Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 170 I took this case

The man's face was held down fiercely by Sherlock's hand, and he couldn't open his mouth at all, let alone speak. He could only hold on to his wrist hard to prevent his cervical spine from being torn off. , became high paraplegia.

But Sherlock didn't care about him at all, he just looked at Catherine lightly and said, "Are you okay?"

Catherine took a few deep breaths and realized that she almost lost control and did something very stupid.

As soon as I read this, I couldn't help but feel scared for a moment.

Seeing that Catherine's mood had calmed down, Sherlock stretched out his other hand and took out a small bottle as thick as a little finger from under the hanging supervisor's collar, then put his nose to it and took a sharp sniff.

"Hiss--huh--" He showed a very skilled 'high' energy, but he regained his composure in an instant, with even a hint of disgust in his expression, and threw the small bottle to Catherine: "The lowest-quality hallucinogens can be bought in lower London. They have no advantages other than being cheap and powerful. They can get you high just by smelling them, and can quickly reduce the user's self-control."

Catherine looked at the small bottle in her hand and realized what the smell she had smelled before was.

She had received the most high-end combat training in the Holy See. How could she have imagined such a despicable method? She couldn't help but look up at Sherlock: "How do you know?"

"In fact, it is not difficult to find that from the beginning, this guy always subconsciously twitches his fingertips. There is no blood on his face, and he is always sweating. It feels like he has always been in a state of excitement that is not quite right. Next, this search found it."

"No, I'm asking, how do you know what this hallucinogen feels like?" Catherine asked very suspiciously: "You haven't tried this before, have you?"

"Don't worry, I admit that I do have the possibility of becoming an addict, because hallucinogens can temporarily relieve the thirst in my brain, but to be honest, blues and interesting cases are much stronger than these things. "

Sherlock quickly answered Catherine's doubts, then raised his head slightly and looked at the struggling person in his hands:

"Let's talk about this guy again. In fact, on the surface, this guy is a brainless government official who came here to abuse his power and was even stupid enough to fire a shot.

But in fact, he is a pretty professional person, and he definitely does not belong to the [Imperial Social Security Department] anyway. Worst of all, he is also a member of the Royal Investigation Team, and he is also an expert in psychological direction who has been specially trained.

Didn't you realize that when you were staring at him, he was always responding to your gaze? He even imitates your breathing rhythm and blinking frequency. These are some basic tricks. They are of little use and can only be the icing on the cake. But he can even notice these details, which proves that his professional level is definitely not low.

Oh, you should have guessed that the purpose of these two people coming to the Academy of Life Sciences is not only to destroy your father's hard work, but also to find an opportunity to try to influence your state of mind so that you can stay. Get some handles.

The most convenient thing to do is to anger you, and the best result is that you shoot without control. I have to say that this guy is really hardworking. He is really not afraid that you will kill him with one shot. . "

Speaking of this, Catherine's face turned slightly pale: "Fortunately, we didn't get what we wanted."

She thought about the critical moment just now and said with some lingering fear.

"Although you didn't shoot, these guys are professionals. No matter what you do, the result will not be much different." Sherlock said leisurely: "These guys are very good at what they do. In fact, these two guys stand While here, there isn't much room for detours.

If they shoot you, even if they kill you, then these two guys must bear the blame themselves. It will be very convenient to create a background of blood feud with your father.

If it misses you, it will also arouse the anger of the people around you. The most proud people in the world are these arrogant scientific researchers. How could they let two government officials shoot at will in the Academy of Life Sciences? This is equivalent to peeing on the Gospel of the Holy Light in front of a group of the most devout believers.

And as long as someone takes action, the authorities will directly intervene. If you try to reason, they will use the phrase "they will find out" to prevaricate you, and they will not be able to drive you away. If you continue to be tough, they will say that the conflict has escalated. , when a row of government troops stops inside the Academy of Sciences, there will be nothing anyone can do.

As for you.

Do you want to beat them up, or simply bite the bullet and endure it, or are you so powerful that the entire Academy of Sciences will take their breath away? There is nothing you can do about it. Anyway, as soon as they seal the seal, you They didn't dare to start a conflict, because the instruments inside would definitely not be saved. In the end, they would happily go back to claim credit and receive the reward. They would probably say something like, "Dean Darwin's daughter is really a coward" at the celebration banquet.

This is not the most shameless thing. If I were to do it, I would even ask these two people to put a few deathly poisons in their mouths. If there is really nothing they can do, I would just bite them on the spot and die right here. Die in front of everyone's eyes!

And the moment they die, these two people will have many more honors out of thin air. They are fighting heroes and saviors of the city. They have contributed their voices to the peace and tranquility of the world. They do not seek fame or fortune, anyway. There are a lot of glorious deeds that shine with the brilliance of humanity under countless huge tribulations. Reading them will make people's blood boil and tears come to their eyes. The purpose is to create a picture of "these two people must not die in vain." Otherwise, there is no way to explain the situation to the citizens of the entire empire.

In this way, two lives can be exchanged for an investigator's opportunity to enter the Academy of Sciences with his head held high. It is simply too profitable.

As for who is included in these investigation teams, that is not up to others. "

Upon hearing this, Catherine was speechless for a moment.

She thought about it and discovered that she really didn't seem to have any way to stop him.

"What should we do then?"

"There is no way. This is power. As long as you have rights, it makes sense." Sherlock said, suddenly thinking of the little man wearing glasses, and then realized that the reason why he was able to enter the Academy of Life Sciences was because he had passed the test of power. Operation, I can't help but laugh a little.

Then he looked at Catherine on the side: "Okay, you are just a clergyman. Oh, no, you are not even a clergyman anymore. Now, you are just a rich man who holds 51% of the ownership rights of the Academy of Life Sciences.

In fact, I can guarantee that your 51% ownership will not be able to help you with anything except money for the time being. It will be welded in the palm of your hand as firmly as a mountain. No matter what you want to use it for, the review time will be It will last forever. "

With Sherlock's words, Catherine seemed to become more and more silent, and her eyes lowered lower and lower. There were many people in this corridor, and the two supervisors were all subdued, but she still felt an invisible feeling. The despair of not being able to reach.

In fact, she knew from the beginning that the project developed by her father was likely to bring huge changes to the world, so the investigation into his death would definitely face tremendous pressure.

At first, she naively thought that she was very strong and could withstand the pressure and give her father a clear ending.

But at this moment, she suddenly felt that in front of those terrifying political machines, a person's power was so insignificant.

Yes, how could anyone rely on their own strength to compete with the huge will of the entire imperial government or the Holy See.

Unless it's the radiant Dante

Just thought of this

"Oh, I'm just saying this to make you realize the reality, but you don't really have to be so discouraged." Sherlock suddenly said like a normal person: "After all, I took this case."

(Don’t worry, I think these paragraphs are necessary. If you feel that the plot is not progressing, I will add another chapter later. Today is the end of the month, so everyone can transition to the next month in peace, mua~

Also, I saw Eileen the day before yesterday. I finished playing the Chief of Staff yesterday, and I have to watch the next plot today. Your frequency is too fast, and there is no refractory period at all.

[These words cost nothing, I am very strict, don’t worry])

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