Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 118: Hold on, we still have Lord Nightingale.

Chapter 118: Hold on. We still have Lord Nightingale.

"Okay, it's not me who saved him. Just lie down and don't move around. Thank you, my lady!" A somewhat impatient voice muttered. You could tell that the owner of the voice didn't like children.

The old woman finally raised her head and looked at the girl across the bed.

The girl was sixteen or seventeen years old. She was wearing a mature winter dress that was not suitable for her age. She had a large backpack on her waist and was waving to the child on the bed with a "leave me alone" posture.

So who is the lady in her mouth?

The old woman had not yet recovered from the shock of the child's recovery. She subconsciously thought of a possibility, but she did not dare to believe it. She could only stare blankly at the bed on the other side.

Then I saw a figure standing under the gas lamp. He only wore the simplest and most plain clothes. Because he was afraid of delaying his movement, he took off his thick winter coat and tied his hair firmly behind his head so that it would not fall down and block his sight. , and will not accidentally fall on the wound.

"Partenope! Gauze!"

The woman with tied hair turned around and shouted loudly. She was wearing a white mask, covering most of her face, but just the leaking eyes made the woman startled again.

"Here it comes!" After hearing this, the girl who was impatient with the child on the bed immediately ran over and pulled out an exaggeratedly large roll of gauze from the huge satchel around her waist.

Under the light, the woman's back was being bandaged quickly. In this kind of medical environment, sanitary napkins were definitely not very hygienic. In short, all the tampons that were replaced were soaked in a large amount of blood, and the patches were red and white, which looked shocking.

Lying on the bed was a miserable young man, because a frightened horse knocked him down as he was crossing the road. The horse's hoof stepped firmly on his shoulder, along with the entire arm and elbow, shattering into pieces. It was a bit painful, but not fatal. According to the normal process, the young man should have been screaming until he fainted from the pain and then woke up from the pain, and so on until tomorrow morning.

But the strange thing was that the woman stood beside his bed. Soon, the patient's painful wails seemed to get smaller and smaller. They stopped completely in less than a minute, and even tired snoring gradually came from .

At this time, the old woman finally confirmed what she was thinking. She covered her mouth in surprise and even wanted to kneel down on the ground to thank the woman in front of her, but she was afraid of disturbing her.

At this time, a doctor wrapped in a leather coat not far away noticed something strange here. He looked over and saw through the glass mirror of the bird's beak mask a pair of red eyes that were full of redness due to not sleeping all night. Bloodshot, extremely angry eyes.

"What are you doing?!" His voice was blocked by the mask, and he shouted angrily: "Where did you come in from? Get out of the hospital bed quickly!"

As he spoke, he walked towards the woman. It had to be said that in this mixed environment of blood and screams, that outfit was quite scary.

But at this moment, a group of people walked into the emergency room in a hurry. Seeing this, they immediately rushed over and stopped the doctor.

The doctor was annoyed and wanted to break away and curse a few words, but suddenly he saw the clothes of the person who stopped him and the logo of the Medical Foundation on his chest. He was startled, and then he saw an old man. Walking over surrounded by a group of people, he looked even more panicked.

I could only stand up straight quickly, lowered my head, and said softly: "Mr. President."

As the president of the London Medical Association, he certainly knew that these doctors had already become extremely grumpy after working long hours, so he did not pay attention to the disrespect in the other's words just now, and waved his hand to signal the other to calm down. , and then whispered something in his ear.

It should have been just a few simple words, but the doctor's whole body trembled violently, and then he looked at the woman busy in front of the hospital bed in disbelief, and couldn't say a word for a long time.

The night passed like this.

Before the snow in London could see the first ray of light, the door to the office of the president of the Medical Foundation was pushed open.

The girl with the big backpack walked in while yawning and rubbing her eyes. It could be seen that she had not slept all night. She was only sixteen or seventeen years old, but she did not put the president in the room at all. In his eyes, he sat directly on the sofa and let out a tired and complaining sigh.

However, the president was not dissatisfied at all. He quickly stood up from his desk and walked over to pour a cup of tea for the girl who was several decades younger than him.

"That's really hard work, Miss Parthenope."

The girl known as Parthenope picked up the tea cup, blew it pretendingly, and then drank it all in one gulp. At this moment, the office door was pushed open again.

The woman wearing a mask walked in and saw Noper sitting on the sofa with no appearance. She glared at her angrily: "Get up quickly!"

Then he bowed to the president in embarrassment and said, "I'm really sorry. I neglected to discipline this maid. Please don't take it personally."

"No, no, no, I don't care at all. Thank you for your hard work, Miss Nightingale. We have arranged all the food and accommodation for you. I hope you can feel comfortable during the short time you stay in this city."

When saying these words, the president even lowered his head slightly.

For a girl who is only 24 years old, this kind of etiquette is a bit too respectful, but if this girl is Your Excellency Nightingale, then everything seems to be logical.

Because this girl is a hero.

Every era has heroes, and even the empire has god-like heroes like Lord Dante who can give an entire era an absolute sense of security with just a pair of shoulders.

However, even so, Miss Nightingale is still the most special one in the sacred calendar. In fact, she will definitely be the most special one for countless years to come.

