Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 903: : Broken gold book

"How can I trap Ye Xiaohu by the same means?"

Seeing the changes in the Golden Book of Morality, Ye Xiaohu felt no shock and fear at all, but instead said calmly: "And see how I break you."

Ye Xiaohu was also a man who had mixed with Lao Tzu when he was in the heavenly court. Naturally, he is familiar with every detail of Dao De Jing.

Therefore, Ye Xiaohu can easily find out what position is missing in the Dao Jing.

But Ye Xiaohu went through the texts of the Daojing and found that there was basically no text missing in this Daojing.

This made Ye Xiaohu frown and said: "How is it possible, why is it not missing?"

"Joke, if my golden book of morality is really as simple as you said, then it has been broken long ago. How can I trap my opponent?"

Daozi laughed loudly in the sky: "I see how you can crack my gold book of morals this time."

"Did you change the way?"

Ye Xiaohu does not believe that there is a perfect and forbidden space in this world.

So Ye Xiaohu was n’t thinking about it. Instead, he turned to look at the surrounding text space, and read it again: "I must have something, and I missed something. I believe that as long as I find the problematic content, then I can crack you. Gold book of ethics. "

Ye Xiaohu gathered his own spirit while observing the surrounding text.

As a result, Ye Xiaohu quickly discovered the mystery, because there is a similar word in this moral scripture.

For the first time, Ye Xiaohu was only looking for deficiencies, so he did not pay attention to the correctness of the font, so there were omissions.

"It turned out to be a typo!"

Ye Xiaohu smiled indifferently, Ling Ling condensed an extra large ballpoint pen, knocked off the typo, and replaced it with more accurate text.

As expected, this typo was revised to prohibit the space from being restored as before, and there was no more text in the world.

But Daozi was not reconciled, so he manipulated the golden book of morality and arranged the next forbidden space to consume Ye Xiaohu's mana. "I don't believe that you can never use mana."

Finding text, modifying text ... These series of actions require mana consumption, so Daozi does not believe that Ye Xiaohu can continue continuously.

But after Ye Xiaohu understood the Tao ’s routines, he naturally would not follow the Tao ’s prescribed routines.

I saw that Ye Xiaohu was extremely careful every time he checked, as long as he found the problem, he immediately modified it with his own magic ballpoint pen.

As a result, the moral gold book space created by Daozi could not trap Ye Xiaohu at all.

Ye Xiaohu is like an exam. After passing level after level, Daozi's face became very black and smelly.

I do n’t know how many levels passed

Ye Xiaohu discovered that the latest Daojing text was actually the chapter that Ye Xiaohu encountered for the first time, which made Ye Xiaohu understand a thing, so he stopped his movements and looked up at the hard work to control the moral book Dao Zi: "It seems that your means have basically been exhausted, then this time the game can be completely over, so you can die."


Ye Xiaohu directly carried the ballpoint pen formed by the magic weapon and threw it toward the moral gold book floating in the air.

I saw Ye Xiaohu's condensed eyeball pen, which accurately fell on the Golden Book of Morality, and shot it directly out of the front of the book.


Realizing that his moral gold book was attacked, Daozi spouted a bit of blood and said: "Why, you, a person from the country, actually understands the contents of Daodejing better than my Dao Xiancheng Taoist?

"It's simple, because I know Lao Tzu, and your moral scriptures are incomplete, so I can't trap Ye Xiaohu at all."

Ye Xiaohu shook his head, then stepped directly on the ground, instantly came to Daozi's side, and punched Daozi's head and said: "Now you can die."

"It's not that easy to kill me."

Although the moral gold book created by Daozi's deliberate efforts was lost, Daozi still has many inherited magic weapons to use.

So Dao took out another whisk, which was actually a fairy.

Although the grade of this fairy is relatively low, its power is still not small.


Ye Xiaohu glanced at it, and naturally knew it was a quasi-fairy weapon.

But Ye Xiaohu was not afraid, because he knew clearly that the big sword of the heavenly standard in his hand was not so ordinary on the surface, and it was much more powerful than Daozi in the hand.


So after a collision, the dust of Daozi was cut off by Ye Xiaohu on the spot.

Seeing this scene of Tao, he could not help but horror: "Your big sword is actually a fairy sword?"

"Good, but you know it's a little late."

Ye Xiaohu sneered, letting you die while you were ill.

So Ye Xiaohu will not show mercy to his men. When a dust that cuts the Dao, Ye Xiaohu backhand is another sword, stabbing Dao Zi's chest on the spot.


As a result, there was a collision of metal, and the Daozi flew back straight for ten meters.

This made Ye Xiaohu slightly stunned: "It seems that you guys in the fairy city really value you! Not only help you refine the moral gold book, but also give you a fairy whisk and a fairy armor . "

"Ye Xiaohu, don't run wild, there will be a point that I will come back sooner or later."

After pulling away from Ye Xiaohu, Daozi turned around and ran, daring not to stay here.

But looking at the back of Daozi's departure, Ye Xiaohu didn't panic at all, as if watching an insignificant person leave, and smiled lightly: "Forget it, although it's a good fairy armor, I already have Ye Xiaohu Immortal armor, then there is no shortage of you, so you go to die. "


Ye Xiaohu sucked in the breath of the heavens and earth around him ~ constantly condensing the power of the great sword in his hand, and then flew out a sword at the flying road.


Jianguang rushed directly to Dao Zi's side at a super fast speed, and cut the Dao in half on the spot.


Ye Xiaohu, who saw this scene, walked slowly in the sky, slowly came to the place where the head of the road was different: "You commit suicide earlier and thank you for your guilt, then you can still keep a whole body. Why do you end up in a different place?" ? "

Dao Zi dying and said: "Ye Xiaohu, you will regret it. I Dao Xiancheng will find out, how did I die on the spot. When the time comes, my elders in the discipline will come to avenge me."

"That's about Ye Xiaohu, so you don't have to worry about you as a dead man."

Ye Xiaohu waved a sword again, wiped out Daozi's final soul, and then collected Daozi's storage space implements, and then walked away.

(End of this chapter)

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