Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 153 Murder in full view

Sherlock was silent, the tongue in his mouth licking the gaps between his teeth, and his upper and lower lips rubbing repeatedly, as if he wanted to use this method to squeeze out a little bit of the smell of smoke between his lips and teeth.

Professor Darwin has made a contract with a third-level demon.

A second-level contractor controls a third-level demon? ! !

This cognitive refresh made Sherlock feel a little bit uncomfortable. He knew that he was special, those areas covered with hell, the sun in the sky, and countless tentacles that could be reproduced by demons. These These are situations that have never happened before in the Holy See’s records about demons.

You can even summon more than one demon!

But fundamentally speaking, these demons are just parasitized by the tentacles, so they can only move within the realm of the tentacles. This is an ability, just like the old priest's magic spider that can use silk threads to cause hallucinations. .

Although it is still unbelievable and unbelievable, even so, it is impossible for a second-level contractor to cross the level and control a third-level demon.

And that demon is simply wild!

The silence lasted for a full 10 seconds. Catherine did not interrupt Sherlock's contemplation. Because when she learned the news, she was even more shocked than the other party at this time. She didn't even hold the note firmly and dropped it directly. on the ground.


"Have you read anything else?" Sherlock said slowly.

Catherine also calmed down her mood:

“There are a few more, but most of them are about experimental procedures.

Judging from the diary, in fact, for more than two years, my father has been using the third-level demon to test the stability of artificial contract technology. He wants to avoid such things as: sudden interruption of the contract, too low control precision, and contractor Sudden backlash, and other vicious situations.

The test method was very straightforward. He simply let the big demon under his control fight another demon of the same third level to test this stability in the most intense practice.

As a result, nothing bad happened.

On the contrary, in the practice battles again and again, he found that the contract between himself and the demon was getting closer and closer. At first, he could only struggle to support himself under the attack of the demon as a sparring partner. After a few months, , he was actually able to make the demons he contracted fight back, and in the later stages of the test, he was even able to completely suppress the opponent.

This sounds incredible, but after a period of hard practice, my father has been able to completely control a third-level demon as a second-level contractor.

Although this may be due to the fact that the old guy has a high enough understanding of demons, if it is an ordinary person, it should be able to reach a level that is not too bad. "

"So, your father finally decided that this experiment was feasible after nearly three years of theoretical practice, right? And he couldn't trust others, so he directly regarded himself as the experimental subject.

Sure enough, those who engage in research are more or less crazy. Sherlock muttered, and the word "crazy" in his mouth did not mean the slightest bit of derogation, but some kind of weird praise:

"By the way, what about the demon that killed Dean Darwin? It couldn't be the one he has been using as a sparring partner for the past few years, right?"

Catherine's eyebrows were lowered, but she still nodded: "Yes, that's the demon he has been fighting with for nearly three years.

This demon was transported from the Demon Breeding Farm, and its contractor was an officer of the Crusaders. In fact, this officer was a famous combat hero on the front line of the Gate of Hell, but because of some The reason has never been in the newspapers, so you probably haven't heard of his name.

In short, when the dean selected his demon for testing, he must have carefully considered it. After all, you cannot just find a wild demon to accompany you in this kind of experiment, otherwise you will not be able to get feedback from its contractor afterwards. Therefore, you must find someone who is very compatible with his demon, the higher the better!

And that officer is one of the few people in the entire empire who has been praised by Lord Dante for his contract ability. "

Speaking of this, Sherlock couldn't help but be startled. In fact, when he mentioned the officer just now, he was keenly aware that Catherine's expression seemed to become a little complicated, and now he learned that this officer was actually very good in terms of contract ability. It has been approved by Lord Dante!

What a surprise!

What kind of person is Lord Dante? That was the being who had killed the evil god of hell together with the Holy Light. He was the only person in the world who had raised the contract level to level four.

In fact, his contract level may not be level four, but level five, six, or even ten levels. It is just because there is no reference system and one person is alone above all others. Classified as Level 4.

In short, in a certain sense, his status in the hearts of the people of the empire should be second only to the ubiquitous Holy Light.

So, a person who can be recognized by his elders in terms of contract ability will be so powerful.

The death of the Dean of the Academy of Life Sciences. This case alone is enough to excite Sherlock, and now it involves such a powerful contractor, and someone who can change human cognition, the entire social system, and future reproduction. An experiment in the process of development.

All kinds of elements gathered together, making Sherlock's scalp feel numb.


Sherlock said hesitantly:

"For such a powerful contractor, his contracted demon must also be extremely powerful. Dean Darwin has been using demons of this level as a sparring partner, and he can still win in the end?"

"I'm actually very curious about this, so just before you came, I asked Butler Maude to bring over an experiment record. Thanks to my identity and inheritance of certain authority from the dean, otherwise, this record Basically no one can check it.”

