Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 174 It’s best not to let him know.

In the early morning, the sunlight is like countless invisible tiny tentacles, spreading out from the huge distant star and filling the entire long street.

The old villa on the roadside welcomed the first ray of light as always. The golden lines passed through the window and spread over the table. Finally, they climbed up the cheek of the woman at the table, until the pupils reacted to the light. After a slight contraction, Catherine finally came back to her senses, looked around again, and found that it was already dawn.

The food in front of her had already been taken away, but she didn't know when it was taken away. The old housekeeper was busy cleaning the villa and supervising the servants in preparing breakfast. Naturally, it was impossible to accompany the young lady in a daze at the table all the time. Catherine was the only one in the hall, sitting there blankly all night.

Maybe it was the long wait of several hours that put her in a state of chaos. Maybe she felt that her persistence was so unrealistic in her heart.

She did not stand up immediately because she found that she was afraid to face this moment.

Everything is over.

Sherlock said he wanted to take a nap, and then he went to sleep. He said not to disturb him, so no one would disturb him. Now the night passed and dawn came, and he kept sitting in the long hall. He knew clearly that The man didn't leave the room all night.

She lowered her eyes silently, as if recalling her struggles in the past few months, it was like a joke.

Gradually, the aroma wafted out from the kitchen. It should be her favorite green beans mixed with some white porridge. It was light and light, but the smell made Catherine's stomach churn. Fortunately, she finally got up, and then Exhausted, I walked up the stairs.

When she came to Sherlock's room, she hesitated for a moment, not knowing how to face him. At the same time, she was still confused about what to do next.

Should he apologize to everyone first and admit how stupid his ridiculous actions during this period were, or should he announce the news of his father's death first and then write some speeches for the new dean when he takes office.

She didn't know, she just felt that all these things were like the sadness after an inevitable disaster. Catherine didn't have this kind of emotion even after learning about her father's death. However, now, she felt like crying.

The last time I cried, I think it was on my 7th birthday. My father said that he would take me to the amusement park. I spent the whole night choosing a dress in front of the mirror. However, when I woke up the next day, I found that my father had already gone to the experiment early. room.

But it doesn't matter anymore

Catherine knocked on the door in front of her;

Dong Dong Dong~

no respond.

So Catherine twisted the door handle, and then it clicked, and the door opened. It seemed that this slovenly guy didn't have the habit of locking the door.

Then she slowly opened the door, and some sunlight shone on the carpet, making the patterns on it warm. Moving his eyes upward, he saw the mottled walls, the old clothes hangers, and the bright windows.

And the next moment, Catherine's eyes suddenly widened, as if she saw the closed valley suddenly opened, and the endless wind blew in crazily, impacting her sight, sweeping along the moist eyes, Those pretentious sorrows were instantly shattered.

What did she see?

a machine! The machine was so huge that it reached the ceiling. It was so huge that the entire room couldn't fit in it. The bed collapsed, the cabinets were crushed, and a big hole was dug out of one wall, allowing the machine to extend into the guest room next door. , otherwise it would be impossible to put it down. Some messy gravel is spread on the floor, setting off the dazzling parts and lines. The pipes are all over the body, showing the extremely complex beauty.

The soul visualization device is actually in the bedroom on the second floor of his villa? ?

Catherine couldn't imagine what this was like. She could only stand at the door and look at it. Judging from the size of this machine, it was absolutely impossible to move it into this room. Moreover, the entire wall was covered with paint. It had broken apart, but I never heard the sound.

This thing, as if it was contemptuous of everyone's reason, appeared here openly!

And in the corner next to the bed, on a red sofa chair, Sherlock was lying in a very sleepy state, his head tilted to one side weakly, and there were even some traces of drool on his mouth.

Maybe it was because Catherine made some noise when she pushed the door open, but Sherlock shivered and woke up.

Just like the last time he moved the chair, he seemed so exhausted after letting the Distorted Sun move the big machine that he fell into a deep sleep as soon as he landed. Now he opened his eyes and saw that his bedroom had turned into Seeing this, he frowned, and then looked at the statue-like Catherine at the door:

"Good morning."

Such a simple greeting made Catherine tremble all over. She slowly turned her head and looked at Sherlock. The moment her eyes touched his, Sherlock seemed to feel all the fear and anxiety in his eyes, and with a bang Exploded into stars in the dark pupils.

Catherine cried, without warning, and then threw herself on Sherlock without warning. She was the eldest daughter of the old dean of the Academy of Life Sciences, a former combat clergyman, and a woman with scars all over her body. The battle nun who didn't say a word began to cry without any image at this moment, snot smeared on his clothes, and the huge strength between his arms made him breathless for a moment.

"thanks, thanks!!"

In that cry, she shouted incoherently.

Sherlock could only try his best to comfort her, and then secretly pushed her away to prevent his ribs from being broken.

"You can slowly get excited here. When you're done, quickly find a place to hide this thing." He said, "I have to go."

"Go?" Catherine was startled: "Where?"

"Today is the day to exchange clues with the other four selected people. I don't want to be late." Sherlock said.

Catherine suddenly remembered that this link was set by herself, but she had been so anxious these past two days that she had completely forgotten about it, so she let go of Sherlock. As for the tears of joy and the strong hug just now, Catherine said that she would definitely not be like those real rich ladies who still feel embarrassed after separation.

This kind of grateful hug didn't have any other color, just like the hug she would give her for the rest of her life after pulling her teammates out of a demon's stomach when she was on a mission.

At least that's what she told herself in her heart.

So she could only forcefully suppress the complicated and turbulent emotions in her heart, and then looked at Sherlock. She didn't know what her tear-stained eyes looked like now. If her former clergy teammates saw it, I must have thought I was dreaming.

"It would be very troublesome to explain this kind of thing."


Sherlock walked to the door, then put on his windbreaker and hat, ready to go out.

Since it was difficult to explain, Catherine stopped asking. Although she had too many things to say, too many questions to ask, and too many thanks to express, she just He deeply kept the shock of this moment in his heart, and then watched the man in front of him walk out of the door.

"Oh, right." Sherlock suddenly turned around.

"What?" Catherine responded immediately, as if she would listen extremely carefully to whatever Sherlock said now.

"If you want to deal with this machine, you'd better send Butler Maud out for a few days and don't let him know about it for the time being."

"." Catherine was shocked. He didn't know why Sherlock asked him to do this. Housekeeper Maud had watched him grow up and had been friends with his father for decades. Why did he go behind his back?



She nodded seriously.

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