Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 155 Falling from the sky

Curiosity and desire to explore are almost the source of all Sherlock's happiness, so in his opinion, in addition to finding out the truth, there are many other interesting things in this case of the Academy of Life Sciences.

"Laboratory?" Catherine thought for a moment and nodded.

She didn't know how the detective investigated the case, but the man in front of her gave her endless confidence. She still remembered that six months ago, the director of Scotland Yard in London once used one sentence to evaluate Sherlock.

[If there is anyone in this world who can solve this case, it would be him. 】

At that time, I still felt that the context of the director was a bit wrong. The other party was just a detective and he was only solving one case. Why did he make it sound like he was a savior?

However, he didn't expect that after so long, he would have similar thoughts about it.

Yes, if anyone in this world can solve this case, it should be him.

Although he doesn't like his father, and even hates the old guy, for his father, this experiment contains too much, and even includes the meaning of his life and the people he loves. This is his whole world!

So, from the father's point of view, the person who gives all this truth can undoubtedly be called the savior.

"I will apply for the highest authority pass for you as soon as possible." Catherine continued: "In this place, if you don't have permission, you can hardly go anywhere. The security department would like to have two people standing guard in front of the toilet door."

It can be heard that over the years, her dislike for the Academy of Life Sciences has not faded at all.

Sherlock smiled: "By the way, didn't I say before that among the people who passed the screening, we should select the most suitable person and give him some special permissions? So under this situation, I am Can’t you be arrogant and think that I am the most suitable candidate?”

"That's right, it's you." Catherine didn't say anything sarcastic, but directly recognized the other party's words: "As for the special permissions, the pass I gave you is actually one of them. Believe me, as long as you have that thing, you can You can enter almost any place in the Academy of Sciences, and you no longer have to go through those annoying procedures, which will save you a lot of time during the detection process.

In fact, you should be able to imagine that this kind of permission is very difficult to obtain. Even I can only get one copy. This is why I can only give a 'special quota'. "

Sherlock could certainly imagine that warnings such as 'Experimental site, no entry allowed' were posted almost everywhere in places like the Academy of Life Sciences. In fact, he was a little surprised that Catherine could obtain such high-level permissions.


"Is there anything else?" Sherlock continued to ask with an unsatisfied attitude.

"Of course, and I think this is a truly useful privilege." Catherine responded: "That is, you can use me at any time."

"Huh?!" Sherlock was so excited to spit out these words. Fortunately, he didn't have a cigarette in his mouth now, otherwise he would have dropped it and burned a hole in his clothes.

"What's that expression on your face?!" Catherine asked with a frown.

"Well, I just don't understand what 'use you at any time' means?"

"That's the literal meaning." Catherine said solemnly: "I don't understand your detective methods, let alone your thinking. I don't even know how to help you.

So, I hope you can use me as a tool. "

There was a sense of no hesitation in her words:

"You may not believe it, but the Academy of Life Sciences is not as peaceful as it seems. Although most people are concentrating on various experimental research, these researches will eventually go to the market and enter the front line or the lives of imperial people, so There are benefits after all.

And where there are benefits, there will be trouble.

I still have some say in the School of Life Sciences and can help you resolve some troubles.

So when you need me, please tell me and I will do my best to fulfill your request. Anyway, I am just a Sister of Judgment. I am only responsible for fighting most of the time, so it may be more useful to be used as a weapon or shield.


Although I hate my father, I still understand him, so if you think of anything, such as his habits, his possible views on certain things, his style of dealing with things, etc., you can Feel free to ask me.

During this period, you can freely come in and out of this villa, go to my father's room, and read his manuscripts. In short, you can do anything you think will be helpful to the case. Leave the difficulties to me, even if If you need an environment closer to the case or the deceased, you can live here directly. "

"Live here?" Sherlock repeated with raised eyebrows.

"Yes, there are traces of my father's life here. Although there are not many, this is his home after all. He stored many important things here, so from the perspective of the case alone, it is better to live here than to go outside. It's much more efficient to stay there. At least if you suddenly have an idea or a question at night, you don't have to come all the way to verify it.

As for me.

You don't need to care anymore. I just want that old guy to die clearly. I don't care about anything else. Naturally, I don't care about things like 'men and women living in the same room'. I even think that this kind of rhetoric is only used by those who Only weak people who are hypocritical and self-centered will care.

Of course, I won’t disturb your thinking rhythm and living habits. Even when you don’t need me, I won’t appear in your sight.

I said, you can use me as a tool.

And all I want is the truth. "

When Catherine said these words, her expression was very serious and her articulation was particularly clear. She seemed to want to express her attitude towards this matter to Sherlock.

Speaking of which, this woman seemed to have made no secret of her hatred and hatred for her father from the beginning, but everything she did was so decisive and persistent.

Sherlock has seen too many deaths, so he knows what is hidden under most loved ones. Naturally, he has also seen the ugly behavior of a group of people fighting for family property after the deceased closes his eyes.

Compared to these, Catherine's performance is so direct and simple.

