Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 904: : Clean up the harvest, the east window incident

Inside the Lanyue Inn.

Because the escort's work is relatively secretive, all the owners and customers of Lanyue Inn, except for Nangong Town and his party, died in the hands of the escort.

After Ye Xiaohu left, Nangong Xingrui and Xiao Qi glanced at each other, and after taking a few healing medicines, they started to clean up the Lanyue Inn and try to restore the Lanyue Inn to its old condition.

After this was done, Nangong Xingrui sent all the surviving guards to the room to recuperate.

Fortunately, the Taoist wanted to stimulate Ye Xiaohu and his party, so not all were killed, but some survivors were left, which made Nangong Xingrui very pleased.

After solving these things, Nangong Xingrui returned to Xiaoqi.

Xiaoqi, who was the least injured, saw Nangong Xingrui looking sad, so she worried: "Master, are you still worried about Senior Ye's safety?"


Nangong Xingrui smiled bitterly and then explained to Xiao Qi: "Although Senior Ye's cultivation is superb, this time his opponent is Dao Xiancheng's Daozi! Although I have never seen a real shot, his big name believes in you I have heard that such a terrible person, how can Senior Ye be an opponent? "

"Young Master, I feel your worries are unnecessary."

After a series of things, Xiao Qi grew a lot, and saw him calmly said: "Since we know Senior Ye, which senior Ye did not have the certainty to win before going to do a certain thing? If Ye Seniors are not sure themselves, I believe he will take the initiative to die. "


Hearing Xiaoqi's words, Nangong Xingrui did not know how to refute.

At this moment, there was a footstep outside the door, and immediately the figure of Ye Xiaohu appeared in front of them.

Seeing Ye Xiaohu appear, Nangong Xingrui stepped forward and said, "How are you, Senior Ye, have you been injured?"


Ye Xiaohu smiled faintly: "I heard what you said just now. Although the cultivation of that Tao is fair, but in the world of thousands, it is not the top strongman, so I can't keep Ye Xiaohu."

"That's good."

Nangong Xingrui suddenly felt relieved when he heard Ye Xiaohu's words.

At the same time, Ye Xiaohu took the initiative to check the body of Xiao Qi and others, and then came back to Nangong Xingrui: "They were injured this time, theoretically it has something to do with Ye Xiaohu. So I will practice Make some special potions to help them heal, so trouble Xingrui instead of me, take good care of them. "

"Senior Ye, rest assured, taking care of them is my responsibility."

Nangong Xingrui patted his shoulder and vowed: "After all, I am their master, so I am responsible for their injuries."

"That's good."

Ye Xiaohu nodded in satisfaction, then said goodbye to Nangong Xingrui and Xiaoqi, and returned to his room.

An array was first arranged, and then Ye Xiaohu took out Dao's space storage.

I have to say that Zizi's storage bracelets are very rich in materials and all kinds of things. Some of them are of very high quality.

If Ye Xiaohu intends to stay in the Kunlun world for a long time, these things are enough for Ye Xiaohu to use for a hundred years, which shows the status of Daozi in Daoxian City.

However, Ye Xiaohu didn't plan to stay here for a long time, so he was ready to look away after watching it for a while.

As a result, when Ye Xiaohu put away a piece of things, he actually saw a yellow gold book.

When I saw this book, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but immediately took it up and took a closer look at it: "If I am not wrong, this gold book should be the Taoist magic weapon. I destroyed it before. It should be a projection. "

"But it is a pity that this gold book is not perfect, so it has little effect. If you can perfect it, let alone the present self, even if it is a scattered fairy, it can be sealed."

Ye Xiaohu highly praised this golden book. Obviously he liked this golden book very much.

So Ye Xiaohu carefully studied the contents of the gold book, the refining methods ... and so on.

After determining the refining method, Ye Xiaohu, with his powerful spirit power, directly wiped out all traces of Daozi on the golden book, thus seizing control of the golden book.

After seizing control of the gold book, Ye Xiaohu placed the gold book in the floating island space and stored it separately: "Wait for time later, perfect it for future use."

After finishing the golden book, the materials in Daozi's storage space were basically cleaned up by Ye Xiaohu.

Immediately after, Ye Xiaohu took out Sun Youqing's storage space, poured it out in the same way, and read them one by one.

Sun Youqing is different from Daozi. She is not the heir to Yaowangcheng, but is the daughter of the person in charge of Yaowanggu, the largest force in Yaowangcheng.

Therefore, although there are many medicinal materials in her storage space, other things are very poor.

However, Ye Xiaohu didn't expect her too much, so Ye Xiaohu first jumped out the medicines he lacked in refining Shendan, and then picked out the medicines for refining the healing medicine and set them aside.

After getting these two things done, Ye Xiaohu went on to classify them, sorted the medicinal herbs one by one, and sent them to where they should stay.

After solving these two problems, Ye Xiaohu began to refine the healing medicine.

This kind of healing medicine is a panacea specially designed for the healing of the heavenly soldiers.

In the past, when Ye Xiaohu was in the heavenly court, he didn't practice less.

So Ye Xiaohu refined this healing medicine ~ ~ can be described as closed eyes can be successfully refined.

After more than an hour of hard work, a bottle of healing medicine was refined.

After the healing medicine was delivered to Nangong Xingrui, he taught Nangong Xingrui how to use it, and determined that Nangong Xingrui could master it. So Ye Xiaohu said goodbye to Nangong Xingrui, returned to his room, and continued to retreat to refine the magic pill .

When Ye Xiaohu closed down, the mansion where Daozi lived finally happened.

After all, Daozi ’s mansion was so big, and so many people died at the door.

So the person who found the problem quickly reported the matter to the head of the patrol brigade in Nanpai City.

The person in charge of the patrol brigade briefly inspected the situation at the scene, and his face could not help but changed greatly. He knew that this time things were going wrong, and it was definitely not something he could handle.

So he ordered his men to block the scene, and then took the information he had investigated to the city's main palace to report directly.

(End of this chapter)

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