Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 152 The man who challenged God

Catherine's words were full of unwillingness, but this unwillingness was extremely complicated. Maybe it was for herself, maybe it was for her father, no one could tell clearly.

But she could clearly feel that if the murderer of Dean Darwin was not found, she would never give up.

After a brief pause, Catherine calmed down her emotions, and then continued:

“I have not been idle in the past three months, so I have a pretty good understanding of his research philosophy and process.

The original source of this experiment was a weird idea of ​​his. He believed that the connection between humans and demons basically came from the match of souls, which is what we often call 'fit with demons'.

No one can explain this degree of fit clearly, and can only vaguely describe it through their own experience.

But the things described can never be empathized with, just like you men can never understand the feeling of giving birth, so my father used a different way to turn the soul into something that can be seen.

He developed a device. Temporarily called it [Soul Line]. "

"Wait a minute!" After hearing this, no matter how strong Sherlock's receptive ability was, he finally couldn't hold it in anymore. He frowned and looked at Catherine, and then asked solemnly: "Well, you just said, Dean Darwin developed a device that allows people to see their own souls?"

"Yes." Catherine said: "Not only human souls, but also demon souls can be seen. In fact, I didn't really believe it at first, but it wasn't until I saw the device that I had to admit that it was true. To be able to see.”

A trace of surprise flashed in Sherlock's eyes. He already had a strong curiosity about unknown things, so he immediately leaned forward and asked, "What does the soul look like?"



"Lines." Catherine repeated: "Actually, I always thought that the soul would be some white shadow or something like that. Unexpectedly, it was just four lines. At least in the soul visual device, only four lines could be seen. , looks like waves floating up and down.

As she spoke, Catherine also took out a piece of paper and pen, and drew a few ordinary wavy lines for Sherlock on it.

"That's what they are like, so the old guy named them using four words from before the start of the Holy Calendar, namely alpha wave, beta wave, theta wave and delta wave."

She also wrote down the letters. Then she continued:

"This is what the human soul looks like, and the soul state displayed by the devil in this device is more violent and intensive undulations, but fortunately there are rules.

In the subsequent numerous experiments, my father discovered that there was a certain intersection in the ups and downs of the souls of all contractors and the contract demons they summoned.

The more intersections there are, the higher the level of the contract between them. Some third-level contractors can overlap with their demons every few minutes. Even after inviting some powerful contractors for testing, It was discovered that the bands between them and the devil overlapped.

At this point, the term "fit" has finally been clearly explained.

In fact, at this point, the old guy should have made a quite significant discovery. His name on the Soul Visualization Device is already dazzling enough to be praised in history for hundreds or thousands of years.

But he was obviously not satisfied with this, so he came up with an even more crazy idea.

That is, he discovered that the fluctuation frequency of human souls is different in different states of thinking. So if humans can change their soul lines through training, and then let them overlap with a wild demon, then right? Will there be some kind of connection between the two?

It is even possible to establish a contract.”

Hearing this, with Sherlock's acceptance level, he was silent for two or three seconds, and the surprise in his eyes gradually turned into a sigh, no... it should be said to be admiration!

He had rarely felt this way in his life. When he met that guy Moriarty, he had never had such an emotion. At this moment, he felt the shock from the bottom of his heart, and then he was in awe of a person's greatness from the bottom of his heart.

The soul is visible!

Artificial contract!

What a terrible idea

Before the opening of the Holy Calendar, religions had not yet integrated, so countless sects spread doctrines similar to 'God created human beings and all living things'. However, after the door to hell was opened, humans had no time to think about themselves. Why did it come about? It was just thinking about how to reproduce.

But if one follows the theory of Professor Darwin at that time, this idea is undoubtedly breaking the restrictions set by God when he created creatures!

Fish should not be able to fly, camels should not be able to dive, flowers and plants should not be able to talk, and humans should not be able to enslave demons casually!

What would happen if this experiment actually succeeded?

You can find a random person and, after some kind of training, form a contractual relationship with a third-level demon?

Then the front line of Hell Gate is full of third-level contractors!

In any future battle, tens of thousands of great demons will fight against each other at every turn. Then humans can directly kill these alien monsters back into hell. For centuries, humans have had the ambition to close the door to hell. , wouldn’t it be easy to achieve?


Now that everything is like this, if you just close the door, the demons in hell will flow out, and humans can unscrupulously turn these demons into their own laborers. Each person can summon them to work when they have nothing to do, just like They are just like the workers in the factory now.

The more he thought about it, the more shocked Sherlock became, and he even felt that Professor Darwin's research might very well change the future of the entire human world!

So he asked extremely cautiously:

"Is this research really successful?"

Catherine hesitated for a moment. Although she hated her father, she also knew what the success of this experiment meant, so she said with some regret:

"I don't know that this experiment indeed used a lot of manpower from the School of Life Sciences, but almost everyone was only responsible for their own section. All the data was finally gathered in my father's exclusive laboratory, which led to the entire experiment process. In the end, only he knows.

But I think he must have succeeded because if the results of the experiment did not meet his expectations, then he would not be eager to show the results.

Moreover, I just read his diary. "

As she spoke, Catherine took out a black-covered notebook:

"This is the old guy's diary. It has been locked in that safe. I want to thank you for it."

"You're welcome." Sherlock put out the cigarette in his hand: "Is there any important information in it?"

"Hundreds of passwords, it took me several hours of trying. I actually just started reading it, but if you look at it according to the records above." At this point, Catherine took a deep breath subconsciously. It seemed that this was the only way to get it. I have the courage to say the next words:

"According to the records in the diary, my father had actually successfully used the method he developed as early as two and a half years ago.

I contracted a third-level demon."

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