Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 154 Excluding some other situations, then the rest

Chapter 154 Excluding some other situations, then the rest.


Catherine suddenly showed an expression of incomprehension.

Letting the demons fight according to their own instincts will definitely not be as powerful as the contractors commanding them from the side.

Even some manipulative contractors can rely on their powerful skills and understanding of combat to make contract demons appear several times, or even ten times stronger than themselves.

For example, the old priest's demonic spider can cause hallucinations in people connected by silk threads!

If you let the spider use this ability instinctively, it will probably be a very weak skill. But if you let Sherlock control it, it will definitely kill the enemy.

Moreover, it is impossible for a wild demon to fight in circuitous ways on the battlefield, hide its traces, and then take advantage of the darkness to approach the enemy headquarters, break out of the encirclement with an erratic Z-shaped movement, kill the enemy leader, escape from the encirclement, and finally disappear from all the surrounding areas. In people's sight.

In short, if the sparring demon is under control, it is entirely possible for it to catch him off guard and kill the old professor in one fell swoop before he can react.

But this conjecture was rejected by Catherine on the spot:

"Theoretically, it is true. After all, my father has never participated in systematic combat training. The most intense battles he has experienced in his life are just those he has experienced in experimental tests in the past few years.

But this idea cannot be realized at the moment because the devil's contractor was commanding operations along the Redeker Strait.

How could he control his own demons when they were so far apart? "

"Oh? Really." Sherlock didn't care at all: "According to what you said, it is indeed impossible to achieve.

But don’t be discouraged, these are just a few possibilities that I have temporarily thought of. It would be strange if the two of us solved the case just by chatting like this.

And we don’t have to be so anxious to deny those seemingly impossible inferences.

Because when you eliminate all impossible situations, whatever is left, no matter how unbelievable, is the fact. "

Catherine listened to the words of the man in front of her, and for some reason, an extremely strong hope suddenly surged in her heart.

My father's death was witnessed by nearly a hundred people, and from any point of view, it was an accidental tragedy caused by the failure of the experiment. I only delayed this matter for three full months because of my unwillingness and obsession with my father's death. moon.

Catherine is a stubborn person. Although she doesn't want to admit it, this is an innate character she inherited from her father.

However, no matter how stubborn she is, no matter how persistent she is, she is only a woman under thirty years old after all. Facing the pressure exerted by the entire empire, she will be unable to withstand it. If this large-scale recruitment operation still fails, If it doesn't work, then she can only give up and tell herself mockingly that all this is actually just the nonsense of a woman who has lost her father.

And the man in front of me is a detective.

Yes, he is a detective.

Although he can kill a second-level contractor as an ordinary person, although when they met on the Day of Holy Love, he mentioned a follow-up pursuit from the Badr incident, although in the process of contact with it , I have always been shocked and surprised by his powerful fighting power, but what this man is most proud of and his most important job is to be a detective!

He is a professional who handles this kind of thing, investigates murder cases, and finds the murderer!

Thinking of this, Catherine's chest rose and fell rapidly several times, trying to calm down the inexplicable surge in her heart.

But then, instead of calming down, she suddenly froze!

As if he noticed something belatedly, he looked at Sherlock blankly.

"What's wrong?" Sherlock asked confused.

Catherine blinked her eyes and said nothing. She just sat there and tried very hard to sense something. After a while, she asked in a panic:

"You got promoted?"

"Oh, it seems that I have been promoted." Sherlock said casually, as if he felt that this kind of thing was not that important.

However, as he answered, the eyes of the woman in front of him became wider and wider, and her mouth opened wider and wider. Finally, as if her reaction was half a beat too slow, she suddenly stood up:

"Liar! It's only been a few months?!"

"Five or six months," Sherlock responded thoughtfully.

"." Catherine was choked by the other party's tone, and she had to become silent. She just stood there, keeping the same expression, as if she wanted to find some reason as soon as possible to expose Sherlock's lies.

But in the end, she could only forcefully suppress the turmoil in her heart and slowly sit back on the chair.

"I used to think that you were a very talented person who might have good achievements in the future. At that time, I remembered that I promised to build you a church of your own on the outskirts of London so that you could better serve the Holy See. You can also concentrate on honing your contract level. One day when you reach the second level, you are likely to be valued by the Holy See, and you can even become a clergyman.

However, I just discovered now that the things I thought you could achieve through hard work turned out to be just trivial things in your eyes. "

Catherine said, suddenly realizing that her previous self was a bit ridiculous.

"It's not a trivial matter. Reaching the second level has brought me a lot of convenience." Sherlock said.

This is true, because after he came into contact with the sun in hell, the extra information that almost covered everything in his mind really brought him a lot of convenience.

It can even help him filter out some boring things.

For example, during the previous case test, some cases were really boring to the extreme. If Sherlock really read them one by one, he would probably be bored to death.

And the ability in his mind conveniently photographed some answers directly in front of him. This is so convenient!

However, his words were a kind of comfort to Catherine.

"Okay, you don't need to consider my emotions. I want something from you now, so I will try my best to correct my attitude." She said this, but her tone still didn't get rid of her habit, and she still sounded a bit condescending. : "So, where are you going to start next?"

"Laboratory!" Sherlock replied without thinking: "The cause of all this comes from this experiment, so if you want to investigate the ins and outs, you must start from the laboratory, and you said before The [Soul Visible Experiment] cannot be spared either.”

Speaking of this, Sherlock suddenly came up with an extremely interesting idea.

He still doesn't know what kind of [Soul Line] training method it is. It sounds quite difficult, but if others find it difficult, it doesn't mean that he also finds it difficult.

Speaking of brains, Sherlock has never conquered anyone.

So he really wanted to know if his soul lines could be close to, or even coincide with, those tentacles in hell, or even completely overlap.

What incredible things will happen?

(Yesterday, the Wanding badge came out. Hehe, in fact, it has been Wanding for a long time, but the number of words has not been reached, so it is not displayed ~ Thank you for your support. For a newcomer, this is a good result! Also, votes!)

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