Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 171 Nothing can be done anymore

No matter how stubborn Bilun's faith is, the moment cracks appear in it, it is destined to collapse.

A sense of powerlessness began to erode Catherine little by little.

So at this moment, she stared blankly at the detective in front of her. Although at this moment she could clearly see the strong confidence exuding from Sherlock, at the same time, her rationality told her that even if the person in front of her was really He is the most powerful detective in the world, so what can he do?

Fortunately, the stubbornness in her bones still allowed Catherine to insist on trusting the other party, but this persistence seemed so weak and desperate.

As for Sherlock, he didn't seem to care at all about the powerlessness in Catherine's eyes. He just shook the supervisor who was still holding it in his hand, and found that he probably held it too tightly and blocked the other person's mouth and nose. , causing this guy to not be able to breathe and passed out.

Simply throw it to the ground.

"Actually, I have a friend who is really good at communicating with people. If he were here, he would definitely be able to ask a lot of things. But I'm a little unsure. Sometimes I get impatient and I don't act lightly. I tend to be direct. Kill him." There was a hint of regret in his tone: "But it doesn't matter, that guy should have already come here, and he should arrive in a few days."

As he said that, he also cast a "reassured" look at Catherine.

In the next few days, everything seemed to suddenly become extremely relaxed and logical.

Because Sherlock told Catherine not to worry and just do as he said, Catherine naturally followed Sherlock's advice.

As a result, Sherlock actually asked Catherine to do nothing, just sit at home, drink tea, look at the scenery, and even get a cat if she felt bored.

Of course Catherine was not in the mood to raise a cat. She sat on a chair and listened to Housekeeper Maud's report. Her hands tightened, her brows furrowed deeper and deeper, and her heart became more and more uneasy.

"Yesterday afternoon, a scientific advisor from the imperial government came to the institute and said that he wanted to test the soul visual device. 93 people came with him."

It is certainly impossible for a scientific consultant to need 93 people to accompany him, so among these people, there are also the so-called testing team, accompanying protection personnel, servants who take care of the consultant's daily life, and even two nursing doctors who are responsible for giving him massages. Because the scientific advisor suffered from frozen shoulder.

Of course, no one knows what their true identities are. In short, a large number of people entered the Academy of Life Sciences so generously, and even booked a hotel, as if they wanted to stay here for a long time. The attitude of staying.

Housekeeper Maud finished reporting today's news, and then began to stand silently beside her lady as usual, while Catherine also sat quietly. There was an exquisite breakfast on the dining table in front of her, but she did not move at all. .

After a long time like this, Butler Maude finally said slowly:

"Miss, the old dean has just left for more than three months, and so many things have happened. Now a group of people have been brought in.

If we don't find a way to stop it in time, there will definitely be a second group of people and a third group of people. We are now a big cake, and everyone wants to take a piece of it. "

"Whatever you want to say, just say it." Catherine said calmly.

Butler Maude exhaled slowly, as if he had made an extremely difficult decision: "Otherwise, let's announce the death of the old dean as soon as possible, so that the candidate for the next dean can be determined as soon as possible. The Academy of Sciences is too big There must be a leader, otherwise we may not be able to hold on for long."

Butler Maud's words were very soft and humble, and her waist, which had always been straight and straight, was bent as much as possible, as if there was a hint of prayer.

He followed Dean Darwin for such a long time and watched the Academy of Sciences grow little by little in the hands of his master, and even became independent of the Holy See and the government, becoming a world that truly belonged only to scientific researchers.

And now, with the death of his master, he watched this paradise-like place being eroded bit by bit, and the anxiety in his heart almost reached an extreme.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to say such things to the young lady.

However, Catherine did not answer immediately, but remained silent for a long time, and finally slowly spoke: "But announcing my father's death now means that we recognize the nature of his death."

"Miss." Butler Maud simply kept bowing like this: "Someone wants to take advantage of this opportunity to share the Academy of Food Science! I know you are unwilling to give up on the master, but this case is too difficult to investigate. That private person Detective. He's not good at it. No matter how you think about it, he can't compete with so many people who covet the Academy of Sciences.

I know that as a housekeeper, I am not qualified to say this.

But I beg you, Miss, not to trust that person anymore. "

With a "pop" sound, the steel fork in Catherine's hand was broken, and the sharp section scratched across her palm. If it were an ordinary person, it would be enough to remove a deep strip of flesh and blood, but on her palm, there was only There was a shallow scar but there was blood oozing out and it was very painful.

Catherine's face was expressionless, and she quietly watched the blood slowly seeping out from her palms. She recalled the first time she met Sherlock, his unreliable look as if he was still asleep, his irresponsible tone, and his... After the incident, I was shocked again and again, and the strong confidence that was unintentionally exuded when I made a promise to myself.

The rationality and sensibility in her heart were engaged in an extremely fierce fight at this moment!


"Give him a little more time. I know this person seems unreliable, but please believe him once, even if it's just a week or three days. He will definitely bring some news that will shock you and me."

After hearing this, Butler Maude's bent body also showed a trace of dejection. He shook his head sadly.

"There is no time. At this moment, the accompanying security personnel have moved the instrument developed by the owner to a warehouse and surrounded them. If nothing goes wrong, the so-called scientific adviser will soon announce The dangers of the old dean’s research results.

And by tonight at the latest, those people will definitely destroy that device.

The owner’s 30 years of hard work cannot be preserved.

No matter how good that detective is, he can't do anything now."

At this moment, Sherlock dropped a cigarette butt on the ground, stamped it out with his foot, and then walked into an experimental building.

Walking through the long aisle, climbing several steps, and finally arrived in front of a warehouse.

And around this warehouse, there were at least 30 people in security uniforms, all equipped with a full set of weapons and equipment.

In a place like the Academy of Life Sciences, I can't help but feel a little ridiculous to see so many people with weapons gathered together. As I said before, some people can be shameless to an extent beyond imagination.

When he saw Sherlock approaching, a security guard immediately stepped forward to greet him.

"Hello, there is an experimental area ahead, please leave here immediately!"

(Tsk, look how good I am, I added another chapter, hehe, so hurry up and praise me, and then give me a vote. It’s the last day. If you don’t vote, it will be wasted!)

You guys have gone too far. Take a good look at this content. Where is the water and where are the fragments? ! ! After updating every day, they say it’s too little. At the end of each chapter, they argue that I won’t give votes because I broke the chapter. It takes time for me to type. I also want to send you a hundred and eighty chapters in one day and finish it in a week. Woohoo, I So pitiful (I still want tickets after saying this, it’s the last day, give it to me~)

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