Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 935: : 1 step ahead

The Kunlun world is too small.

According to the area of ​​the earth, the Kunlun boundary can only be regarded as the area of ​​a state.

When the masters of their 10 Kunlun cities invaded the Kunlun world, they originally planned to develop this place into their own branch. But they never imagined that after they invaded this place, they would never be able to go back. It has always been that they are only this generation, and they only saw the hope of returning.

"Go, let's take a look back at the earth now."

"I don't know, so after so many years, what does the earth look like now, is it the same as that recorded in the classics?"

"I don't know, but the gods walked all over the earth."

"Yes, although the fairy left, it is always easier to become a fairy than this small place in Kunlun world?"

"And so many traditions, so many territories, so many beautiful women and resources, are all things we dream of."

Han Junlei and others looked at the direction of the earth with excitement.

But just as they were about to leave, Kunlun Xiaoyao Zi smiled slightly: "OK, you go up and take a look, I will go later."

"it is good."

Han Junlei and others nodded, just about to get up.

As a result, they saw that Kunlun Xiaoyaozi could not wait to walk towards the main hall of Kunlun Palace. Han Junlei who saw this scene flew back quickly and said: "But before returning to the earth, I still have to take a look at the main hall of Kunlun Palace. Say something more. "

"You old thing."

Hearing Han Junlei, Kunlun Xiaoyaozi knew that he saw through his thoughts again.

Originally he wanted to take advantage of Han Junlei and others to leave and enter the main hall of Kunlun Palace first, so that he could get the Kunlun fairy things, so that he could walk sideways in this group of people.

But he never expected that Han Junlei, who had already got up and left, turned over again.

This made Kunlun Xiaoyaozi not staying, immediately moved his footsteps and quickly chased toward Han Junlei: "Old things, you wait for me for a while, and I would like to enjoy the treasure inside alone."

Hearing the words of Han Junlei and Kunlun Xiaoyaozi, the others who were about to leave, and had even flown to half, woke up.

So they gave up their plans to return to the earth and immediately chased Han Junlei and others.

But they started late, when they chased Han Junlei and Kunlun Xiaoyaozi, the two of them had already stepped into the main hall of Kunlun Palace.

"We broke through the border together, did you actually enter the treasure hunt alone?"

"What about things?"

"Leave us a copy, do you want to swallow it alone?"

"Han Junlei, Xiaoyaozi ... what do you mean, why did you swallow everything in this place?"

Sword Fairy City Biyuan glanced around, and his face became black when he brushed his face. I saw him gloomy and took out his fairy sword. He pointed at Han Junlei and Xiaoyao Zi and said: "The two of you just took it out Things, or let me pierce you one by one, and then take out those things yourself? "

Jianxiancheng Biyuan thought that Han Junlei and others would shoot and **** things, but he never expected that they would **** so hard and evacuated the entire main hall at once.

Several other people, after hearing Biyuan's words, raised their weapons one after another, and pointed at Han Junlei and others together, because they did not want their interests to be lost, and they were later suppressed by Han Junlei and others.

"Whether you believe it or not, but there is one thing, I want to tell you to listen."

Faced with the threats from Jianxian City Biyuan and others, Kunlun Xiaoyaozi did not respond, but Han Junlei smiled bitterly: "Because when we came in, this place has become like this, obviously someone is a step earlier than us. Entered the main hall of Kunlun Palace. "

"Do you think we are three years old?"

Jianxian City did not fear Han Junlei, and saw him sneer: "This place is only for you and me. And it is the seal that we just joined together to break, and let you enter this place first. Then the things inside are not Who can take it from you? "

Han Jun Lei smiled bitterly, he found out how he was washing now, and there was no way to wash himself clean.

So he turned around and said to the Kunlun Xiaoyaozi on the side: "Xiaoyaozi, you say a word!"

Kunlun Xiaoyaozi withdrew his eyes and said: "Indeed, he is not the one who stole the things in the main hall of Kunlun Palace."

"not him?"

Sword Fairy City Biyuan sneered, "Is that you?"

"It's not me."

Kunlun Xiaoyaozi shook his head, rejected Biyuan's guess and said: "You must not forget that among the people who came with us at the beginning, there was another Ye Xiaohu who did not know the life and death."


Suddenly heard the name, Han Junlei also had some unbelievable words: "Under Jiuxiao Tianlei, Ye Xiaohu cannot survive."

"It is impossible to survive, so what is this?"

Kunlun Xiaoyaozi sneered ~ ~ Obviously dissatisfied with the doubts of everyone, so he pointed to a place not far away and said: "If I am not wrong, that thing should be earth dragon blood . "

Earth Dragon Blood?

Hearing Kunlun Xiaoyaozi's words, everyone quickly looked over, and really saw a pool of blood.

Although they did not recognize it, it was the blood of the earth dragon.

But there is blood in this place, and the blood also has some unique smell. Obviously, the blood has not fallen for a long time.

Under such circumstances, they judged calmly that there should be a person in this place, or a pet earth dragon.

"Come out!"

After confirming this, Han Junlei took the lead in breaking the silence and said: "Long Yi, Ye Xiaohu, we have found your trail. If you are not out yet, then we can only use the **** means to clean this place again, let you There is no place for burial. "

"Only you deserve to kill me and my master?"

Hearing Han Junlei, Long Yi walked out of the main hall of Kunlun Palace.

I saw that the dragon became a lot slimmer. It was not like an ordinary earth dragon. Instead, it had some unique looks.

As soon as he came out, he immediately hiccupped and said: "This place is already owned by my host. I advise you to leave this place quickly while my host hasn't got angry, otherwise don't blame me for killing me."

"Only you?"

Kunlun Xiaoyaozi sneered, then said to Han Jun Lei: "You drag it, I will go in and see what Ye Xiaohu is doing."

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