She just wants the truth.

"Why are you so obsessed with finding the murderer?" Sherlock couldn't help but ask.

"Because I need to feel at ease." Catherine said calmly: "I can't let his death be unknown. If he was murdered, then I must know who that person was, how he was killed, and why he was killed. , and clearly slapped the murderer's crime on his face, making him confess, and then pay with blood.

Only in this way, after I die and my soul stands in front of that old guy, can I question him with peace of mind! scold him!

Only then could I yell at him without any scruples, point at his nose, and scold him for not being worthy of being a father! "

Sherlock looked at Catherine's calm and serious expression and listened to the strange words without saying a word.

After a moment, he suddenly laughed:

“Haha, that’s really a great reason.”

"Of course." Catherine said: "I have prepared a room for you and will take you to your father's laboratory tomorrow, where you can experience the soul visualization device for yourself. It is a wonderful experience, so I suggest you Get some rest tonight.”

"Well I haven't said I agree to live here."

"You certainly will."

"How are you so sure?" Sherlock asked.

"Because it is indeed helpful to the case. If you are really a qualified detective, you will not give up this unique condition for some stupid reasons." Catherine said, and then added seriously: "And you also Not a gentleman, I’ve always thought so.”

Director Lestrade said half a year ago that Catherine's evaluation of Sherlock was very pertinent!

Although she has a lot of prejudices and misunderstandings about this Mr. Detective, she has a good eye for people at this point, and Sherlock is indeed not a gentleman.

Therefore, he quickly moved into the room arranged for him.

A bedroom that is not too big. Because of the old age of this villa, all the furniture here is not that fashionable. It exudes a sense of age, old tables and chairs, and extremely simple beds. Under the brass lampshade is a gas lamp produced decades ago. It is old, but the craftsmanship is traditional and exquisite, and its service life is extremely long.

All in all, everything looks so dignified, old-school, but clean.

Sherlock sat on a sofa, clasping his hands in front of his chin, summarizing the experiences of the past few days and the clues he had collected temporarily, and then deduced several murder techniques that he had just thought of in his mind.

However, as he thought about it, he subconsciously moved his buttocks.


Sherlock frowned and hummed in a long voice, because he found that he missed the big red patent leather sofa.

The sofa under the buttocks is actually very comfortable, the built-in cushions are very elastic, and the armrests are made of genuine leather.

But it doesn’t have that pitfall!

Sherlock couldn't lie down and nestle in it.

Thinking of this, he sighed and began to wonder when Watson would come over, and whether he could discuss it before he came over and help him carry the sofa.

Well, these things have nothing to do with the case and he will most likely not do it.

Sherlock stood up and walked to the bed, fell down, and hit his head exactly in the center of the pillow.

Catherine just said that she would take herself to see the soul visual device tomorrow and suggested that she take a good sleep.

I still don’t know what that device looks like, but everyone has suggested that it never hurts to go to bed early.

Thinking of this, Sherlock closed his eyes quietly. Without the sleep blessing of the sofa, it took a little longer to fall asleep this time.

Finally, with the familiar feeling of falling, Sherlock opened his eyes in hell.

Then, as usual, he returned to the familiar streets of hell.

No. 221B Baker Street, Lower Town, London.

In Sherlock's thirty years of life, he would come to this place no matter where he fell asleep. It was like a certain established anchor point. Even if his body in reality was far away, his soul Belong here forever.

He walked out of the room, thinking about how he was so surprised when he first set foot in hell half a year ago, but after such a long time, he seemed to have become accustomed to everything around him.

Closing his eyes slightly, he could clearly feel that his domain had spread across the Thames River and surrounded the upper city. After advancing to the second stage, the tentacles expanded very quickly, but they still didn't see many essential changes.

Sherlock didn't know why. He had obviously been promoted and gained an extremely magical ability, but why didn't his contracted demon change?

Maybe a little, but certainly not enough.

In fact, he had thought of Moran's weird comment about himself before.

Her original words at that time were:

"Your contracted devil should have reached its limit, but your personal limit has not yet reached it."

At that time, Sherlock felt that this statement was very ridiculous. How could the contractor and the devil evolve separately?

But now that I think about it, something seems really wrong.

Moreover, if I guessed correctly, these tentacles should come from the sun in the sky, then is my contracted demon a tentacle or something from the sky?

With his thoughts at this point, Sherlock raised his eyes and looked towards the sky above Hell.

The strange sun was still hanging upside down, crashing down like a star in the sky above Hell, and its hot corona was rolled up in those dark tentacles of flesh and blood.

And a huge scarlet eye, just open and looking, because the size is too huge, it is impossible to tell what it is looking at. It may be everything in this world, but it may also be just looking at a lonely person on the street. The one standing.

"Is there any way you can help me move the sofa?"

Sherlock muttered casually.

Of course he knew that this was just a joke, but he just felt that from the perspective of the sun, the distance from London to the Academy of Life Sciences should be only a short distance.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, a tentacle spanned a distance of hundreds of millions of kilometers.

Falling from the sky

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