Bundling the spirit rope in heaven is not a special magic weapon.

So Ye Xiaohu forged it, basically no effort.

So Ye Xiaohu picked out the snake tendons one by one, and used the flame gold body to smoke the snake tendons of Baqi, and forged it with the fairy pattern.

Under Ye Xiaohu's smoking and forging, Baqi's snake tendons gradually became more solidified, which was rich in some spiritual attributes.

Looking at the bundles of spirit ropes that were just born, Ye Xiaohu could not help but say, "It's a pity, if you don't need the eight qi to go to a different dimension space and search for some news for yourself, then I will put all eight snake tendons Pick it apart, plus the bundle of spirit rope I originally had, maybe it can be made into a bundle of fairy rope. "

The bundle of fairy rope is higher than the bundle of spirit rope, but in Ye Xiaohu's eyes, the bundle of fairy rope is nothing more than nine bundles of spirit rope tied together.

"Forget it, there are some things, not something that can be anxious."

Ye Xiaohu temporarily put the matter of forging the bundle of fairy ropes in his heart, and then said to the remaining eight-snake snake meat: "The next step is to forge snake soup."

Baqi is different from ordinary snakes, because the summoned Baqi has reached the level of Xiandao, and can even be incarnate.

Just after returning to the earth, he met Ye Xiaohu.

There was no way to resume cultivation, but Ye Xiaohu gave him eight pieces.

"Unfortunately, I didn't find the fairy pot brought from heaven, otherwise the forged snake soup would be even more delicious."

Ye Xiaohu sighed, and then summoned the ordinary Dan furnace he bought before: "However, it is also very delicious to use the alchemy furnace to cook the snake soup."

Ye Xiaohu murmured for a while, and then got rid of some bad smells or bad things on Baqi.

Then he cleaned it again with spirit water, and after confirming that there was no bad meat, Ye Xiaohu set aside the snake meat of Baqi.

At the same time, a lot of fairy water was injected into the alchemy furnace.

Immediately afterwards, the source of the fire was constantly urged, and a little smoked.

After this continued for a while, when the fairy water in the furnace was boiling, Ye Xiaohu put the pieces of snake meat into it and slowly boiled it with a small fire.

Immediately after adding some seasonings, a strong scent came out of the nose.

Even some of the animals in the nearby mountains smelled of snake soup, so they walked from a distance in desperation.

"Do you want to eat too?"

Seeing that the fire was almost over, Ye Xiaohu thoroughly fired his original source, then took out a container, filled himself with a piece of snake soup, and chewed slowly.

"Yes, the taste is much better than the ordinary snake soup. If you can cultivate some fairy materials, the taste will be even higher."

Ye Xiaohu sighed, and then ate the snake soup inside the Danlu a little bit.

He quickly ate more than half of it, and finally ate his stomach.


I saw Ye Xiaohu patted his stomach, and then pointed at the animals around him: "The rest of the snake soup belongs to you. I hope that after you eat, you will embark on the road of cultivation and don't forget how good human beings are to you.

Ye Xiaohu gave a hiccup after instructing.

Then took out a toothpick and simply ticked the teeth and said: "Almost, you can break through the realm, but unfortunately the difference between the snake meat and the inner yuan is not enough!"

If you let Ba Qi know that Ye Xiaohu has eaten his own meat, and vomiting his internal yuan is not enough, it is estimated that Ba Qi can vomit blood.

It is a pity that Ye Xiaohu will not consider his thoughts, when Ye Xiaohu feels that he has digested almost.

So he stood up and glanced at the hillside not far away.


I saw Ye Xiaohu slammed on the ground, his body disappeared on the ground.

When he appeared again, he had reached the corner of the hill.

"How about this time, is this food live broadcast over?"

Ye Xiaohu stepped forward, grabbed the shadow around him.

As a result, Ye Xiaohu let out a man in black with a black mask out of the darkness.


I saw the man in black and looked at Ye Xiaohu angrily: "Damn Chinese, how did you see that I was hiding in this place?"

"It's simple, because your cultivation base is too weak."

Ye Xiaohu shrugged his shoulders, and then said to the sun island country in black: "And no matter how good you hide, you can't hide the mechanical effect in your hands."

"Damn ..."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu said that he was a poor man, the man in black really wanted to run away.

But when he thought again, Ye Xiaohu could kill an offspring of Ba Qi so easily, which made him only smile bitterly: "Mr. Ye, please let me go, I don't want to be an enemy with you."

"Let you go, no problem."

Ye Xiaohu smiled faintly: "As long as you take me to the Ninja Group base, then I will let you go."


"Okay, don't talk nonsense, otherwise I will change my mind easily, and then I'm not careful, and it's not good to shoot you like a mosquito."

"OK then!"

The man in black laughed helplessly because he really had no way to fight Ye Xiaohu.

Therefore, under the persecution of Ye Xiaohu, he could only accept Ye Xiaohu's instructions and took Ye Xiaohu towards Mount Fuji.


Jingli County.

This is the sun island country, a large county around Mount Fuji.

At this moment in Jingli County, an internal basement of an entertainment venue run by Chinese people, all of them were resolute, but the wounded special forces soldiers fell to the ground and gasped violently.

"Damn, who exactly betrayed us and passed our news to the ninjas of Sun Island?"

"Don't let me know who it is, otherwise I will have to avenge my dead brother and unload him for eight."

"Okay, now is not the time to discuss this matter, but to discuss how to complete this task ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Captain Chen?"

The crowd looked up and looked at the sharp gun aside.

Just as the sharp gun was about to shake his head, the door of the underground passage opened, and then Chen Zhirui walked in and said, "Hurry on, something is wrong."

Bang Bang Bang Bang.

Hearing Chen Zhirui's greeting, everyone picked up their weapons one after another and followed Chen Zhirui's footsteps to the ground step by step.

The result just came to the ground, and he hadn't waited for them to go far.

I saw a group of ninjas, led by a masked Chinese, surrounded the entire entertainment hall, and arrested the owner of the entertainment hall.

I saw the Chinese man who led the Ninja of the Sun Island, holding two walnuts in his hand. After playing for a while, he said to the boss of the entertainment club: "My patience has been exhausted by you. If you do n’t Say the whereabouts of Chen Zhirui and others, then every minute, I will kill you an employee. "

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