, it's fighting ... The Great God of Eight can't long for Ye Xiaohu to let it go, so when he heard Ye Xiaohu's words, he immediately turned around and ran.

Swish swish.

Obviously the Great God of Eight Differences is very clear that only by escaping back into the black hole can it escape from birth.

Because it is impossible for Ye Xiaohu to give up the earth and join him into the other side of the black hole, the bird's uninhabited space of different dimensions.

"Want to run now, don't you feel too late?"

Looking at Baqi's movements, Ye Xiaohu immediately guessed Baqi's thoughts.

"Seal seals from all directions, seal me."

The Great God of Eight Differences wants to escape, then Ye Xiaohu can't do anything and it escapes.

So when it fled, Ye Xiaohu directly used the seal method to close the black hole space.

"Bring me the sleepy soul."

At the same time, Ye Xiaohu returned his hand and threw the trapped spirit rope out.

Immediately followed by one step ~ ~ holding a big sword, one sword cut off a head of the eight gods.

"I fight with you."

Seeing can't go back, can't escape.

Just arrived, the eight-spotted **** who wanted to cry without tears could only turn around and fight with Ye Xiaohu.

Bang Bang Bang Bang.

This brought Ye Xiaohu some troubles, but Ye Xiaohu was experienced in fighting and knew the weakness of Baqi.

So after a moment of fighting, Ye Xiaohu found another opportunity to cut off a head of the Great God.

In this way, the heads of the eight divergent gods decreased one by one.

After the last head was cut off, Ye Xiaohu satisfactorily pointed at the remaining body of Baqi: "Next, you can extract the snake tendons and forge eight bundled spirit ropes."

(End of this chapter)

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