Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 110 The Day of Holy Love Begins


The bones were crushed in the mouth, and then chewed carefully, and some blood flowed out between the teeth, forming a cruel contrast between the pale teeth and the dark and shiny skin.

A contracted creature chewed its summoner alive?

People outside the training ground had no idea what was happening behind the green belts that were as tall as walls. Some carriages were passing through the streets, the honking of cars and pedestrians were only a few dozen meters away from the bloody scene.

But they were lucky enough not to see that scene, so they would not realize how much fear that scene brought to those who witnessed it. Even weeks later, they would still wake up suddenly after falling asleep, sweating profusely with fear. .

Finally, after an unknown amount of time, the sound of chewing stopped. The slender giant licked the scraps of meat between his teeth, and then crawled back into the crack in the void.

It was only then that someone finally recovered. The people from White Thorn rushed into the venue and surrounded Sherlock. Watson felt his pulse and incredibly confirmed that this extremely weak man was still alive. , and the excited and sick smile on his face seemed to have finally been released, looking happy and satisfied.

As for the executive officer, he died in front of everyone's eyes, and he died clearly.

He died from the backlash of the contracted creature and was eaten by his own contracted creature

Although this situation is very strange, although the executive officer is already a powerful person who has reached the second level peak, and although he is a strong manipulator, it is absolutely impossible for him to be unable to control his contracted demon. .

But it’s just like what the Holy See said in the “Risk Agreement.”

Anything can happen unexpectedly.

Moreover, the risk agreement for this test has been signed, and the casualties and losses caused during the test have nothing to do with the other party. More than a dozen family members swore in person, and the oath has been sent to the trial court.

Therefore, the death of Executive Officer Ivnovitch is death, no matter how bizarre it is, it is still death.

Just like when some investigators came to White Thorn afterwards, in the retelling of the death incident, Mark from the field team spread his hands and said:

‘As soon as we met, I was chewed by my contracted creature. What is there to say? "

This superior review, which came suddenly and ended even more suddenly, came to an abrupt end. It seemed that in order to avoid making too much noise and angering His Royal Highness the Holy Son, the Adjudication Division did not send anyone else to London.

The whole world seemed to be a lot cleaner all of a sudden. Only more and more fireworks bloomed over the Thames River and more and more kisses were performed on the streets.

The door of St. Adrian's Mission Hospital was pushed open, and Watson brought some fruits to the innermost ward on the second floor, and then sat in front of Sherlock's bed.

Since the training test a few days ago, Sherlock's image has changed significantly in the eyes of the entire White Thorn Security Company.

It can even be said that he is regarded as a hero.

Because Executive Officer Ivnovitch died within the rules and regulations, White Thorn did not bear any responsibility for the Holy See, and the grievances in everyone's hearts were released most freely with the most direct death, whether it was Pensions and this year's allocation will all be paid out at the same penny.

Although all this was just because of a weird accident, for some reason, everyone just felt that this credit should be given to Sherlock, because in the heavy snow, a novice who had only been a contractor for three months, really It was a real injury to a powerful executive, and the most unforgettable humiliation.

Even the shock of that moment has not dissipated up to this moment. In the past few days, Ms. Mary has felt that the charm of the detective who is not working is sometimes not much less charming than Dr. Watson.

It would be better if he could take care of his hair from time to time

And what about Watson?

Before going to bed these days, he would always recall that moment over and over again. He really felt extremely happy. At the same time, he also felt a little ridiculous and weird. Could it be that all of this was Sherlock's fault? ? !

"So what are you doing so motionless today?" He looked at the guy on the bed who was staring at the ceiling in a daze, and asked suspiciously.

"Feel the rotation of this planet" Sherlock responded without blinking.

Watson sighed, ignored the other party, took out an apple, peeled it carefully, cut it into pieces, and then ate it by himself.

In the past few days, Sherlock has always been in a daze from time to time. If you ask him what he is doing, he will give some weird answers.

For example: "Recall how your brain adapted to the force exerted by the muscles in your legs when you first learned to crawl."

This answer is undoubtedly a half-hearted perfunctory. After all, it is impossible for human beings to retain the memories of their infancy, and today's "feeling the rotation of the planet" is an annoying joke.

But Watson didn't care about this. It would be scary if Sherlock started to show some lovable attributes.

After finishing the apple, he picked up a few test reports on the bedside table, took a look at them, and then, adhering to the responsibilities of a medical worker, he said to the guy on the bed:

"There should be an error in your report. Remember to report it to the hospital this afternoon and try it again."

"Huh? Wrong again?" Sherlock looked a little impatient.

St. Adrian's Mission Hospital is a special medical institution established by the Holy See. It is only open to specific groups of people. Sherlock only moved in because of the White Thorn Security Company. The medical facilities here are extremely comprehensive, and the inspection is naturally extremely detailed.

Yesterday, in order to check whether this guy's brain was stunned during the test, the hospital conducted a series of reaction tests on him.

And the result is an instant response time, 0.03 seconds.

There must be something wrong with this answer because when a fly's cilia sense changes in air flow, the response time is only 0.15 seconds.

That is the reason why a fragile creature can reproduce in this world, and it has obtained the chips that carry its life after millions of years of evolution.

It is absolutely impossible for a human being to react like that.

Putting the report sheet back on the bedside, Watson looked at Sherlock who was as elegant as an aristocratic gentleman on the bed. He was very depressed. Because of the death of an executive officer, White Thorns had been very busy submitting information these days, but But here he is, just like a normal person.

"By the way, what kind of value is normal?" Sherlock suddenly asked.

"As far as I know, the reaction time of an ordinary person should be about 0.4 seconds, while the reaction time of a trained soldier is about 0.2 seconds, because human reactions are very complex and need to be transmitted from the brain to the muscles through nerves. , and then give feedback, the contractor cannot improve this attribute. There may be some drugs from the Academy of Life Sciences that can work, but the side effects must be great. In short, there is no room for improvement."

Sherlock listened to Watson's introduction and nodded. He found that he had deliberately suppressed his reaction speed, but it was still a little too fast.

"By the way, has the specific time been determined for the Day of Holy Love?" he asked suddenly.

Watson was slightly startled: "In the newspaper two days ago, the government issued an announcement that the Day of Holy Love will officially begin tomorrow, and all citizens of the empire will enjoy a full day's holiday."

As he spoke, he looked at Sherlock in confusion: "You haven't always cared about this festival. Why are you asking about it all of a sudden?"

Sherlock sighed:

"Although I said before that I don't want to dig out other people's little secrets, I've been really bored lying in bed these days, so I just wondered why my landlady insisted on kicking me out.

I really didn't mean it, I was just being a little bit unpredictable.


Having said this, Sherlock turned his head and looked at Watson with a complicated expression:

"I know this sounds incredible but, Mrs. Hudson, she should be the saint."

Looking at Watson's expression, he was startled at first, and then looked at himself with an expression of 'are you fucking kidding me'? He opened and closed his mouth, but not a single word came out for a long time.

He knew that Watson must have been deceived.

In fact, Sherlock was a little surprised when he thought about this possibility.

But immediately after that, he thought of the little man wearing glasses, and then a lot of information began to gather subconsciously in his mind, including the time and place of appearance, the maid next to him, and the villa where he lived. Anyway, he Reluctantly, he came up with an even more absurd possibility.

Just like he said before

"You wouldn't even dare to write the three vulgar novels on the back pages of third-rate tabloids now."

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