Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 107 I heard you want to kill me

9 am.

I don’t know if it’s because of the Day of Holy Love, but the weather has been exceptionally sunny these days. London, which rarely sees sunshine all year round, also shows some beautiful scenery after snow.

The expensive carriage walked slowly on the slightly lively streets. The wheels inlaid with silver carvings could not drive through the snow faster than ordinary wheels, so the few young family members following the carriage only needed to You can keep up by picking up the pace a little.

Soon, the White Thorn Security Company arrived. Executive Officer Ivanovich got out of the car and told the driver to just wait here and he would be out in about half an hour.

Then, he took out his handkerchief and wiped his nose. He found that there was no blood, and then he walked into the gate of White Thorns gloomily.

He didn't sleep well last night.

Even up to this moment, he had been feeling very uncomfortable and had several nosebleeds during this period. But I don’t know what happened. I just vaguely feel that my body is suffering some kind of terrible damage, but these injuries are isolated in another world by something, and there is no way to really show them for the time being. .

Okay, he knew it sounded hard to understand, but there was no better way to express this feeling. Now he just wanted to finish killing people quickly and then go back to the hotel to have a good rest.

Pushing open the door of White Thorn, the Executive Officer came to the conference room with several of his family members, and found that people had been waiting here for a long time, which made him very satisfied.

"Very well, since everyone is ready, don't waste time." He said, and then his eyes swept across everyone present: "Which of you is... what... Sherlock?"

No one responded, the silence lasted for about a second, and then Priest Thompson walked out.

"On behalf of all the staff at White Thorn Security Company, I offer you my most sincere apologies. The person you selected did not come."

Executive Officer Ivnovitch didn't speak, but he frowned.

"Yesterday, I sent someone to notify him, but he seems to have moved out of his original residence, and his landlord is not at home either, so we have no way of knowing his whereabouts.

But apart from this man, everyone else at White Thorn is here, so you can choose any one of us."

Reverend Thompson said, bowing his head slightly, with the most obvious apology.

However, before he could finish speaking, his words were interrupted.

"Are you making a decision for me?" Executive Officer Ivanovich's voice was not loud, but it was filled with a biting coldness.

The Adjudication Department is the most concentrated expression of the Holy See's bloody methods within the empire. As an executive, under the baptism of time, his murderous intention will not be washed away by the gentleness of his age. Wrapped layer by layer, the brewing becomes more and more viscous.

So at this moment, as an ordinary person, Miss Mary couldn't hold on almost instantly, and fell to the ground with a thud, trembling.

"I told you, I want that person to come see me today and not be late!"

"But..." Priest Thompson was the closest to him, so he felt the strongest pressure. Fortunately, he had reached the peak of the first stage, so he could still maintain an unshakable tone: "But that detective was just a canonized detective. For newlyweds who have been in the ceremony for less than three months, do you have some in your test?"

His tone gradually became hardened.

Priest Thompson knew that what he said next was undoubtedly the greatest disrespect to his superior, and even contained some condemnation and a questioning tone. He is an extremely devout believer. Ever since he became an apprentice in a monastery, he has never stopped praying for even one day. He has no wife, children, or family. All his beliefs have been put into the Holy See, and he has even failed to do so. He lived a kind girl, but he never regretted it. Even in the most quiet time alone at night, he never blasphemed against the Holy See!

He thought he would never say such a thing.

However, he inexplicably thought of the funeral a few days ago. The five-year-old child hugged his mother and confirmed over and over again whether his father would wake up from his deep sleep as long as he grew up.

"Lampard's death has nothing to do with neglect of training. You should be able to see that the people in this room are all well-trained. Therefore, you specified that you want a new contractor to be tested. Is it... Are there some private thoughts in it?!"

He said softly.

The room fell into absolute silence, as a loud noise took away everyone's hearing.

I don't know how long it took.


Executive Officer Ivnovitch smiled softly:

"What a bunch of ignorant and ridiculous people."

He said nothing more, because there was no point anymore, and turned around and walked towards the gate of White Thorn.

His family members followed him one after another, the sunflower pendants in their hands swaying in panic, and the prayers he recited became less neat.

Everyone knows how much it costs to contradict a superior official of the Holy See, especially one who is affiliated with the Adjudication Department. As long as this gentleman walks out of that door, then the piety of Priest Thompson's life will be in vain, and even He will be severely punished for this, and the entire White Thorn Security Company may undergo a major change.

But no one dared to stop him

You can't stop it even if you want to?

I could only watch the man and his family walking through the corridor and arriving at the door.

With a creak, the door was opened, and sunlight, cold wind, and noise poured in at the same time.

Executive Officer Ivanovich was startled.

He looked at the young man who was about to open the door and come in, and Sherlock also looked at the executive who was about to go out.

The two people's eyes met for just a moment.

"Oh, hello, you must be Mr. Ivnovitch." Sherlock said with a smile.

His smile was filled with exhaustion that had almost reached the extreme. On his collar, you could vaguely see blue and black blood vessels spasming painfully. His hands were trembling, his face was pale, and there was no trace of blood on his lips.

No one knew what this guy went through last night, but everyone could tell that he was experiencing some great pain.

But at the same time, his smile was so hearty and heartfelt, and he always seemed to have nebulae moving in his eyes, which were always sleepy.

"I'm really sorry. I almost slept to death last night, so I came a little late today."

As he spoke, he glanced inside the inner door and glanced at the standing clock in the corridor.

"It seems that you are not late. The time is just right. I heard that you want to kill me, so please come in quickly."

The next chapter has been blocked. Please be patient. I'll go to the reviewer's house.

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