Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 169 I know someone who loves to chat

He did not issue a warning, let alone explain in advance that Catherine's behavior might be considered a violation of a certain government law. The two people brought their employment certificates, but from beginning to end, they never showed them.

But now, they almost took out their guns directly after reaching an extremely vague standard of being able to shoot.

This made Sherlock startled.

Not because he was scared, but just like, 'Is this even okay? ’ Ridiculous feeling!

He has been here for a while, so he knows that it must have taken a lot of people and a lot of work to get these two so-called supervisors to bring guns into the Life Academy.

After all, even the Baskerville frontline chief of staff couldn't come in with a gun.

However, how could someone who could do such a thing not know what kind of person Catherine was?

A battle nun. All the training she has received since joining the Holy See is how to survive the attacks of those demons and how to execute them.

When it comes to fighting, she's a professional.

Although you are still not invulnerable, in this situation, you want to use the little gun in your hand to threaten him. This is too disrespectful.

At least you have to get a hand cannon or a rotating machine gun, and at the worst you have to hang two grenades on the opponent.

In short, this gun is not used to hurt people, let alone kill people.

Sherlock is not too stupid. He can probably think of how this gun can exert greater power than [shooting a bullet]!

That's why he was stunned, and that's why he felt ridiculous.

I couldn't help but wonder how those high-ranking and powerful people could be so shameless.


The gunfire came as expected.

Then the bullet crossed a distance of several meters and went straight to Catherine's back!

Of course, it was impossible for this bullet to hit Catherine. In fact, the moment the man took out the gun, Catherine already had a sense of danger. The danger awareness honed in countless missions and battles made her basically There was no need to look back, and he immediately made a quick dodge action to the side.

Almost at the same time, the bullet hit the steel seal firmly, and the huge impact directly flattened the warhead!

No one was injured.

The whole process was actually a gunshot.

But Catherine cannot hesitate. Just because she is not afraid of this gun does not mean that others are not afraid. Now she is surrounded by a large group of experimenters. These are ordinary people. If the gun rings the first time, it can ring the second time. , if you can shoot it at yourself, you can shoot it at anyone around you.

So in the next second, she turned her head violently, and then took a few steps more fiercely. During these steps, she passed the supervisor who was closer to her, slapped him, and directly hit him all over. The person flew out in a circle, hit the ceiling of the corridor diagonally, and then fell to the ground with a dull sound.

And before this person even landed, she had already snatched the gun from the other person's hand! Put your arm across the other person's throat, press him against the wall with a large amount of inertia, and press the gun against that person's head!

"This is the Academy of Life Sciences! Do you dare to shoot?!"

This scene happened so fast, the reverberations of the gunfire were still echoing, and Catherine had already arrived in an instant! And at this moment, everyone around him also reflected it!


The expected panic caused by the gunshots did not appear, and there was no scene of the crowd panicking and fleeing, holding their heads and screaming. Although everyone was also panicked, they all retained their basic sanity.

If this phenomenon appeared in a downtown area, it would definitely look very weird, but it is very normal when it appears here, because the people standing around are all people who work with the most sophisticated instruments all day long, and their minds are filled with thoughts. The most meticulous experimental data, if the attribute 'remain rational' is marked in red on the map, then the Academy of Life Sciences will definitely be a large red and black area. They even got into fights after drinking, and they cursed things like [Yima is like the hydrogen bond in the polymer compound of ethylene glycol, it can be combined with anyone! 】Such words.

Look, even if you drink too much, you can figure out the hydrogen bonds and peptide bonds, so at this moment, they can easily figure out the situation in front of them - if even Miss Catherine can't stop these two people , it’s useless to run by yourself, so it’s better to watch the excitement here.

And, this is not the end yet

As Catherine said before, this is the Academy of Life Sciences. As far as everyone knows, this place does not belong to the empire, let alone the Holy See. There is no intrigue here. This is only a place for science and researchers. ! So shooting here is undoubtedly an offense to everyone and to all the hard work and scientific research results! So at this moment, everyone showed not only fear of gunfire, but also anger.

