Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 108 After piercing the snow curtain!

Sherlock made an "invite" gesture, as if he was inviting a visitor to stop standing and come into the house as if it were his own home.

This feeling is so weird.

He was obviously standing outside the house, so why did he invite the people inside? And, what did he mean by 'trying to kill me'? And how did this guy have the nerve to put on that "come in quickly" attitude? It's obvious that he hasn't been to the company a few times.

In short, with this weird energy, Sherlock passed by Executive Ivnovitch, walked into the house, and then said hello to several people at the other end of the corridor.

"Hi, long time no see."

But this greeting did not receive any response, because everyone was looking at him with strange eyes.

At the same time, I don't understand why he is so haggard and weak, as if he has just experienced a battle where he has been on the verge of death countless times, so that if he doesn't hold on to the wall, he will fall to the ground with a plop, never to be seen again. It seems like I can't get up.

"Are you Sherlock?" Executive Officer Ivanovich at the door finally turned around and looked up and down at the young man in front of him.

"Exactly down there."

"Oh, you're not late, but what do you mean you're like this? You soaked in the river water all night in advance, pretending to be sick, and then find an excuse for your failed test?"

Ivnovič naturally thought of this reason and asked a somewhat ridiculous question. At the same time, he did not respond to the other party's words "want to kill me", as if he selectively did not hear it.

"Of course not." Sherlock said with a smile: "I am not sick. On the contrary, I am very healthy and energetic now.!!!"

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly vomited out a large mouthful of blood!


Like a blowout, a large amount of pus and blood continued to gush out of the esophagus crazily, like a street vagabond who drank low-quality fake wine. The dazzling bright red sprayed on the floor of the White Thorn Security Company, and then his body swayed and his face became even darker. turned pale.

"Ah, I'm sorry." Sherlock finished spraying, straightened up like a normal person, and wiped his mouth in embarrassment: "Let's find a cleaning company to come over later. The money will be deducted from my subsidy, and the rest is mine. The condition is really good, and I even want to start testing as soon as possible. What do you think?"



Still no one responded to him, and a few people even looked at each other with dementia-like eyes, as if they felt that there must be something wrong between them and this guy named Sherlock.

Fortunately, Watson was the one who recovered the quickest. He took a few steps forward, then helped Sherlock to a chair by the corridor, and tried his forehead. It was frighteningly hot. .

"I am the doctor here. Mr. Sherlock is very ill and I do not recommend that he participate in the test."


"Huh, sick?" Executive Officer Ivnovich smiled: "As the security management agency of the Holy See, illness and pain are never reasons to refuse tasks. Danger will never be delayed because of illness. Devil Nor will he have any sympathy for him because of his illness. In the light of the Holy Light, all suffering is a test for his believers. And haven't you heard his words?

He said he was fine! "

The executive officer spoke in an understatement, but did not leave any room for turning. Anger spread slowly around. At this time, everyone knew that the other party's visit had a strong purpose, and even When I looked at Sherlock again, I felt that his words "I'm fine" were some weird sense of responsibility that he was trying to resist everything, and he felt extremely grateful for it.

However, neither anger nor gratitude can be converted into resistance at this moment. Neither force nor rights are qualified to resist, so it can only tragically turn into waves of powerlessness.

Until Sherlock stood up with difficulty and responded with a smile: "Then what are you waiting for? Let's get started."

There is an open space a street away from the White Thorn Security Company. It is a rare green belt in lower London. The saplings planted before the second demonic invasion have not been irrigated by decades of acid rain. The rhizome was burned to pieces, but it stubbornly grew to a height of more than ten meters. In the green belt, there was a sloppy but absolutely strong steel fence, outlining a huge lawn area of ​​about 2,000 square meters.

Although for a city, an area of ​​2,000 square meters is nothing, in London, such an area is enough to build an apartment building, so this means that there are definitely some green belts that some investors dare not move. reason.

That is. This is the training ground for the London Police Service.

In fact, every city has such a place. The institutions under the Holy See, no matter how big or small, must provide supporting facilities, otherwise it will be too embarrassing.

At this time, in the training ground, everyone from White Thorns had already arrived. Priest Thompson walked towards Sherlock. Looking at his weak appearance, he hesitated for a long time and finally said slowly:

"I don't know what happened between you and Executive Officer Ivnovitch, but after your death, I will fight for the highest level of pension for you."

I have to say, he really knows how to chat.

Priest Thompson has been praying all his life. Although he is already middle-aged, he is not that good at daily communication. He just said the most practical and reliable words at this time.

The colleagues around him all cast complicated glances, as if they wanted to offer some words of comfort, but couldn't bear to say more. They didn't have much interaction with Sherlock, but they felt inexplicably sadness, unwillingness, and strong anger. , However, these emotions could not bring about any change, so I could only grit my teeth and remain silent as always.

