Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 173 We blow things up professionally!

"Mr. Sherlock!"

The old butler behind him finally lost his nerve: "My words may be disrespectful, but if you have given up on this case, please tell us. It is very cruel to inject hope into despair!"

His voice was trembling, probably because he had never spoken so loudly to anyone in so many years.

Catherine's chest heaved, and she tried hard to suppress her increasingly heavy breathing, while giving Sherlock an almost pleading look.

Until now, she still believed in the man in front of her, but at the same time, she was really desperate. The two mentalities collided crazily in her mind, torturing her in excruciating pain.

But Sherlock could only respond with the most sincere and absolutely confident smile, because he couldn't explain what he would do. Could it be that he had to take a nap in order to communicate with a sun.


He went into his room.

There was a soft "click" sound, which was the sound of the door being locked. When it fell on Catherine's ears, she shuddered subconsciously.

The old butler behind him seemed really angry. He took a few steps forward with anger, as if he wanted to go upstairs to argue with that bastard detective!


"Don't go," said Catherine.

"Why?" There was a trace of lament in the old housekeeper's eyes, and he looked at his young lady with great worry.

"He just said, don't disturb him."

"Miss! Why do you still believe this person?!"

"I don't know, but don't bother him!"

Catherine said, she couldn't give the housekeeper any explanation, let alone refute him. Her tone was already trembling, and she was exerting all her strength. She was obviously just standing, but she seemed to be holding on to something tenaciously.

She could only walk slowly back to the dining table and look at the things in front of her that still exuded a warm breath.

There was anxiety, loneliness, and sadness in her eyes, but among the extremely complicated emotions, there was still a trace of stubbornness that supported her. Even if she sat like this all night, she would wait until the door was opened again.

Sherlock closed the door and sat on the sofa.

Without any effort, I fell into a dream.

Since bringing this chair over, he has been able to wake up in this room, stand up, and push open the door of the room, which is dilapidated like a fire under the scorching heat around him.

What is in front of me is a villa scene with a strong hellish style, with mottled walls, decaying stairs, and paintings that will break when touched, and it is impossible to see what is painted on them. Everything is like being blown by the wind and sand. Destroyed for countless thousands of years.

Sherlock is very familiar with this feeling, and standing in his own field feels quite comfortable.

Today he went to the warehouse where the [Soul Visibility Device] was stored. In addition to confirming its location for positioning, there was another important reason, that is, he had to see if the realm in hell was already there. It's expanded over there.

After seeing those colorful traces, Sherlock felt relieved.

Oh, the reason why he wants to see it in the real world instead of the hell plane is because his ashes carriage is not here, and is still speeding here from London.

He couldn't just run to the warehouse on two legs, right?

Next, Sherlock walked out of the villa and came to the deserted yard outside. Some tentacles spread over and gently entangled themselves at his feet. Sherlock ignored them, knowing that nothing happened to these little guys. I just want to make do with myself.

Then he raised his head and began to look at the sun in the sky.

Surrounded by those huge celestial-like tentacles, the Distorted Sun closed its eyes tightly and did not open them to look at Sherlock, but it didn't matter. As soon as his thoughts moved, a tentacle fell directly from the sky.

Then he stretched out his hand and instead of touching it lightly, the tentacle slowly curled over.

The next second, the palpitating feeling of reverse weightlessness suddenly hit him. It is estimated that no matter how many times this feeling happened again, Sherlock could not get used to it. In short, when he recovered, he was already floating in the empty universe. .

Looking at the corrupt planet in front of me again, it is still so shocking. It seems that it is begging bitterly, maybe it wants to be rescued, or it may simply die completely to relieve the current pain.

However, Sherlock doesn't understand yet, and even if he does, it's impossible to do it.

So, he turned his attention to the Academy of Life Sciences, a confetti-sized speck on the planet. Sherlock quickly found the location of the warehouse through his perception of the field and the path he took in the morning.

Immediately afterwards

A huge tentacle that exceeded the range of vision stretched out towards the corrupt planet in front of him.

Sherlock was very familiar with this scene. When he experienced it for the first time, he would never forget it. He would even think about it when he had nothing to do. At this time, everything was similar to the last time, but it still gave him an indescribable shock.

And soon, with the retraction of the huge celestial tentacles, the [Soul Detection Device] was dragged over and followed Sherlock silently floating in the universe, looking inexplicably absurd.

Sherlock looked at the precise instrument and nodded with satisfaction.

As he emphasized before, it is just to protect this machine, which is not difficult at all.

The hard part is convincing others of this.

Half an hour later, the real world.

A steam locomotive stopped in front of the gate of Warehouse No. 77, and then a team of demolition team members hurriedly got off the train and quickly entered the building in front of them.

On the fourth floor, the captain in charge of security measures had been waiting for a long time. When he saw the person in charge of blasting finally arrived, he hurried up to greet them, saluted each other, and then pointed to a door at the end of the corridor:

"The thing is inside. The task that needs to be handed over is very simple, which is to completely destroy the target device. Please be sure to destroy it completely and leave no intact parts."

In fact, when you hire a professional demolition team, you don't just need to follow the procedures to show off. Another point is that to destroy such a sophisticated instrument, you can simply shoot it with a pistol or hang a few grenades, which is a bit uneasy. , after all, this is a life science park. Who knows what terrible things these researchers can come up with after picking up a broken part.

The person in charge of the demolition team seemed to understand this and nodded.

Their team doesn't know anything. The only thing they're professional about is blowing things up.

Whether it's blowing up bridges, mountains, or fish, it's all handy.

So he smiled and said: "Don't worry, the melt bomb was developed by the Imperial Academy of Sciences last year. After 10 minutes, the contents inside will turn into a pile of molten metal. It is definitely more effective than bullets or grenades. Moreover, There will be no damage to the building itself, the most it will do is re-lay the floor, we are professionals."

He said with great confidence, and then walked side by side to the warehouse door with the captain.

Next to the gate, the vice president of the School of Life Sciences was also there. For some reason, he had to see this machine turned into scrap metal with his own eyes, otherwise he would not be able to sleep well.

So just like that, three people stood in front of the door, accompanied by a huge rumble.

The warehouse door opens to both sides

adjust your mindset! Humph, you guys are so noisy, but I am an author who listens to advice. If you are satisfied with what you write next, remember to give me a vote! mua~

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