Some people have already begun to shout for security, and there are indeed dense footsteps in the distance. It should be that a team of security personnel is rushing here, and some people have even surrounded the person who was just dumped with anger. Next to the supervisor who flew out, one of them squeezed to the front. He was about 50 years old, with a kind face and a kind-hearted look. He looked at the unconscious supervisor's lower back, where the nerve distribution was the most sensitive and would cause the most pain when kicked. area, just go up and kick!

"Damn, what are you pretending to be here?!"

Looking at the supervisor whose head was held by Catherine, he had his weapon taken away and was pressed against the wall by a second-level strongman. There were so many angry eyes around him, but he didn't seem to have much concern. He was so scared that he just raised his hand to show that he had no intention of resisting. The muzzle of the gun that had just been fired was very hot and made a sizzling sound on his head, but the man just grunted and pushed through. Then he said clearly:

"Miss Catherine, you should know what your action of breaking the seal just now means. We are justified in shooting. This is also for the safety of the people of the empire!"

"Who asked you to come here? Who is the person above you?!" Catherine ignored the other party's fart-like excuse. She looked into the other party's eyes coldly, and the muzzle of the gun in her hand seemed to crush the other party's skull.

"We are part of the Imperial Civilian Security Protection Service."

This is still the answer.

But as he spoke, the man suddenly paused, and there seemed to be some regret in his smile: "Haha, in fact, Miss Catherine, if you can cooperate with our work, you will definitely not have so much trouble, but it is really a pity, now This matter became complicated when you injured my colleague.

I originally thought that the daughter of the dean of the School of Life Sciences would be a dignified and beautiful lady, but I didn't expect that she would be like you. So, did the old dean neglect your education when you were a child? "

He seemed to be deliberately starting to talk about something less relevant.

As these words came out, Catherine's hand on the gun became tighter and tighter, and she seemed to smell something, maybe some kind of disinfectant or perfume.

"Actually, this is understandable. After all, the old professor concentrates on scientific research, so naturally he doesn't have much energy to spend with his family." The man continued: "But. Where is your mother? Isn't she always by your side? ?”

Sherlock's expression gradually became serious. The other person's words sounded nothing special, but if you know Catherine well, you will know that every word of these words pierced the most vulnerable part of her heart.

So, he walked towards the other party

"You want to provoke me and leave something to say?" Catherine said, her tone trembling.

"Of course not, my head is still under the gunpoint!" The man put on a "I'm panicked" posture: "So I have to remind you that murdering a government official is a felony!

Oh, by the way, actually I don’t think you need to care so much about that machine.

Because everyone knows that it is a piece of junk.

I can guess that the relationship between you and your father is not very good, and you even hate him.

Then when he learned that he had spent more than 30 years of hard work and developed a shabby machine, his mood must have collapsed to the extreme. Then this should be good news for you.

The person who never cared about you in his heart is finally punished.

Moreover, now we are going to blow up this machine, which should be enough to make his soul restless.

Then you should thank us, why do you want to stop it? "

Speaking of this, a flash of understanding suddenly flashed in the man's eyes:

"Oh, I understand. After all, it is your father's thing. Let us destroy it as we say. This is too disrespectful to you, right?"

The words the man spoke were very soft, so soft that only Catherine could hear them.

As the other party spoke, Catherine's eyes became colder and colder, and her breathing became less and less rhythmic.

She knew that the other person said this on purpose. The power behind this person must have investigated her and knew what she hated the most and what she was most resistant to.

"It doesn't matter. How about you press the detonator when the time comes to destroy it?" the man said with a smile, as if he was trying to please Catherine.

Her knuckles holding the gun became whiter and whiter, and her lips pursed tighter and tighter. Although she could still suppress her anger, her mind had already started simulating it again and again. She should blow this guy's brain to pieces with one shot. What a picture it was. For a few moments, she even wanted to confuse the picture in her mind with reality and really pull the trigger.

But at this moment, suddenly, a big hand stretched out, grabbed the other person's face, and then lifted him up.

"You are really good at chatting. I happen to know someone who likes to chat with people all night long. Do you want to introduce you to him?"

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