Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 109 Amu

Chapter 109 Amu~

No one realized what happened, and some even thought that this was some kind of corpse-beating behavior by the executive officer.

But the roar was still continuing, in the white snow.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The ground was shaking. Fortunately, these vibrations were not as gorgeous as before, and there was no strong wind, so the snow finally fell, and in the sight, a thin figure was kneeling on the ground, and his clothes were soaked with blood. , making it look like it was covered with a layer of sticky scarlet oilcloth. One hand was supporting the ground, while the other hand seemed to be holding something, and was slamming it into the ground one by one, each time making a huge and dull sound.

Everyone saw this scene, but there was no way to understand what happened in the first place. The brain's visual feedback is that Sherlock is pressing Executive Ivnovitch to the ground in an insulting manner and beating the face on his hands, and his head is being pulled along with his body. Up, down, up and down.


And in the next second, a huge force suddenly struck, and Sherlock, who was covered in blood, was thrown several meters high, and then fell miserably to the ground.

Ivnovitch got up, his face was also covered with blood. He didn't know whether it was his own or Sherlock's. In short, he was a little embarrassed, and he was still a little unresponsive. He didn't understand why the other party was still alive, such an attack. Below, it is enough to kill any first-stage contractor.

Sherlock is still a contractor in the first stage, but he is still alive strangely. At the same time, his whole body is suffering from severe pain that is worse than death. He does not know how many ribs are broken. There was a huge crack on the tibia of the left leg, and the bone spurs it brought out pierced into the flesh, causing heartbreaking pain as every muscle trembled. There were bruises all over the place under the windbreaker, and the internal organs also suffered an unknown amount of serious impact. , the plasma invades the lung lobes, and a large amount of blood will be splashed out as long as you breathe.

And these are actually just the injuries he suffered last night.

Just last night, he lost 81 controllable demons. Under the siege of waves, those cute little guys turned into corpses all over the ground, and countless tentacles were torn apart and crushed. Their death brought unspeakable huge backlash to Sherlock, extreme dizziness and vomiting. It seemed as if thousands of lives were burned by fire in his mind, and the fatal screams never stopped for a moment.

But even so, he still came to an executive officer with the pain that could destroy anyone's mind, and then firmly withstood an attack that could kill any junior contractor. This attack left those in him The spasmed blood vessels exploded, scattering a large amount of blood, but he was still not dead. He still climbed up from the ground extremely excited, with an even more excited smile on his lips, and a strange but bright light flashed in his eyes, turning into a The bloody shadow rushed towards the old man in front of him.

The distance of more than ten meters was passed by in the blink of an eye. Sherlock's hand went straight towards the opponent's throat. At the fastest speed and the smallest force-bearing area, he poured all his power into the small area of ​​​​the fingertips. This touch will break the cartilage in the throat and penetrate the fragile airway.

This is an extremely simple attack method when facing the enemy. It will be mentioned in all combat skills, but no one can really mobilize the strength of the muscles of the whole body like Sherlock at this time, and when the tendons are contracting, In an instant, seize the elastic moment of opportunity, condense the forward leaning of the body caused by sprinting, the driving of the body by the legs, and the twisting of the waist and abdomen, and other factors that can be used, all condensed into a simple To the extreme blow.

Even he couldn't do it yesterday

So, at the moment when Executive Officer Ivanovich had just stood firm, a breeze blew in front of him

Then, there was a figure that seemed to arrive suddenly, and then there was the smell of blood that hit his face. He saw a pair of eyes, which were focused to the extreme. There was no trace of fluctuation in the eyes, just like death itself, there would be no trace of it. Trembling eyes.

His throat began to feel cold, followed by a moment of choking, and he could not catch his breath. The arrogant executive officer suddenly realized something. He subconsciously covered his throat, but there was no way to stop the fatal pain. Spreading, I felt an extremely terrifying force directly pass through the throat, the entire neck, and even penetrate the cervical spine, leaving several shocking cracks between the most important bones in the human body!

Then, he felt that he began to lose weight, and his whole body began to fly backwards, and the world began to turn upside down. In just such a moment, he fell straight back when they met each other, and his sparse hair was blown by the wind brought out by his body. scattered, and then scattered messily on the ground in the white snow.