It happened that at this time, several people wearing burlap monk robes came over. They were the family members brought by Executive Officer Ivnovitch. Almost every clergyman of the Holy See has such family members. They are followers. Helpers, servants in daily life, errands, luggage carriers, and even consumables. In short, they are the owner's belongings. They are not allowed to have families or thoughts of betrayal. Everything comes from the owner, and everything in their mind is also Owner.

A monk with the unique mark of the Judgment Division on his forehead slowly walked forward:

"Before the test begins, there are some relevant regulations in the Holy See system that need to be explained, but Mr. Ivnovitch is very busy, so I will do it for you." He said calmly, like a machine with no emotions, even Without waiting for the people in front of them to react, they continued talking on their own:

"Although this is a test, accidents will inevitably happen, such as the influence of external factors, emergencies of testers, out-of-control death battles between contracted creatures for no reason, etc. It is just like an operation. Even if No matter how careful you are, something may happen.

The "Regulations on the Obligations of Field Personnel" promulgated by the Holy See clearly states that personnel in all institutions must strictly abide by training regulations and regularly follow inspections by superiors.

Therefore, Mr. Ivnovitch must fulfill his duties. At the same time, he will naturally try his best to avoid things outside the situation, but "

He spoke word by word without emotion, but Mark next to him finally couldn't help it. He rushed up and grabbed the linen clothes on the other person's chest, gritted his teeth, and said viciously: "What do you want to do? Let us sign Accident risk agreement?”

"Everything has risks and it's within the rules and regulations."

"Fuck your rules and regulations! An executive officer of the Judgment Department will fail a test on a newcomer who has just been a contractor for less than three months? Doesn't your master have the ability to control himself? He desecrated cheese. Will you die of exhaustion in bed because you can't control yourself?"

Just like Thompson's evaluation of Mark, it's not surprising that shit will come out of his mouth when this guy is angry.

He is very angry now.

However, the family members in front of them still showed no expression and just responded lightly:

“All of your words and actions can be construed as disrespectful to a member of the Holy See’s clergy.

Also, I would like to emphasize again that everything is within the rules and regulations of the Holy See, and your words and deeds can also be understood as disrespectful to the Holy See.

Finally, I need to solemnly state that everything I just described is not a discussion, but a notification. The accident risk agreement has come into effect. All 12 family members present have also sworn to the Holy Light, and the oath has been successfully recorded and is being sent to the court. on the way.

The test is about to begin. Please prepare carefully and wish everyone good luck. "

After saying these words, the family members in front of them left directly.

There was no expression of emotion, no exchange of eyes, and no more words said.

Of course Sherlock heard all this, but he didn't seem to care. He just sat on a chair, breathing quietly and waiting.

"You heard it, you will die, and you will die within the rules and regulations." Watson said leisurely, seeming to recall something deep in his memory, looking at the other side of the venue, looking at the executioner The official has slowly walked to the center of the snow.

Sherlock stood up with difficulty. He had high fever, weakness, and excessive blood loss. Each of these factors foreshadowed his ending. In fact, without these, his ending would not have changed.

So Watson didn't understand why this guy kept that weird and excited smile.

Anyway, that's it. He watched Sherlock walking towards the training ground step by step, almost unable to stand still. He came to the executive officer, and the distance between the two was less than two meters.

They may or may not have said something to each other.

In short, the next moment, the executive officer's hand had been raised. In an instant, the old man seemed to have turned into a giant statue standing on the snow. The raised hand seemed to contain the weight of tens of millions of tons. Then he pressed down lightly.

This is definitely not a simple test

In an instant, the snow on the entire training ground was violently shaken and flew into the sky more than ten meters high. Along with a huge unprovoked wind, it swept into a white tornado that obscured the sight. At the same time, the dry grass underfoot It began to churn, and the extremely hard soil frozen by the low temperature was crushed, and was torn apart by invisible forces, creating huge cracks that spread terror!

With such a simple action, an executive of the Judgment Division demonstrated the terrifying lethality of the Holy See's combat organization, a group of people known for their bloody and actual combat.

Under the huge roar, no one dared to make any sound, and no one dared to imagine any other ending. Even Priest Thompson stared at this scene blankly, feeling how ridiculous the words he had said before were.

The other party just wanted to kill the detective. When he had this idea, the other party was already dead. There was no possibility of escape. All he could do was accept it.

The next second, the roar gradually subsided, the strong wind disappeared, and the snow began to fall from the sky one after another, like a sudden huge white fog barrier, covering everyone's eyes.

And in this swirling snow.

A hand suddenly came out and pierced the snow curtain, pressing firmly on the thin face of Executive Officer Ivnovitch, and then an even greater force carried that face and the fragile back of his head. Squeezing the cervical spine below, together with the spine inlaid with ribs, and the entire body, it smashed into the ground behind him with an extremely simple but unstoppable momentum!

A sound of "Boom!!"! The ears of those who were bombarded were buzzing!

Don't be impatient, don't be impatient, I'm coaxing the kids, I'll continue talking in the afternoon ~ mua

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