As she spoke, Catherine took a report from the table and handed it to Sherlock.

"I have finished reading the report. Fortunately, I have been paying attention to my father's experiments in the past few months, and I have more or less relevant knowledge. Otherwise, I would not be able to understand these things." She said:

"Actually, because this demon is far away from its own contractor, it must be injected with demon sedatives for a long time. Otherwise, it will cause backlash to its summoner due to being out of control distance. All the demons on the Odilia Island It's all like this.

The demon sedative itself has a series of effects such as weakening the demon's actions, slowing down his thinking, and making him drowsy.

From this experimental record, it can be clearly seen that the sedative injected by the sparring demon has been changing, from a large amount at the beginning, to four-fifths, and finally to two-half. one.

In other words, in the final stage of the experiment, the demon controlled by my father was already half as powerful as that demon.

Of course, this was when the demon was far away from its summoner and all its actions relied on its own muddled instincts. But even so, it was enough to prove that the old guy's experiment was successful. "

Sherlock flipped through the records in his hand and looked at the dense data. He was not a scientific researcher, so he couldn't understand these complicated data, but fortunately, after the data came into his sight, it was presented in his mind. There were comments he could understand.

And it was indeed recorded in the annotation that on the day the test results were presented, the demon was injected with one-half of the amount of demon sedative.

The same measurements are used for normal testing.

And at that time, the third-level demon that Professor Darwin made an artificial contract with was right next to him.

If this demonstration of results is successful, if Professor Darwin can really win this test, then the entire empire and the entire history of mankind will change!

But the result was that suddenly, through the window of the laboratory, everyone could clearly see that the sparring demon suddenly jumped in front of Professor Darwin!

At that time, the demon he controlled was beside him, but it didn't move!

Or maybe it was moving, but it had no effect at all. Under the opponent's attack, he was simply vulnerable and was knocked to the ground. Immediately afterwards, Professor Darwin was arrested.

Teared into two pieces.

Then he was thrown to the ground miserably.

The whole process lasted only a few seconds, and no one could react. Some even thought that this was some kind of joke played by Professor Darwin on all the people who came to see the results. Until the staff began to panic and poured liquid into the experimental site. A large amount of sedatives were administered, and then they rushed in and took out the dean's body. Only then did everyone discover it.

Professor Darwin is dead.

The experiment failed.

Although the wild demon could indeed be artificially given the possibility of a contract, it could not show any fighting power at all. In front of a demon that was injected with sedatives and had no one to control it, it was defeated in a single encounter, just like It's like a child who doesn't know how to control his behavior.

Then this kind of contract has no meaning.

Sherlock flipped through the experimental records of the last period page by page, and his brows furrowed deeper and deeper, because if everything was as described above, then it seemed that the death was really caused by the failure of the old dean's experiment.

"How's it going? Did you think of anything?" Catherine asked.

"If we just look at the records, we can only make the crudest guesses. For now, it seems that if you want to kill your father in this situation, there are at least three ways.

First: Someone tampered with the demon next to your father. For example, they poured several tons of demon sedatives into it the night before, making it completely lose its fighting ability the next day. "

Catherine shook her head: "It's unlikely. Your contracted demon has not been injected with sedatives, so you don't know what it feels like. In fact, I have not been injected with sedatives, but after all, I have been in the Holy See for so many years, and I must have heard others say Pass.

If one's demon is injected with sedatives, then its contractor will be able to clearly detect the powerlessness and weakness of the other party, so if that is the case, it is impossible for my father not to notice it. "

"That's it." Sherlock nodded: "Then the second way is the other way around. Someone did something to the sparring demon. For example, the night before, they didn't inject a sufficient amount of sedatives into it. The next day, , it is naturally vigorous and vigorous, and it is reasonable that your father’s demon cannot defeat it.”

"Probably not." Catherine said: "The old guy has spent more than 30 years of hard work on this experiment. The day before the results are displayed, he will definitely do all the preliminary procedures to the best. I have also learned from some records before. He learned that the sedative injection was performed by himself, and he had been in the laboratory for a lifetime, so he never got the injection proportions wrong."

"Very good. Just as I expected. Let's get rid of these obvious tricks first, and the rest will be much easier to handle." Both of Sherlock's conjectures were denied, but he did not show the slightest bit of confidence. I feel annoyed, but I think this is normal.

Originally, this low-level method could probably be figured out by the new staff of the Security Department of the Academy of Life Sciences, so there was no need to spend so much time searching for talents throughout the empire.

"Then the next one is the third one." Sherlock held out three fingers and his expression finally became more focused: "At that time, the demon who was only used as a sparring partner was not fighting according to his own instinct at all.

Someone is controlling it! "

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