It can even be said that at the age of 24, she already has a huge influence close to that of Lord Dante.

If Lord Dante represents an absolute "power" to defend, then what Miss Nightingale represents is "hope".

Illness, pain, serious injury, disability, etc., among all the tragedies in the world, there is still a precious glimmer of hope! In countless extremely dark nights, in countless corners of the empire, people hugged each other and persisted, just because of those words.

"It doesn't matter, we still have Lord Nightingale."

This girl can cure all diseases!

All diseases except mental illness, rebirth of lost limbs, and death!

Even cancer, vegetative state, large-area burns all over the body, and other diseases that are beyond the control of current science and technology can all be cured, and it only takes a few minutes.

To explain it in a more literal way, she can restore a person's body to the best state it can have at that moment.

Miss Nightingale was born into a wealthy aristocratic family. When she was 14 years old, she awakened this ability. She did not even go through the contract ceremony of the Holy See. In her memories, she claimed that she was in a dream with A cute little guy got along very well, so he became a friend. After waking up, he had the ability to cure all diseases.

It was obviously some kind of symbiotic relationship between the contracted people, but no one had ever seen her contracted demon because, she said, the little guy was shy and didn't want to come out.

And in the beginning, no one paid much attention to this matter. A little girl awakened the contract ability without going through the ceremony. Although it was rare, it was not too shocking, and her ability was not a combat type. Even if If it can cure diseases, the most it can do is to be accepted by the Holy See and become a priest, worshiped every day, waiting for a senior member of the Holy See to be seriously ill and come to be healed by her.

If she's lucky, she might cure an archbishop. If she's even luckier, it might be the current pope, and she will receive supreme awards and honors.

This is almost the highest achievement this girl can achieve.

However, the next step this girl took really shocked the entire empire.

At first, she declined the invitation of the Holy See in a very gentle manner, claiming that she needed more training and more complete medical knowledge. This reason convinced the senior leaders of the Holy See, and she began her academic career. , and showed extremely high talent in the medical field. A few years later, she graduated from the highest-level medical school in the empire, when she was 17 years old.

And the day after she returned to her homeland, she began to cure everyone around her.


There is no charge, no matter you recognize it or not, even if you are a stranger, as long as you need help, Miss Nightingale will lend a helping hand.

A small scratch, a small cold, an infectious disease, a sore that has been bothering you for many years, a child dying in a car accident.

These things happened in the small town where she lived. At that time, not many people cared about it. They might just hear about it and feel lucky for those who were cured, that's all.

Until this matter is closely related to the entire empire.

That day, Lord Nightingale put on a huge backpack, left a letter to his parents, and then boarded a steam train to a neighboring city.

A week later, a report was published in the local newspaper, saying that a girl had treated 37 critically ill patients the night before and finally collapsed in the corridor of the hospital from exhaustion.

Three days later, in another hospital, 42 critically ill patients who were waiting to die were discharged collectively. The accompanying picture showed several families hugging each other in the hospital ward, with tears filling their eyes. In the corner of the picture, a man wearing a mask could be seen. The girl was leaning on a chair by the wall, resting with her eyes closed tiredly.

A week later, the girl visited a nursing home for the elderly. Before leaving, several elderly people tried to kneel in the direction she left, but luckily they were stopped by the caregiver.

Half a month later, she snatched the lives of 71 people from the hands of death in a very crude hospital in a slum.

She would not stay in one city for too long. She would only visit places with the highest concentration of diseases until she was exhausted, and then take advantage of her rest to board a train to another city, and so on.

There was never a moment's rest.

Gradually, her deeds spread, and her name became known. A few years later, almost all cities in the empire knew that there was such a girl who traveled around the world, curing all diseases without asking for anything in return, regardless of status, and without giving up. Hard work, absolute selflessness, and fearlessness, and the medical associations in various cities began to cooperate with this girl on their own initiative. Before her arrival, they would gather all seriously ill patients to try to prevent this girl from wasting her energy on running around.

In this way, year after year, she walked through one city after another, her footprints were all over the empire, and her deeds were written into various versions and spread around the world. It seemed that as long as there was such a girl in the world, then any one could still Life without death still has the meaning of persisting, because Lord Nightingale may come to you tomorrow, and there is still hope for everything.

And just when people had gradually regarded it as a gift from the Holy Light to the world, a sudden incident pushed this girl to another direction in the world of public opinion!

After a collective healing event involving more than 200 people, a reporter from a third-rate tabloid used some unknown method to sneak past the security check and came to Lord Nightingale. He put forward a question that many people in the empire wanted to ask. Ask, but no one has asked the question specifically:

Why does she always wear a mask?

And she gave a reasonable answer:

As a medical worker, wearing a mask is the most basic protective measure.

But this answer obviously did not satisfy the tabloid reporter, because it seems that for a long time, people have only recognized Miss Nightingale as wearing a mask.

People want to see the face underneath the mask.

And in the subsequent interviews, inquiries, and excuses, there may be no doubt, or it may be a well-planned and practiced move countless times. In short, the tabloid reporter 'accidentally' knocked off the mask of the girl in front of him. .

Just this time!

first! Her face was exposed to the camera.

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