Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 172 Human beings cannot understand things they cannot imagine

Sherlock looked at the person walking towards him and found that his hand had been carefully placed at his side. He could imagine that he was wearing a weapon behind his waist, and he could take it out as quickly as possible, but he didn't know what it was. An ordinary pistol, or a frontline military weapon with a more respectful nature.

Of course, most of these people's weapons are just a symbol of threat. It is impossible for anyone to actually shoot and kill people in the Life Sciences Academy, but at the same time, it is absolutely impossible to let anyone approach the warehouse in front of them.

A large part of the reason for doing so much is to destroy this machine at the minimum cost. No one wants to make any stupid mistakes at this time.

Sherlock smiled friendly:

"Don't be nervous. I just want to know whether you are really testing this machine. After all, you are already so shameless. I'm really afraid that you don't know what this thing has. How valuable it was, so I blew it up in a daze."

"Who are you?" After hearing the word 'shameless', the guard looked very ugly and asked coldly.

"Oh, I am a detective investigating the death of old Dean Darwin, and this instrument is a very important piece of evidence for me."

As Sherlock was talking, suddenly, the door of the warehouse was opened and two people walked out.

One of them was a middle-aged man with an obvious military appearance. Although he was not wearing a weapon, he was wearing a sword-shaped badge on his chest.

Unlike the two previous supervisors who were thrown into the crowd and then beaten into pig heads, this person looked like he had the most standard military background, and had even gone through the harshest life and death training on the front line.

The other person, who doesn't need much description, turned out to be the Vice President Holk whom he met a few days ago.

The two of them walked out side by side and saw Sherlock who was stopped by the guards.

The old vice-dean frowned, but he only glanced lightly and then shifted his gaze. In that moment of looking at each other, Sherlock clearly saw the contempt in the other person's eyes. The man shook hands and left.

After watching Vice President Holk leave, the middle-aged officer walked over and asked briefly: "What's going on?"

The guard immediately stood up straight: "Report to the captain, this person said that he is a detective investigating the death of Dean Darwin. He is here to know how we tested this machine!"

"Oh?" The guard captain looked Sherlock up and down with interest, and then smiled: "The test went very smoothly. We have been able to confirm that this machine poses a great threat to the security of the empire. It is scheduled to be tonight Just destroy it.”

Sherlock nodded: "I see. It seems that the scientific consultant does not exist at all. Even if he does exist, he is probably staying in the hotel. You have no intention of letting anyone come into contact with this machine."

The guard captain was startled, as if he didn't expect the other party to say such a thing, but then he smiled heartily:

"Actually, we asked the old guy to come over yesterday, but after he saw the machine inside, he suddenly regretted it.

It was nice to ask him to give a report proving the dangers of this machine, but he refused to do it and even called us eternal sinners. Ha, as expected, people who engage in science are all a bunch of old die-hards. . "

After saying that, his smile suddenly faded, and then he stared at the detective in front of him, and said gloomily: "You are a detective, you should have some brains, don't get involved in this matter, no one can protect this machine, the explosives are on the way here , as soon as it arrives tonight, that machine will become a pile of scrap metal.

In fact, anyone with a brain can know that that thing must be of great value, but we are only responsible for obeying orders. "

"I understand your responsibilities. The bounden duty of a soldier is to obey." Sherlock still said unhurriedly: "But I am also a detective after all. That machine is very useful to me. I can't just watch you do it." He exploded."

The captain of the guard heard this sentence clearly, but he did not continue because he did not understand. He frowned and thought for a while: "You mean you can't just watch that machine being blown up." ?”

"Yes, didn't I tell you, that is an important piece of evidence." Sherlock said, and then he didn't want to explain too much. Since it was confirmed that the [Soul Visibility Device] was here, and there were no scientific advisors to tinker with it, That's it.

So, he turned around and left the warehouse, leaving only Na Ge, the guard captain, looking at his back in confusion, even wondering if there was something wrong with this man.

He has extremely strong confidence in the people under him. Robbery is impossible, and there is no possibility of stealing such a big machine. The warehouse is filled with the highest concentration of demon sedatives, and he wants to use the contracted demon to do it. The idea of ​​​​things is also eliminated.

So besides watching helplessly,

What else can be done?

At night, the long street of the Academy of Sciences looked much the same as usual. The news about the arrival of a team of scientific researchers yesterday was not blocked. Although most people felt very uncomfortable, it did not seem like the two had been sent to the hospital. Like the supervisors, there was widespread outrage.

The root of all this is that until now, most people still feel that the death of the old dean has nothing to do with the murder, and that everything is just the paranoid idea of ​​the old dean's daughter.

