Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 115 The Holy Light is Never Wrong

"What!!" Moran suddenly panicked: "Yes, I'm sorry!"

"I don't accept your apology. Now, do what he did!" He pointed angrily at Sherlock on the opposite roof.

Moran nodded quickly, not daring to say another word. He picked up his master and jumped to the other side.

In this way, these four people, with an extremely weird relationship and an extremely weird way, flew across the rooftops of London.

Naturally, many other things happened during this period. For example, because the security personnel of the Holy See were not familiar with London, they contacted the local police department and asked to work together to find the whereabouts of the Holy Son.

However, at the same time, 13 robberies, 5 kidnappings, and 21 traffic jams occurred across London.

The people at Scotland Yard simply couldn't spare any manpower to help find the Holy Son.

What makes people feel even more weird is that these robberies were actually caused by demons. Several hellhounds ran out of the cracks in the void and roared at the bank employees. Some of them opened the door of the vault from the inside, and at the same time... He consciously pressed the alarm button under the bank manager's desk with his dog's paw, making each one look like a repeat offender.

But they only caused a big scene and called the police over, but they didn't really steal money.

Nonsense, what can a few dogs from hell do to steal money? Do you go to a pet store to buy dog ​​food? !

As for the kidnapping cases, they were even more bizarre. Several men and women kissing on the street were tied to treetops not far apart, or hung on abandoned gas pipes above the road. One pair was even raped face to face. They were tied together. Anyway, they weren’t tied to any abandoned factory, and no one made extortion calls or asked for ransom. However, the location where they were tied was very annoying and out of reach of passers-by. It was quite dangerous to help. If you don’t send someone, Several police officers came but could not complete the rescue.

After being rescued, the shocked young couple heard that they were tied up by a few soft, sticky 'tentacles'. When describing the tentacles in detail, they repeatedly mentioned 'a lot of things'. "Thick, very long," and other words. The police officers who heard the inquiry were confused. In the end, no one could explain the matter, so they could only be regarded as being frightened into insanity.

Oh, by the way, Director Lestrade, who is in charge of Scotland Yard, also received a phone call directly to his desk. A voice inside said briefly:

"Don't mess around, and keep your law and order honestly, or wait to be fired!"

With this unpleasant voice, Lestrade knew who it was in just a second.

He sat behind his desk, tossing and turning, cursing, not knowing what was going on, but in the end he transferred all the people who were helping to find the Holy Son. It has to be said that to be able to climb to this position in Scotland Yard, he has a much keener sense of smell than those with pure blood, such as the Pope.

In this way, on the Day of Holy Love, the whole of London fell into some kind of absurd climax. But it was precisely because of this absurdity that people who had been suppressed for many years found some kind of release channel, fireworks. It didn't stop for a moment, and the Thames was reflected like daytime. Some contradictory couples hugged and kissed angrily. The old opponents who quarreled when they met usually dared to talk about each other, and then went to drink with a blue face and a swollen face. , and finally got into another fight because they were rushing to pay for the drinks.

Just as someone said one night that no one would notice, this Day of Holy Love will be the most special one since the beginning of the Holy Calendar.

At night, the situation around the Auckland Cathedral finally calmed down, because the high priest of the Holy Light Temple was tired of the chaos and shouting around him. He opened his mouth gently and made everyone stop.

Immediately afterwards, he stood up slowly and stood in the center of the high platform. Then, under the gaze of all the complicated eyes, he smiled and said:

"Don't look for it. I had the honor to meet His Royal Highness the Son of God fifteen years ago. He is one of the few people I have met in my decades of life who is worthy of admiration, whether it is thought, foresight, courage, or responsibility. .

In this case, it means that His Royal Highness the Son has his own considerations for leaving.

The maid beside him is a rare fighting genius in history, so with her around, His Royal Highness the Son will not encounter any danger.

Then there is nothing to worry about. I hereby announce that the grand ceremony of the Day of Holy Love is over.

Finished perfectly! "

He spread his arms in some strange impassioned air.

But the people below were a little confused because they couldn't understand why the Day of Holy Love ended successfully?

Where is the consummation?

The Holy Son ran away, and the Holy Lady disappeared as well. The two of them did not hold hands, gave no blessings, and did not even lift the veil. This is such a complete mess.

In fact, everyone can see that the Holy Son and the Holy Lady don't seem to like this grand festival. Also, who is the person who rushed to the high platform? His identity seems to be extremely special.


Someone in the crowd suddenly thought of something!

That's not right, wasn't the saint appointed by the Holy Light? So what does all this mean?

Could it be that the prophecy of the Holy Light was wrong?

The moment this idea came up, this person suddenly felt a burst of panic, and even almost fell to the ground. This panic thought seemed to be somewhat contagious. Several people around him saw his frightened eyes and also Suddenly he thought of something and couldn't help but cover his mouth in horror.

How could the Holy Light, the omniscient and omnipotent Holy Light, possibly go wrong?

As a result, more and more eyes were looking at the high platform and the great priest.

