Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 117 Thank you sister

"First of all, there was a guy named Franklin, who seemed to have some research on electricity. I was seriously injured more than 30 years ago. In fact, I thought I was dead at the time, but he used two small iron pieces to He saved me and told me afterwards that my heart stopped for 430 seconds.

After this incident, I felt that electricity was actually a pretty good thing. "

The second one is a doctor named John Watson. I think he is very similar to me when I was young, and on many nights, it was his wine that made me see the meaning of living.

It sounds quite worthless, but I have thought about suicide more than once. In fact, at my age, death is quite tempting, so now that I can stand in front of you, those drinks at night played a decisive role. . "

After hearing these two names, Moriarty looked at the old beggar with more and more suspicion, and in the end, he even looked at him with undisguised dissatisfaction.

Because the other party is so insincere that they don't even bother to hide this insincerity.

His Royal Highness, Holy Son Franklin, has certainly heard of this name. In this Translation Ceremony, this distant blood relative of the royal family who is committed to promoting electricity will take the stage to challenge Emperor Augustine.

And at this time, putting this person on the balance of the transaction is obviously not a coincidence.

As for that John Watson, there is naturally a piece of information about him in the investigation of Sherlock. A retired medical soldier with an impossibly clean file, but this extremely clean identity, coupled with his bizarre departure from the frontline army, and the nearly ten-year blank period in his files before joining the army, all made him... There is a faint smell of something strange.

Especially the comments made by the old man in front of him.

[Similar to when I was young]

Could it be that he was hinting that another extremely terrifying god of murder would appear in this world?

In short, the old beggar said two names seemingly casually, but there was definitely a very extraordinary thought hidden behind it. He could know what happened in the banquet hall, could know that he was standing on the bank of the Thames River at the moment, and could use A cigarette allows me to take the initiative to start this conversation with him.

No matter who it is, there is no way anyone would regard this as a simple transaction.

Therefore, His Royal Highness the Holy Son asked extremely solemnly.

"So, what do I get?"

The old man in front of him smiled: "Hey, what else can it be? Didn't you just say it? I'm not good at anything but killing people, so I promise to help you kill someone. How about it?"

At this moment, Moriarty seemed to suddenly feel a chill. Ao Gao's straight body seemed to have instinctively lost control of his muscles and trembled for a moment.

kill someone

It doesn't say who to kill, which means that anyone can be killed; it doesn't say when, which means that it can be killed at any time.

Such ambiguous and even ridiculous words, coming from the old man's mouth, have a fatal shocking power! It was as if he was asked to kill the current emperor, and he would smile and nod.

Moriarty became silent and began to smoke, taking small sips and sips. After a long time, he finally finished smoking a cigarette carefully. It was not until the sparks reached the cigarette holder and then slowly extinguished that he finally Finally, he put the remaining piece of filter cotton into his pocket.

"Okay, that sounds fair, I agree."

"Hahaha, that's good, that's good." The old beggar said, as if he wanted to shake hands with the other party after negotiating a deal like those businessmen, but found that his hands were too dirty, so he Embarrassingly, I rubbed it on my pants.

At the same time, he seemed to turn around accidentally and saw the maid standing quietly not far away.

Moriarty also forgot about the past, and then found that Moran was also looking at him. This young servant's eyes always seemed to be looking at her master.

"She is a good girl. If I had had your courage when I was young, I would have run away from that wedding." The old man said with a smile.

This sentence aroused some curiosity in Moriarty, and he wanted to try to ask more.

But as soon as I turned around, I found that there were only some riverside sediment and algae around me.

He was startled, and then looked at Moran subconsciously, and the young servant seemed to have realized it at this time. She looked around blankly and found that the old man had disappeared without a trace at some point.

After more than half an hour of warm-up, the fireworks in the sky reached the climax like a girl's longing for spring. Huge flames shot straight into the sky. Only a few people present knew about the absurd drama in the ceremony, and anyone who didn't want to die, Basically, they dare not publicize it to the outside world, so the citizens of the empire are still immersed in the confused love and beautiful scenery.

The laws of the empire and the Holy See stipulate that on the Day of Holy Love, citizens of the empire enjoy a full day's holiday.

