Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 151 How dare he die? !

At this time, Catherine was wearing a comfortable long dress at home, and her hair was not tied up. It was draped quietly on her shoulders, blending in with the slightly old furniture around her. Who would have thought that she would be separated from the judgment nun's clothes? After putting on the battle clothes, she really looked like a wealthy lady who had gone deep into simplicity, but there was still a bit of coldness and fatigue between her eyebrows.

The last time Shylock met her was before the Day of Holy Love. At that time, she wore gorgeous makeup. In addition to the occasion and to show respect for His Highness the Holy Son, another important point was to cover up her own beauty. Haggard.

She is an extremely rebellious person. In fact, with her status, as long as she gets involved in some scientific research or management circles, she can easily have resources and status in the Academy of Life Sciences that others cannot strive for in several lifetimes. But she turned a blind eye to this kind of blood wealth, and even wanted to escape, so she plunged into the church and became a judgment nun who dealt with demons all day long.

The reason for this is not difficult to guess. It is because of Catherine's strong resistance to the Academy of Life Sciences, the holy place of science and technology in the empire, and her disgust for her father.

Yes disgust.

Professor Darwin is undoubtedly the most powerful scholar in the entire Holy Calendar. He has developed the subject of "Demonology" to the extreme almost by himself. Lord Dante once said that there are amazing talents in every field. person, then Professor Darwin is undoubtedly the strongest genius in the field of biological sciences.

And his talent in this field is not limited to the study of demons. In fact, even if the door to hell has never been opened, Professor Darwin will definitely write the most colorful handwriting in history. In short, he is almost favored by the entire empire. The admiration and respect of scientific researchers.

However, no daughter would like a father who only returns home once every two months.

When Catherine was young, she even felt that the laboratory was her father's home. On the day her mother died of illness, her father was still immersed in his research, and it was not until five days later that he learned that his wife had passed away. , then, he stood alone in front of his wife's grave with an umbrella all night, and then returned to the laboratory again.

From that day on, Catherine felt that the behemoth Academy of Life Sciences was so abominable.

"So, these assessments and screenings are all caused by you?" Sherlock asked without caring about his image, holding a cigarette in his mouth but not lighting it.

"Yes, in fact, if I weren't afraid of being too public, I would even want to make the battle bigger." Catherine said, then frowned and stared at the cigarette on Sherlock's mouth: "If you want to smoke, just hurry up and It clicks.”

"As you wish, beautiful lady." Sherlock took out his lighter, lit the cigarette, and took a nice puff. It could be seen that he was only symbolically asking for the consent of the owner of the villa.

After that, he didn't ask about the relationship between Catherine and her father, and he didn't even care about the mood of a girl who had run away from home since she was a child when she learned that the father she hated died. He just looked at it in the blur of smoke. Slowly he said:

"Tell me about the case?"

And as the words came out, Catherine seemed to suddenly feel that the aura of the man in front of her had changed. It seemed that only when the case was mentioned, he would show a little bit of his true heart, while the usually unqualified man The hateful man is just a decadent body soaked in a boring life.

Unintentionally, she was also infected by this atmosphere, sat up straight and slowly spoke.

In fact, the entire process of the case is not complicated, and can even be said to be clear at a glance.

Just over three months ago, Professor Darwin was in the same room with a third-level demon while conducting an experiment on demons.

This third-level demon has been injected with a demon sedative, the kind commonly used in demon breeding farms, so it is not dangerous. But when the professor approached it, suddenly, the demon went crazy and entered inexplicably. into a violent state.

Dean Darwin was only a second-level contractor, and there was no way he could survive the demon's fury. In addition, the testing site at the time was not large, so about three seconds later, the most powerful person in the Holy Calendar Distinguished professor of biology died in.

In full view.

Because this experiment was a display of scientific research results, there were more than a hundred witnesses outside the laboratory at that time. They came from various departments of the empire, including scientific research representatives, reporters, Vatican personnel, and even people from the military. The consultants came all the way from the front line to witness with their own eyes how much of a shock Professor Darwin's experiments over the years had brought to the world.

But no one expected that the last thing they saw would be a corpse torn in half.

After listening to this brief case narrative, Sherlock fell into deep thought for about a second.

"To sum up, it was an accidental death caused by the demon suddenly losing control during the demonstration of experimental results, right?"

"It's not an accident! This is murder!" Catherine immediately corrected her.

"Oh? Why do you think so?"

"Because I know him." Catherine seemed not used to using the word 'father' frequently: "He is not the kind of person who makes mistakes. In order to ensure that the data of an experiment was error-free, he even locked himself in In the laboratory, he didn't let anyone disturb him, so much so that he didn't even see his wife for the last time.

Now, you say that he will risk his own life because of some mistake. I can't accept this statement. "

"So, based on this, you think that your father died of murder?" Sherlock said with great interest. He finally understood why the Academy of Life Sciences suppressed the whole matter and did not dare to let the news out. This woman in front of her feelings didn't have any evidence. She just relied on her understanding of her father to determine the nature of this death. If word spread, it would most likely turn into an unmanageable farce.