He comes from the Temple of Holy Light. He is the group of people closest to the Holy Light in this world, and naturally he is also the group of people who understand the Holy Light best.

And now he doesn't seem to be panicked at all.

"I know what everyone is thinking." The high priest looked at the increasing attention from the audience and said with a smile: "The Holy Light cannot make mistakes, this is an indisputable fact.

In the centuries of service in the Temple of Holy Light, we have already verified this in countless ways.

In fact, in the past few hundred years, more incredible things have happened, but the final conclusion is that the Holy Light is still right, but we, as small humans, have misunderstood the meaning of the Holy Light. That’s all. "

he said with a smile

Under the high platform, some people still couldn't understand. They began to look at each other, trying to find some answers from each other's eyes.


“Think about the original meaning of the Day of Love.

[This day is the 20th birthday of the Saint. His Royal Highness the Son will meet the Saint. He will join hands with his beloved to go through the wind and rain together for a lifetime. 】

Therefore, the Holy Light is not wrong

Because all the prophecies have come true!

What everyone here may not understand is that the Son and the Saint did not join hands. But the Holy Light never said from the beginning that the Son’s true love must be the Saint!

It's just that over the past few hundred years, countless saints have chosen to pour their love into them when facing the Son.

And the Son also chose to accept this love in the face of his devotion to the Holy Light.

It's just that everyone thinks so, and it has become a certain convention. No one doubts it anyway, and it is impossible for anyone to not believe in the guidance of the Holy Light. So everything is just the self-movement of ignorant people like us.

And daring to break the common understanding of the entire world is also a kind of love.

As I said just now, His Royal Highness the Holy Son is truly someone I admire. "

After a silence, someone suddenly asked in a very low voice: "But if this is the case, then what is the meaning of the saint?"

The high priest sighed helplessly, as if he was discussing a very simple question with a group of ignorant people:

"Don't you guys understand? I said, don't question the Holy Light.

Since 20 years ago, the girl was appointed to become a saint from the moment she was born, then she is a saint, and her existence must have meaning, maybe at some time in the past, maybe in the future. At some certain moment, or she herself will set off an extraordinary wave.

In short, a saint is a saint! "

At the same time, on the banks of the Thames River, Sherlock and four other people stood on a river embankment, looking at the bright fireworks that continued to rise and explode in the sky.

"I said if you ran away like this, wouldn't there really be any problems?" Sherlock asked.

Moriarty stood at the front of the group, looked up at the sky, and responded calmly: "No!"

"You escaped from the ceremony of the Day of Holy Love. So many people were watching. You just said you wouldn't?"

"I'm the Holy Son. If I say no, I won't!" Moriarty still said calmly, as if everything would be business as usual when he returns early tomorrow morning.

"Okay, okay." Sherlock was too lazy to argue with this extremely arrogant guy. If he could suppress this matter, he would be happy and free.

"But I would like to know what is the relationship between you two?" Moriarty turned around and looked at Mrs. Hudson and Sherlock with some confusion.

Due to traditional rules, the Son only met the Saint for the first time when he lifted the veil, so he did not know any information about the Saint.

"I also want to know what the relationship between you two guys is!" Mrs. Hudson's tone was very impolite.

She didn't know how she had such courage. She probably thought that His Highness the Holy Son was just a thin man about the same size as herself. After running all the way, his physical strength seemed to be not as good as hers:

"But I'm tired, I don't want to explain, and I don't want to hear your explanations. I just want to lie in bed and have a good sleep."

At the end of her day, she was first abandoned in public, then ran away for most of the day, and now she felt very unhappy!

And this unhappiness was clearly written on his face, so that none of the two grown men by the river wanted to touch this bad luck.

"Well, let's talk whenever you want to talk. That's all for today. I feel tired too." Moriarty said it in such an understatement, as if he was responsible for it. This incident is just an insignificant farce.

At the same time, when he said he was tired, there was a rare hint of relaxation and joy in his tone.

"Do you have a cigarette?" he asked again.

"I didn't have time to buy anything along the way." Sherlock spread his hands.

"Okay. I may stay in London for a few more days. If you need anything, you can come to me. You know where I live."

In this way, the few people separated so easily. Mrs. Hudson called a carriage and seemed to want to go back to Baker Street. Sherlock thought about it and tried to send her back. By the way, he told her about his rent. question, the other party slammed the carriage door shut.

It seems that the landlady is indeed in a bad mood, and the reason for the woman's bad mood must not be determined by reasoning, so Sherlock can only secretly admire the coachman's luck. If he knew that he was sitting in his carriage This person is one of the most powerful women in the world. It is estimated that his fares will increase in the future.


Moriarty did not leave immediately after the two left, but continued to blow the somewhat cold wind.

Tonight, his mood was so complicated that he couldn't even figure out why and what happened.

Moran stood behind him, quietly staring at the figure who seemed to her to be extremely thin, and at the same time not disturbing him as always.

at this time

Moriarty suddenly smelled a choking smell. This smell was not unfamiliar to him, it was the kind of cigarette Sherlock often smoked.

So, he turned his head subconsciously.

Then I saw a lame old man by the river.

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