Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 934: : I see the earth


"There is no Jiuxiao Tianlei in front, is this true?"

"What are you waiting for, everyone hurries."

"I can finally escape my birth."

Han Junlei and the others lit up one after another, and then jumped out one by one.

Bang Bang Bang Bang.

After a while, they came to a safe place and looked back.

As a result, there was still Jiuxiao Tianlei behind him, but in front of him there was nothing wrong.

And behind the nine thunder sky thunder, the power is also reduced a little.

At the beginning, they were desperate, so they had no time and experience to pay attention to the situation behind them.

Now that they are safe, they only have time to pay attention to Jiuxiao Tianlei, so they are forced to say: "What is going on, why is Jiuxiao Tianlei's power weakening, and there is no Jiuxiao Tianlei in this place?"

Former Han Junlei and others also broke into this position.

But that time they suffered heavy losses, so they have a deep understanding of this place and know that once this formation is released, it will not end in a short time.

But today, there are some surprises.

"Will that kid change the formation, so the situation we encounter is different from the past?"

A genius from Kunlun Ten Cities, carefully put forward his own suggestion: "So we will not continue to encounter Jiuxiao Tianlei, can we even reach the destination directly?"

"It is possible."

Han Junlei and others nodded and agreed with this speculation: "After all, we don't have a formation method, and we don't know how this formation method works."

"Unfortunately, the formation genius of that year was bombed by Jiuxiao Tianlei and died, otherwise we can ask his opinion."

In the long river of history, some formation geniuses also entered the ruins of Kunlun, but those people died in the river of history because they were too weak to cultivate.

Under such circumstances, Han Junlei and others could not help but think seriously: "What shall we do next, continue to move forward, or stop, waiting for Jiuxiao Tianlei to leave this place after the end?"

"No, now that we have come to this place, we cannot go back."

Kunlun Xiaoyaozi, who has been silent for a long time, came out from the side and said: "For this moment, we have wasted countless hours, abandoned all fame and gain, and waited lonely in this place, and finally waited until the last moment, how can we give up?"


"We can't give up."

"To this day, we can only succeed, not fail."

"Push, fight hard."

If Kunlun Xiaoyaozi, the geniuses who were pulled back to the direction of the advance, continue to follow Kunlun Xiaoyaozi.

Soon they passed through one passage after another, and finally came to the location of the main hall of Kunlun Palace.

"You look at that place quickly. If I guess correctly, it should be the main hall of Kunlun Palace."

The Kunlun City where the Xiaoyaozi is located has inherited most of the things left by Kunlun Immortals, so he has a certain understanding of the main hall of Kunlun Palace.

So Kunlun Xiaoyaozi pointed to the main hall of Kunlun Palace and said: "According to the rumor, there are secrets of Kunlun immortals becoming immortals in the main hall of Kunlun Palace. If we can get these things, we will not be a fairy in the future, then we can sweep the same generation . "

"And you look at the majestic pillar above the main hall of Kunlun Palace. If I guess right, he is the space channel connecting the earth. As long as we open the seal that seals the main hall of Kunlun Palace, then this channel will naturally open, At that time, if we want to go to the earth or return to Kunlun City, we will become very calm. "

Kunlun Xiaoyaozi looked excited, he worked hard for so long, and finally he can do it today.

I saw him looking at the main hall of Kunlun Palace and said: "Everyone is acting. Today we must unblock the main hall of Kunlun Palace."

"Is that the channel to break the boundary?"

"It's really exciting!"

"After working so long, waiting so long, I can finally wait until this moment."

"But our broken stone is not enough, one piece of broken stone, how can we get it?"

Everyone talked about it and said some questions about their relationship.

Among them, the lack of Ye Xiaohu's breaking stone is undoubtedly the biggest problem in cracking the void.

"Damn, you should first grab the breaking stone in Ye Xiaohu's hands and talk about it."

Han Jun thundered and complained fiercely, then said to Kunlun Xiaoyaozi and others: "For today's sake, it is estimated that there are only three people holding the breaking stone, and the people who meet the adventure will unite and bombard the last point together to fight to complete the breaking.

"Only so."

Han Junlei's proposal immediately received everyone's proposal.

Until now, they can only try for a while.

So Kunlun Xiaoyaozi, Han Junlei, and Dao Xiancheng's Daozi of the previous generation, each of them held a broken stone and went to a fixed place.

As for the rest, they came to the last point together.

This point is also an unimportant place to break boundaries.

"Kunlun show."

"Dao Xian Shen Tong."

"Heavenly Magic."

"Wan Fa Tong Tian Shu ~ ~ Han Junlei and others exhibited their natal magic powers one by one. For a time, above the main hall of Kunlun Palace, there were colorful lights everywhere.


The magic technique hits the seal of the main hall of Kunlun Palace and has no effect.

Because this seal is arranged by Kunlunxian, in terms of purity, it is far stronger than Han Junlei and others, so they cannot be cracked.

However, when the world-breaking stone reached the sky and fell on the seal of the main hall of Kunlun Palace, everything changed.

Boundary stone unique attributes, after entering the seal, immediately began to invade the seal of Kunlun Palace, and formed an independent vacuum zone.

"Okay, this seal is broken."

Seeing this scene, Han Junlei and the others lit up, so when they were doing things, they were full of motivation.

I saw that they had the power to feed on milk and bombarded the seal above the main hall of Kunlun Palace frantically.

Bang Bang Bang Bang.

I don't know how long the bombardment took, they finally gave the seal on the main hall of Kunlun Palace to the bombardment.

After all, Kunlun Immortal is not in the Kunlun Palace, and naturally there is no way to maintain the seal, so the seal without any consciousness is destroyed in this way, and there is no automatic repair.

Seeing this scene, Han Junlei and others were relieved one by one. They knew their efforts were not in vain.

At this moment, the Xiaoyaozi of Kunlun City pointed to a black hole that appeared above the void, and then said with a happy face: "Look, look at that corner of the earth in that place, and we finally have the hope of returning to the earth. Now. "

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