Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 111 Maid Rules Rule 1

London has a permanent population of 600,000, of which at least 590,000 are struggling every day.

They are obsessed with work, money, life, children, wives, alcohol, weather, horse manure, buttholes, prison terms, and so on.

But tonight, among the 590,000 people, there are two people who are the most entangled and distressed.

One is the supreme Holy Son of the Holy See, the future candidate for the Pope, the stunningly talented savior, and the protagonist of the Day of Holy Love.

Secondly, she is the Saint of the Vatican chosen by the Holy Light. She is the luckiest woman in the world. She was destined to have a noble status for a lifetime before she was born. She is another protagonist of the Day of Holy Love.

They will be the focus of the entire empire in the next few days, or even months, but at this moment, no one can understand their emotions

"Master, the ceremony location for the Day of Holy Love is set at the Auckland Cathedral. The time is tomorrow at 12 noon. The climate in London is a bit gloomy compared to other cities, so the sunshine at noon will appear particularly precious and beautiful. .”

In the villa, Moran smiled and said to the man in front of the window. Her smile was extremely bright, and she was completely different from the usual cold maid. Then, her eyes turned to the two sets of clothes in her hands:

“It’s so hard to choose between these two outfits!

The robe was brought all the way from Jerusalem. It is the same style as when you attended the Holy Parish Ceremony, but the color is more vivid.

But this suit is not bad, maybe it’s due to my shallow personal knowledge. I think you must look the best in a suit at the wedding.”

She said, but suddenly she closed her mouth in embarrassment. She probably wanted to use adjectives like 'handsome', but she felt that it was not suitable for her master's identity.

Moriarty stood in front of the window and looked at the other side of the garden. The church windows were shining with flickering light. He knew that it was for the celebration of the Day of Holy Love. Workers were decorating it all night long. Tomorrow morning, that church will become the grandest and most gorgeous sight in London.

"You seem happy." He asked suddenly.

Moran was still looking at the two pieces of clothing in his hands. After hearing the master's question, he nodded immediately: "Of course! Tomorrow is the Day of Holy Love. Master, you can finally meet Her Royal Highness the Saint!"

As she spoke, she seemed to subconsciously raise her head, wanting to look at the stars in the sky, with some kind of happy longing in her eyes: "Her Royal Highness the Saint must be a beautiful woman, with a happy family, and good at cooking. , has a gentle personality, likes flowers, and has a voice like an oriole. Listening to it can make people feel like they are in the spring breeze."

Moriarty was silent for a moment, thinking of when he was very young.

Moran was very young at that time. Before she met her, she was an orphan who had no parents and relied on begging for a living. Outside her dilapidated earthen house, there was a large field of beautiful wild flowers, all of which had no names. She always seems to want to practice a song well, because a beggar with a nice voice can always attract more attention, and her dream is to have good cooking skills, because she wants to make the hard-won food become More delicious.

However, she has no talent for singing, and her cooking skills have always been poor. Even the wild flowers raised with care will wither after a heavy snow.

After meeting him, she has been by his side, and the things she once longed for have never been mentioned again.

"Have you ever liked someone?" Moriarty asked again.

"What?" Moran was stunned for a moment.

She never seemed to think about it.

The man wearing glasses did not continue to ask. Maybe he didn't care anymore, maybe he knew the answer. Anyway, he just looked at the church not far away quietly.

Until a long time later,

"I want to go to bed early today." He said calmly: "Go and tidy up the room and put on a new quilt."

Molan was slightly surprised, because in her memory, the master rarely seemed to go to bed so early, but thinking that tomorrow might be an extremely busy day, she nodded quickly:

"Okay, Master."

As His Royal Highness the Holy Son's personal maid, she was naturally very good at making the bed and folding the quilts. After 5 minutes, she returned to the study.

"Master, it has been packed. You can go to bed at any time."

Moriarty glanced out the window one last time, then slowly turned around and walked towards the door of the room.

But just when he walked in front of Moran, he suddenly stopped.

"What is the first rule of the maid's code?"

"The master's order is above all else!" Moran replied subconsciously.

But she didn't know why her master suddenly asked her this.

I don’t even know why the master suddenly hugged me

She doesn't know anything anymore.

She just felt that the whole world had been deprived of sound. She felt that the tired body was close to hers, and the heartbeat passed through her chest, as if it shared the same beat with hers. She smelled the familiar smell, and she touched that The familiar temperature made her dizzy. She was extremely frightened. She stared, but did not dare to make any move. In her confusion, she felt a wet mark across her cheek, but she did not know that it was her own. , it still belongs to the person in my arms.

Finally, at the last moment when she could hardly think.

She only remembered that she seemed to have a kiss

The sun shines through the clouds, and the snow is like billions of tiny mirrors, reflecting London into a holy white.

The green trees surrounding the Auckland Cathedral are covered with a layer of frost, and are as beautiful as the jade trees in Qiong Palace. It is hard to imagine that everything within the same field of vision can be so noble, elegant, holy, solemn, gorgeous, romantic, etc. It’s multi-sensory, and I can’t even imagine that with so many senses, the main color is just extremely simple white, and it is combined together in an extremely harmonious way.

It has to be said that the architectural designers trained by the Holy See have reached a level of control over beauty that is beyond the reach of normal people.

As the main venue for the Day of Holy Love, in addition to being solemn and beautiful, it must also have the strictest security measures. As the public security management agency in London, White Thorn must be involved in the security arrangements of the venue at this time.

Watson walked through the snow and walked to Sherlock. Then he frowned at his long trench coat that was obviously outdated.

"Is this the best image you can present in a formal occasion?" His tone was full of disbelief.

"Certainly not the best."

Sherlock took out a wooden comb from nowhere, combed his hair carefully, then put on his hat solemnly, and straightened his collar.

"Now is the time."

As soon as he finished speaking, some vague exclamations and sighs were heard around him. People began to look at the other side of the long street in unison, and some even covered their mouths in excitement.

Sherlock and Watson also followed these gazes and looked in that direction.

On the snow-covered road, a group of nuns in white faced the sun, bowed their heads piously and recited prayers. A carriage drove slowly among them. It was as beautiful as a scene taken out of a fairy tale.

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