Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 803: : Despicable betrayer

"This gentleman, what are you talking about?"

Hearing the masked Chinese people asking, the owner of the entertainment club puzzled: "I am an ordinary overseas Chinese. I have always been sitting in the business, and never dare to break the laws of the Sun Island country, regardless of offending. You organized criminals do n’t even know what Chen Zhirui is. "

"If you are an ordinary person, would you build an entertainment hall in Sun Island?"

The masked Chinese man said with disdain: "Besides before I came to this place, I naturally have investigated clearly and knew your true identity. So I will bring people and come to you Hua Geng What about Mr. Feng?

The three words Hua Gengfeng made the owner of the entertainment club's eyebrows flicker.

Because this is his Huaxia name, but since he came to Sun Island, this name has become a codename. 】 Now his name in Sun Island is called Huashan Yilang.

Facing the squinting expression of the masked man, Hua Gengfeng couldn't help but smile bitterly.

He knew that the other party could call out his identity, and it must not be an ordinary person, so it would be meaningless to continue to hide.

Under such circumstances, Hua Gengfeng couldn't help but said: "Who are you in the end, why do you know that I really am?"

"Does it matter who I am?"

The masked Chinese people disdainfully said: "Now you have only one choice, and that is to obey me and tell me what I want."

"I'm sorry, I'm not a traitor, not a traitor, not a running dog ..."

Hua Gengfeng shook his head, then said to the masked Huaxia, "So you go to die."

I saw that Hua Gengfeng was desperate, and rushed directly to the opposite masked Huaxia people.


Faced with the rushing Hua Gengfeng, the masked Huaxia people did not care.

I saw him sneer, then patted with a punch.


Hua Gengfeng is an ordinary person, how to be the opponent of the masked Huaxia people.

So Hua Gengfeng was blown away by the masked Huaxia on the spot, and after landing on the ground, he spurted blood on the spot.

Seeing this scene, the masked Chinese people could not help complacently saying: "Your stupidity, let your employees bury a lot for you."


I saw that the masked Chinese people clapped their hands, and immediately a staring ninja in black rushed up and hacked the Chinese employees in the entertainment halls.

Almost instantly, he was already dead.


When the last Huaxia employee died, the masked Huaxia walked to Hua Gengfeng's side and said: "My patience has been exhausted by you. If you don't talk about it, then I will kill it and go search."

"I won't say anything even if I die."


I saw Hua Gengfeng rushed over, slammed the mask of the masked Huaxia on the spot, and then said angrily: "I was born as a Huaxia and died as a Chinese ghost."

"Then you die."

The angry Chinese people directly raised the iron fist in their hands and wanted to kill Hua Gengfeng, who was provoking himself.

At such a moment, a bullet was fired from a distance, and then the sharp gun came to the masked Huaxia man in front of him: "Shenlong, I never dreamed that you actually said that our Huaxia traitor."

That's right, the Huaxia people who used to be powerful.

It was once the deputy captain of the Dragon Emperor and the once famous four special troop special geniuses.

But after his continuous blows, his mentality changed.

So, surrounded by the Sun Island, in retaliation for the relentlessness of the Dragon Emperor that day, and revenge for Ye Xiaohu.

So Shenlong Yi suddenly joined the Sun Island Country and became a running dog in the Sun Island Country.

And personally led the ninjas of the Sun Island nation, arranged traps everywhere and secretly murdered Chen Zhirui and others.

"It's your sharp gun?"

Seeing the sharp gun coming out, Shenlong couldn't help but lick his lips and said, "You are here, so that means that Chen Zhirui and others are also in this place?"

"Not bad."

Chen Zhirui and others heard the words of the Shenlong and slowly walked in from the outside.


The sharp gun looked at Chen Zhirui sorry, and gave Chen Zhirui an sorry look.

If he could restrain himself just now, maybe Chen Zhirui could lead a group of people to escape.

But now they are all exposed, so life and death are dead.

"We are comrades-in-arms, and we live together, there is nothing sorry."

Chen Zhirui patted the magic gun on the shoulder, and then said to the dragon: "And we have to kill the dragon and avenge the dead brothers."


"Fuck it."

"Twenty years after the big deal, another good guy."

"Die, you must also take this traitor to be buried."


Under the leadership of Chen Zhirui and others, the Shengun and others rushed directly to the opposite dragon.

But in the face of their crazy counterattack, the dragon standing on the opposite side did not panic at all, only to see that he stretched out his hands calmly, and made a gesture to hug the sky: "You are really stupid and stand like a brain Are you still killed here? "

"Back ..."

Hearing the sharp gun, Chen Zhirui and others quickly took a few steps back.

Because their predictions tell them that it is dangerous now.

But before they left the safety period, they saw a group of people in black and landed from the sky.

"Flash, this is Shinobi."

Chen Zhirui judged it first, but when they retreated to a certain wall.

A wavy pattern appeared immediately on the wall, followed by several Shangren rushing out of it, and directly grabbed several warriors of the Dragon King special forces.

"Little Seven, **** it."

Seeing that his men were taken away, the sharp gun ignored Chen Zhirui's obstruction and rushed to the rescue.

When Naicheng wanted him to pass, he immediately threw out a few more forbearances, and hurried away at the sharp gun.

Two fists were invincible, and soon the sharp gun was subdued.

The magic gun is the second character of the Dragon Emperor. Once he is controlled, Chen Zhirui becomes enemies.

Under such circumstances ~ ~ Although she did her best, she wanted to help her comrades escape.

But in the face of several times of tolerance, she was only capable of exhaustion.

"Don't you be awesome just now?"

Seeing that Chen Zhirui was subdued, Shenlong walked to Chen Zhirui's side and said, "How can I become a prisoner under the order now, I can only stare at me and arrest your comrades one by one."


Hearing Shenlong's words, Chen Zhirui spit directly and sprayed on Shenlong's face: "Lao Niang disdains to be with your garbage."

"you wanna die……"

Shenlong just wanted to teach Chen Zhirui, but the one standing next to him forbeared, but grumbled unpleasantly.

So Shenlong smiled awkwardly and said: "Since the blockbuster Lord wants to see Chen Zhirui, then I will take her here."

I saw Shenlong greeted, and then took the initiative to seize Chen Zhirui to leave.

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