Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 156 Just moved here

A tentacle stretched out towards Sherlock, from beyond the distant sky!

Then, slender limbs appeared beyond physical recognition and rolled up Sherlock.

The next second, Sherlock felt like he was blasted, and his body shot straight into the sky, passing through those hot clouds, and crossing the barrier between heaven and earth!

The strong wind blew past his ears, and the fierce whistling converged into an indistinguishable buzzing sound. It seemed like he was falling rapidly in an instant. This reverse sense of weightlessness made him think that he had turned into a crazy meteor shooting straight into the sky. Its speed definitely exceeds the limit that a normal human being can perceive, and it also exceeds the limit that a human body can bear. At this speed, any flesh and blood can only be instantly turned into scarlet blood and fly ash. .

But Sherlock didn't. He didn't even feel pain. Just in an instant, he came to the vast universe. All the sounds around him disappeared, and there was only the most extreme tranquility, and the surrounding darkness was dotted with... countless distant shining points of light.

Sherlock just floated silently, with a cosmic body as huge as a star on one side. When facing it, the huge scarlet pupil easily covered all of Sherlock's sight.

But he didn't suffocate due to lack of oxygen, didn't turn into a lump of ice, or simply explode to death due to the sudden difference in air pressure, and he didn't turn into ashes because of the scorching sun.

On the other side, there is a planet shrouded in clouds and mist, with boiling mountains and bloody seas, like a spore eroded by blood and corruption.

Sherlock stared blankly

In hell, he had always regarded himself as a small human being. On the bloody streets of London, all he could think of were streets, buildings, and ruins on the roadside.

It is impossible for him to put himself into the perspective of a star and look down on everything from the sky.

But now, he was looking down at the entire planet, and was shocked at why it was the way it was.

I even began to wonder, is the place where I am really a hell?

If so, then where is hell, and why does the environment in hell show a mirror image of the real world?

If not, what is it that turned this planet into what it is now? !

These questions began to swirl in Sherlock's mind, but it was impossible for him to get the answer. Maybe he might know it in the future, but it must be the tip of the iceberg that could only be glimpsed after an extremely long baptism of knowledge and the accumulation of countless shocks.

That would be a feat for a human being to think about the world from a transcendent perspective. Sherlock is still far, far away from that moment.

But this does not prevent him from being shocked at this moment. The moment of contemplation under the vast starry sky can already make his heart surge!

And just thought of this

He seemed to suddenly notice something, and he saw something incredible.

A sofa chair.

He couldn't explain this phenomenon. He could see the mountains and the sea with his sight, he could see the mountains and the smoke and clouds on the planet, and he could also see a small patch of brilliance flowing on a certain continent. , that is what it looks like after the tentacles contracted by oneself cover the entire London.

And even the area of ​​a city is only the size of a piece of confetti from this perspective, so it is impossible to see a chair.

But at this moment, Sherlock could just see the chair, the red patent leather sofa chair that he usually sat on, which was now placed on the second floor of Building 221B, Baker Street. His sight passed through the universe and the clouds. Straight up to the sky above London, and then through the barriers of the buildings, I could clearly see the chair. Even, using this chair as a starting point, my sight could move slowly within the field.

What's even more incredible is that Sherlock felt that as long as he moved his mind at this moment, he could sit back on that chair instantly!

So, what happened to me?

What is this weird sun doing?

Why did it bring itself into the universe, and why did it let itself see the scarlet, corrupted planet and the chair?

No one knows how Sherlock's brain circuit is working at this time, not even himself, but he seems to subconsciously feel that the sun behind him wants to send him and his chair to the corrupt planet in front of him. another place on.

As for the reason, it was just because I asked myself soliloquy, so it did just that!

At this point in my thoughts, suddenly, a tentacle stretched out towards the planet in the dark universe. The whole process was like a huge mountain of flesh and blood that exceeded the visual limit, roaring and piercing down in front of me. However, this roar But no substantive sound was made, only the huge celestial level shock that remained in Sherlock's heart.

Immediately, the tentacle really rolled back a sofa chair!


Sherlock almost didn't know how to understand the scene in front of him. Anyway, a person and a chair were just suspended in the universe, looking at each other from a distance, which was even a bit funny.

Fortunately, he has an amazing receptive ability and a wild, or crazy, imagination.

So, his eyes crossed the surface of the corrupt planet in front of him, and then he saw another area, which was where Dean Darwin's villa was located, which also had its own projection in hell.

Sherlock could only see one room in the villa at the moment, but could not observe other places. Thinking about it, it might be because he fell asleep in that room in reality, so he became an anchor in hell. .

So following this idea, he tried to see if he could let the tentacles lower him and the sofa chair.

And with a thought!


The feeling of soaring into the sky just now came over again, but it was just the opposite. Sherlock only felt that the tentacle was curling around him and swooping down crazily, and a distance of hundreds of millions of kilometers was covered in an instant. He didn't care whether this method would throw away all of Sherlock's dinner the day before yesterday.

Fortunately, Sherlock only felt a strong weightlessness for a moment, and then the tentacle gently placed him on the sofa chair, and the sofa chair was placed on a comfortable-looking one in the room a step earlier. place.

The tentacle retracted. In fact, Sherlock didn't know how it reached in. This room had a ceiling.

So he could only remain silent, trying hard to digest this strange phenomenon, as well as the strange feeling that he had just seen for ten thousand years, as if he had traveled an incredible distance between heaven and earth in a long time, and saw countless scenery, but he was forced to He compressed all this into a moment, even with his brain, it was a bit hard to accept.

So, after an unknown amount of time passed like this, Sherlock finally exhaled slowly.

And just then.

"Dong dong dong~"

There was a knock on the door.

In reality, Sherlock opened his eyes, then walked to the door of the room in a daze and pushed it open.

Standing outside was Catherine.

"Sorry, I said I won't disturb your life.

But didn’t we say yesterday that we were going to the laboratory today? How did you sleep until this time? "

As she was speaking, Catherine was suddenly startled, looking over Sherlock's shoulder and into the room.

"When did you get a sofa here?" she couldn't help but ask.

Sherlock turned back and looked at the familiar sofa chair, which was placed at the angle between the bed and the window. He could just touch a ray of slanting sunlight and see the scenery outside the window. He was very satisfied with this position.

So I smiled happily:

“Just moved here”

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