Even prisoners in prison can walk out of their cells at night and look up at the fireworks in the sky on the prison playground.

However, after all, there are some people who cannot enjoy holidays at any time.

For example, at this moment, in the emergency room of the London Medical Association, the wailing sound could almost be heard several streets away.

It is said to be an 'emergency place', but it is actually an open-air square with nearly a hundred beds placed in rows. There is no disinfection process and no protective measures. There are only gas lights that are bright all night long and no safety measures. A cart that stops to deliver medicines.

On this day, young people who have never experienced love but are looking forward to unknown fields can always show people extraordinary imagination.

In addition, the fireworks of this era are indeed not that safe. Basically, gunpowder, sulfur, and charcoal with toner are stuffed into a sealed paper box. The packaging is even specially written with the words "Fireworks are dangerous." There are signs like 'at your own risk', and some nobles always like to gather a large number of fireworks together. Of course they will hide far away, but these dumped explosives will often affect some civilians who approach without knowing it.

In short, injuries caused by explosions, eyes burned, respiratory spasms caused by overexcitement, lower body edema, unable to be pulled out, punctured by wild plants, all kinds of injuries can appear in this chaotic night.

The smell of disinfectant can't cover up the blood, and the carriages on the street in the distance and the fireworks in the sky can't cover up the miserable wails. The effect of painkillers is not as good as one time. This place is more like a cruel place than a hospital. execution ground.

As for the dim gas, the doctors were not wearing white medical clothes, but were wearing leather black robes, covering their whole bodies tightly. They wore sharp beak-shaped masks on their heads, with only two pieces of thick glass. You can see pairs of tired eyes inside.

This kind of attire became the standard for doctors in battlefield medical and emergency medical settings for a certain period of time after the Devil's Gate was opened.

Because corpses can bring diseases and decay is a breeding ground for countless viruses. In that era, the air that doctors breathed was poisonous.

Because of the vigorous development of steam technology, other industries will inevitably be unable to obtain sufficient resources, and the medical industry will become increasingly stagnant under this situation. Although the Academy of Life Sciences can always develop some efficient drugs, However, due to cost reasons, it can only be used in the Holy See or among the middle and high-level people in society. In fact, the medical knowledge of people at the bottom of society at this time is still at the level it was a few decades ago. This has led to the death rate from emergency trauma and major diseases, which is still a frighteningly high figure. For example, among the seriously injured patients in this first aid field, a rough estimate is that only 20 to 30% will survive in the end.

Doctors in emergency settings still habitually wear airtight leather coats and masks with air filtration devices to prevent themselves from contracting diseases.

After all, what's more alarming than patients dying is that doctors also start dying.

"Doctor, the child is dying, she has stopped crying!!" A 50-year-old woman prayed bitterly to a doctor: "Help her first, help her!"

Lying on the bed next to her was a little girl who looked to be only eleven or twelve years old. One leg was bloody and bloody, and the surrounding skin was scorched black from the explosion.

However, the doctor beside him could only push the old woman away.

"Everyone needs treatment, and it's not just your children who can't hold on!"

The doctor didn't even stop, and ran to another bed not far away. The man's blood had soaked the sheets, which was caused by a demon's attack.

The threat of hell, the scarcity of medicines, the stagnation of technology, the imbalance of resources and the flow of money, these problems will always show up somewhere.

Therefore, the brilliance of this era is always concentrated in a specific time or within a specific range, and the main theme is always what Moriarty is worried about.

The old woman sat slumped beside the hospital bed, hiding her face and crying. She did not dare to look at the girl on the bed, and her face that was pale and twisted due to pain. Her weak cry gradually became fainter. The old woman was trembling all over, not wanting to She accepted the fact that she was about to lose her child, but her damn sobriety prevented her from deceiving herself.

And just then.

"Thank you sister."

A clear childish voice sounded.

The old woman heard the voice of her child and was startled. She thought she was hallucinating. She raised her head blankly and saw that the child on the bed had opened her eyes.

Although his face is still a little pale, he seems to be in good spirits.

Subconsciously, the old woman's eyes moved down, and then she saw with great surprise the serious injury on her leg.

It has completely healed!

(Today is the beginning of the month, let’s count the votes, mua~)

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