"You don't believe me either, do you?" There seemed to be no emotion in Catherine's words. It could be seen that she was under pressure from many aspects during this period, so she didn't explain as domineeringly as usual. Or he was questioning, just looking at the table feebly.

"Of course not, I believe you, this is a murder!"

"What?!" Catherine turned her head suddenly and looked at Sherlock in surprise.

In fact, this morning, when she heard the name [Sherlock Holmes], she also showed a similar expression of surprise.

Although she knew that Sherlock was a very extraordinary person as early as the first time they met, but this time, everyone invited by the Academy of Sciences was a rare talent. Who would have thought He was able to stand out despite his identity as a civilian.

He was even able to crack the password to his father's safe.

Thinking about it this way, this guy seems to have some kind of weird interaction with His Royal Highness the Holy Son. I wonder how many secrets this plain-looking detective hides.

"Do you believe me?" Maybe it's because she has been questioned too much in the past few months, and this sudden recognition made this stubborn young lady a little uncomfortable, and she even asked: "Why?"

"Intuition." Sherlock said naturally: "Actually, you may not understand, but I have seen a lot of murders, and this intuition is quite strong. A death that could not have happened happened in full view of the public. There were many eyewitnesses, and all of them were people with identities. The time also happened to be at the juncture where the 'experimental results display' attracted so much attention. Although everything seemed very logical, so many logical elements gathered together. It just gives me the feeling that [the atmosphere has reached this point, if a murder case doesn’t happen, I won’t be able to live up to this condition].”

Sherlock spread his hands and explained.

Of course, there are many reasons that he has not mentioned, that is, the old dean is dead, a large-scale air crash occurred in London, someone wants to kill the Holy Son, and someone is hiding the truth. At this time, as long as there is a little finger pointed at the Academy of Life Sciences , even if it happened three months ago, the probability that the old dean's death was murder will inevitably increase exponentially.

Of course Catherine didn't know that there were so many inside stories in Sherlock's mind. She just stared blankly at the annoying person in front of her, smelling the annoying smell of smoke in the air. After hesitating for a moment, she finally whispered:



"Oh, of course I'm not thanking you for trusting me." Catherine quickly explained: "It's just that I'm grateful that there are still people like you in this world who have a long head. You are better than those bastards who only focus on inheritance. Much stronger.”

As she spoke, she seemed to have thought of something, and there was a hint of boredom in her expression.

Sherlock didn't want to care about such trivial matters. Even a small family would be in trouble with property division after death, let alone someone like Dean Darwin.

"So, I'm very curious about the experiment you just mentioned, what kind of experiment it is, why so many people pay attention to it, and why your father wants to be in the same room with a third-order demon."

Catherine retracted the irritating thoughts in her heart and said:

“It’s an experiment that spans a very long time, you definitely don’t know, and many people in the industry have even forgotten about this experiment.

35 years ago, he proposed a conjecture called "Can wild devils forcibly establish contracts?"

The content of this conjecture is probably that he believes that humans becoming contractors is not something that can only be achieved by talent or opportunity. Under certain circumstances, anyone can become a contractor. Whether he does it or not Through the awakening dream, there is no need to even consider the contractor's level.

In other words, everyone can control the third-level demon.

However, this idea was a bit too ridiculous, so when it was brought up at the time, many people criticized it and even thought it was ridiculous. It was just because of his status as the dean of the School of Life Sciences that he did not put it forward directly.

Of course the old guy also knew this, but he was a stubborn person. As long as it was something he had determined, he would not listen to dissuasion, so since that day, he has been deeply buried in this experiment.

This has been going on for more than thirty years. During this period, he worked almost every day, every minute. His wife died, and his only daughter also left this home. Oh, I'm sorry, I said it wrong. This is not the place. His home, that old guy’s real home is in the laboratory.”

Speaking of this, Catherine remained expressionless, as if she was talking about the life of someone she didn't know very well. However, Sherlock could hear the small tremor in his voice, but he couldn't tell whether it was sadness or anger. .

"On that day three months ago, he suddenly told Butler Maud during lunch that he succeeded.

I can't guess the mood of the people who heard this sentence at the time. Maybe they were shocked beyond measure.

What's even more shocking is that a week later.

he died

He died while displaying the results of his experiments for more than thirty years! "

Before she finished speaking, Catherine suddenly raised her head, and then looked at Sherlock in front of her very seriously:

"I hate that old guy, he doesn't deserve to be a father, and he certainly doesn't deserve to be a husband!

But he can't die like this

He abandoned his family, his wife, his life, his hobbies and me!

He used all of this, his time, his energy, the sense of family responsibility and love that he should have had, in exchange for more than thirty years of experimental results!

Then it is absolutely impossible for him to fail, and he cannot even allow this experiment to have the slightest flaw, not only his dignity as a man and his self-control as a scholar.

But he didn’t dare to die!

Otherwise, what are the things he gave up? How could his soul face my mother safely?

Even if he really failed and was torn in two, he would still get up and linger on the life-sustaining equipment until the experiment was completed!


He must have been murdered! "

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