Scientific researchers are rational. They can even calculate the arc of the lever between the waist and the thigh and the different impact forces brought by different angles in a certain exercise, so that they can persist for the longest time with the least effort.

Therefore, it is really difficult for people to believe that there is a so-called murderer in that death in public view.

Of course, if someone can now prove that the old dean was really killed, then the entire Academy of Life Sciences will definitely break out into the most brutal and angry counterattack against the murderer and the force where the murderer belongs.

Never underestimate the anger of a scholar. If you really anger these people, they will definitely show incredible power.

In fact, under the current situation, many people are secretly hoping that it would be great if the old dean really died in a murder; this is not because they are dark in their hearts, but because they have also experienced these past few days. Outsiders feel unhappy and offended. It’s not that they have no temper. Scholars have the best temper. They just need a reason to be released.

The carriage drove through the long street, under the gas lights and the constantly changing shadows, and arrived in front of Dean Darwin's villa.

Sherlock got out of the car and pushed the door open.

The aroma of dinner exudes from the house. Since moving in, every meal eaten here has been extremely exquisite and delicious. In Sherlock's view, this is one of the few highlights in the life of a rich person.

At this time, Catherine was already sitting at the table, and the old housekeeper stood behind her.

Sherlock walked over and sat on his seat. He had walked a long way today and was a little hungry, and he and Catherine were not polite, so he picked up a knife and spread butter on a piece of bread.

"Why don't you eat?" Sherlock asked, then stuffed the piece of bread into his mouth, until the sweet taste flowed down his throat and into his stomach, and he finally felt better.

The old housekeeper looked gloomy and said nothing.

Catherine's expression was also solemn: "You know, tonight, those people are going to destroy the soul visual device."

Sherlock picked up another lamb chop, put it on the plate in front of him and cut it carefully: "Oh, I got it."


There was an untimely silence, only the sound of chewing in Sherlock's mouth.

"But... if the instrument is destroyed, how can we prove that father's experiment was successful? If we can't prove that father's experiment was successful, how can we prove that he was murdered?"

Catherine's expression was full of worry and her heart was extremely anxious. She could only believe Sherlock now, but the man who had promised her was still eating and enjoying it so much.

"Don't worry, I said, leave it to me."

Finally, the old butler who had been standing aside took a deep breath, then lowered his head slightly and said:

"Mr. Sherlock Holmes, I know you are the best detective, but 20 minutes ago, I received a call from the [School of Life Sciences Train Station]. A demolition team had already got off the train and headed straight to Warehouse 77. .

According to the distance, they should reach their destination in more than an hour. By then, the old professor's more than 30 years of hard work will be in vain. "

Sherlock nodded to show that he heard.

"But. You are still eating here. Even if you set off now, it will take at least more than an hour to get there."

The old butler said, his tone was still very light, and his slightly lowered waist was still the standard appearance of a butler, but it could be heard that he was questioning! Even at the deepest level of that emotion, there was a hint of anger!

He was angry that the detective in front of him had been bewitching his young lady, making her always believe that her father died of murder, but he was just sitting here. The evidence was about to be destroyed, but he was indifferent.

Like a clumsy and irresponsible liar.

Sherlock stuffed the last bite of mutton chop into his mouth. He was really hungry today, so he ate first as soon as he came in. It wasn't until he saw the butler's attitude that he finally realized that what he was showing was a bit... A little too relaxed.

This kind of ease can put a lot of pressure on other people.

In fact, according to his understanding of himself, he always felt that as long as he said "leave it to me", the other party should be completely relieved. Moriarty is like this, Watson is like this, they Know that no matter what kind of thing it is, if you say it is okay, then it must be okay.

As for Catherine in front of her, she also believed in herself, but her rationality made her believe in herself with great anxiety and uneasiness; as for the old housekeeper, she had already regarded all this as a kind of evil. Okay, but due to the housekeeper's responsibilities and Miss Catherine still by his side, I could only suppress the anger in my heart.

This is not a malicious look down on people, but human beings cannot understand things they cannot imagine, except for crazy people.

So Sherlock didn't blame the old housekeeper. He even looked at Catherine apologetically, then stood up and said, "Sorry, maybe my attitude made you too nervous, but don't worry, I'll take care of this matter now."

With that said, he turned around and walked upstairs.

"Do you need any equipment?" Catherine showed an expression of great joy when she saw Sherlock finally taking action.

Although until this moment she had no idea what the detective was going to do, and although there might not be enough time from here to the warehouse where the instruments were stored, she still had blind faith in Sherlock.

"Oh, no need."

"Ah?" Catherine was stunned: "Then you go upstairs?"

"You may not understand very well, but please believe me... I need to sleep." Sherlock said, and then walked upstairs.

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