Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 116 My Two Friends

The old man's body was hunched, and under the light of the fireworks, his body was exposed. He should be a veteran who was seriously injured in the war and could only spend the rest of his life miserably.

But he didn't seem that sad or regretful. Maybe he was already used to this kind of life. In short, he just lit a cigarette, tremblingly brought it to his mouth and took a puff.


Then he exhaled all the breath in his chest comfortably, seeming to be extremely relaxed in the slightly cold wind.

Originally, His Highness the Holy Son would definitely not pay attention to such a person. It was not because of his superior status that he disdained to contact the poor people at the bottom of society, but because he did not need to contact a single individual among them. After all, The old proverb "If you don't clean one house, how can you sweep the whole world" is used to appease those who need to clean their houses.

But on this day, this night, this riverside, this moment when he was in extremely complicated mood, this familiar smell of smoke suddenly attracted the attention of His Highness the Holy Son.

So he turned around and walked slowly towards the old man.

Moran just followed the master quietly, not getting too close, because she knew that the old man was just an ordinary old man. If she had to say that he was different, it might be that he was too fragile or too disabled, but It is conceivable that the fact that he can survive to this day with such a broken body must be due to his extremely strong perseverance and love for life.

Within a few steps, Moriarty had already arrived at the old man's side.

"Hello old man," he said.

In fact, if anyone else sees this scene, they will definitely feel the huge difference between the two, but Moriarty can bring the two people closer with just a few simple words. distance.

Not long after.

"Want a cigarette?" The old man looked at the young man in front of him and smiled. He did not comment on the other person's taste in cigarettes. He just handed over a blues tremblingly, and then tried hard to open a match. Light the cigarette that came over.

Moriarty took a careful puff, holding back the deadly spiciness, and slowly exhaled the smoke.

"Hahaha, for a person who has never smoked, you are the first person I have seen who can endure the intensity of the blues." The old man seemed to be very happy suddenly.

"Is this smoke very powerful?" His Royal Highness the Holy Son never thought that he would smoke one day, so he had never studied cigarettes, so he couldn't help but ask.

"Of course. This cigarette has quite a history. It is several times older than you. It can even be traced back to more than two hundred years ago." An old man and a young man stood on the bank of the river and smoked cigarettes. Some of them were empty. He said: "At that time, the Gate of Hell had just opened. It is said that the first batch of soldiers who opened the Gate of Hell smoked Blues brand cigarettes. Because they were strong and strong enough, sometimes when they were injured and the blood was about to drain, they would smoke them. One stick, with a strong bite, can keep fighting for another ten minutes.

By the way, when that old guy Dante smoked this thing for the first time, he even coughed badly.

It's really better than the previous one. "

The old man with a broken body spoke, seeming to be caught up in some very interesting memories, while Moriarty slowly frowned, his expression becoming more solemn.

"Okay, don't be so nervous. Now I am just an old man who can't walk unsteadily. Although your young body is not very good, compared with me, you can still be called healthy. I probably can't beat you now. What's more, as long as I do something slightly wrong, the girl behind me will definitely rush over immediately. I'm afraid she won't be able to hold back her strength for a moment and slap me to death."

The old man said with a smile, and then glanced at Moran not far away with unabashed appreciation.

The young servant girl was still standing quietly. The old man's joking voice completely blended into the wind and drifted past her ears. It seemed that she couldn't hear it clearly, but she didn't have any doubts about it. It was as if she was completely He didn't remember how the old man came to the bank of the Thames. He just took a chance glance and stood there.

"In some files collected by the Holy See, there are some separate interview records. In one of them, Lord Dante seemed to have mentioned that he had been in a near-death crisis.

But the time is after he returned from hell to the world.

Since it was recorded 35 years ago, many of the parties involved did not mention this memory, and it is now impossible to trace it back. But at that time, Dante was at the peak of the entire empire's worship, and his physical condition was also at the peak of his admiration. At its peak.

In this case, the 'near-death crisis' he talks about can only be caused by humans.

However, during that time period, neither the government forces nor the Crusaders had much military mobilization, so someone put forward an extremely crazy idea, that is, this crisis may have come from an unknown assassination. . "

Moriarty still smoked carefully, slowly getting used to this ancient brand of cigarettes that was two centuries older than him.

"Hahaha - it's all old history, so don't mention it." The old man waved his hand: "In fact, my coming here this time is just curiosity. I am the only one in history who dared to escape from the Day of Holy Love. The Holy Son of the Ceremony, no matter how immobile he is, you have to come and see it in person."

Moriarty heard the old man's evaluation of himself and nodded with a rare hint of respect: "But you can't really just want to take a look."

"Of course." The old man scratched his back, like a beggar that can be seen everywhere on the street: "Let me just say it straight, I'm going to die."

Moriarty's heart tightened. As the Holy Son of the Holy See, and because of the grand wish in his heart, he naturally cherished his life more than anyone else. Therefore, when the old man stood in front of him, There was no way he wasn't nervous at all.

Even though the other party's body was badly damaged, even though Moran was beside him, and even though the old man himself said that he couldn't even beat a healthy ordinary person, Moriarty still couldn't relax.

In particular, he didn't understand why the other party came all the way to him to tell him that he was going to die.

The old man seemed to have seen the doubts in the other party's heart. He took the last puff of cigarette into his lungs and explained slowly: "I'm not good at anything in my life. I just have some experience in killing. But killing is not a serious way after all. You may think it's a bit ridiculous at first, but when people live a long time, they will inevitably have some lofty ideas. I think before I die, I should do something for the world."

Such words coming from the mouth of an old disabled man were indeed extremely ridiculous, but His Royal Highness the Holy Son did not laugh, but continued to listen.

"I'm relatively familiar with that guy Dante. He doesn't agree with my attitude towards the world, and I naturally don't agree with him either, but I like what he said. He said that our group of people will always die. So the world will always belong to the younger group of people.

But death does not mean the end, but can turn into some potential power.

The development of human beings to this day has never been achieved overnight, but came from the death, replacement, and accumulation of countless people.

Of course I can't say his refined words, I'm just an old beggar, but I think you're a good guy! Daring to escape from the Sun of Holy Love proves that you are reliable enough."

Moriarty was silent for a moment, as if he didn't quite understand why the other party associated 'Escape from the Day of Holy Love' with 'reliability'.

"Anyway, do you want to make a deal?"

"Business?" His Royal Highness the Holy Son became increasingly cautious: "Please tell me?"

"I have two good friends who have saved my life. If they need your help one day in the future, please don't refuse."

Moriarty thought for a while and finally asked:

"who are they?"

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