Only then did he finally cough for the first time.

Silence is like snowflakes, spanning a distance of tens of millions of kilometers, but never making a sound; this scene is extremely long, but the second hand on the clock is actually just one step forward.

Sherlock fell to the ground with a thud. He looked a hundred times more miserable than the old man, but it was natural for him to fall to the ground, because everyone foresaw that he would fall and that he would die!

But why is Lord Ivnovitch also lying on the ground?

At this moment, the family members beside the field seemed to suddenly fall into some kind of fear and incomprehension. They threw themselves towards the center of the field regardless of the rules, staggered, pushed, and gathered around their master, pushing him Help sit up.

At a certain moment just now, they even thought that their master was dead.


"Cough cough cough cough——"

Executive Officer Ivnovitch let out a more violent and painful cough. The experience accumulated in countless missions and the subconscious reactions honed between life and death allowed him to escape from consciousness at that moment. Actively fall backward.

He gasped violently, while looking at Sherlock lying on the ground in front of him in disbelief, at the exhausted bloody man. Just at this glance, he seemed to have some kind of fear himself, wondering what would happen if his reaction was just a little bit slower?

Immediately afterwards, this fear turned into anger. How could a first-stage scum dare to think about counterattack, or even think about killing himself? !

His throat was severely damaged and he couldn't speak, so he waved his hand violently, and a huge void crack was torn open in the field!

Lord Ivnovitch is a controller. His own strength is not strong. 80% of his combat power is actually in controlling his contracted creatures. Therefore, his contracted creatures have extremely terrifying lethality and control. The distance reached a terrifying kilometer! He can kill any enemy easily without revealing himself at a distance several times the limit of human vision.

But even so, his own strength is definitely beyond the reach of a first-order contractor! ! ! That's why he was angry. He didn't know how the guy in front of him did it, but he knew that this bastard needed to die.

A huge but slender hand stretched out from the crack, and a dark head with no eyes and only a big mouth popped out. This was the contracted creature of Executive Ivnovitch, a nearly A lanky giant that reached five meters.

And the one he wanted to kill was just the guy who was too exhausted to stand up.

No more accidents will happen, just a slap, a kick, or even a random movement.

But at this moment, Executive Officer Ivanovich was suddenly stunned.

He sensed something was wrong!

A sharp pain hit him. It was unbelievable. In an instant, it exceeded the limit that his mind could bear. He didn't even let out a subconscious scream. At the same time, his pores began to ooze blood, and his eyeballs were here. The sluggish moment exploded, and the organs seemed to have compressed decades of aging into half a second. The originally wrinkled skin became dry, and the lips curled up due to shrinkage, revealing the The bloodless gums.

It was just such a moment, the moment when the cracks in the void were torn open.

The pain that had been faintly felt since last night finally broke through the barrier between the planes, and fed back unstoppably to the body that collapsed in an instant.


One of the family members closest to Mr. Ivnovitch suddenly burst into a panic scream, because they didn't know what happened. Just now, they were just supporting the master's noble arm. Why did the whole arm fall off with a slight move? down.

Looking down again, the muscles and skin on that arm seemed to have collapsed for several months. The rotten tendons could not be connected together, and they were held by him in an almost melted posture. On hand! !

The closer the connection between the contractor and the contracted creature, the stronger the backlash effect will be, and it will be even worse for a manipulative contractor!


If this strong backlash comes from Lord Ivnovitch's contracted creature, then why can't the slender giant in front of him be seen to be injured?

No one knows why.

No one even knew why the slender giant slowly crawled towards the direction of its summoner, with its nearly five-meter-tall body crawling and stretching out a hand, ignoring those who were surrounding it in fear. The family members picked up the collapsed body.

It's like holding a delicate cherry dripping with bright red juice.

Then he raised his head and opened his mouth.


In the venue, there was a scalp-numbing sound of chewing.

Don't worry, today is almost 10,000 words. Read it slowly. The plots are all connected. The evolution of the protagonist. At the same time, the next chapter of Day of Holy Love has begun. Nightingale appears, and many other plots. Wherever it breaks, it breaks. Don’t vote without voting. Vote quickly~

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