Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 184 So that’s it

The invitation in the bar, a man and a woman riding in a carriage together, the words ‘Would you like to come in for a cup of tea’ in front of the villa, and the sound of water in the bathroom at this moment,

It all comes naturally, and in 99% of cases, it will herald a passionate and wonderful experience to come.

However, at this time, Sherlock had no intention of making any arrangements.

He sat on the sofa in the living room and looked at everything in the room, the clean and warm decoration, the soft carpet exuding a light fragrance, the gas lamp without any noise, the wine cabinet embedded in the wall, and the bottles of wine on it. Go imagine the price of wine.

This villa is not big, but everything inside shows the owner's unique insights into architectural aesthetics and luxurious quality of life.

But the amazing thing is that none of this allowed Sherlock to decipher any information about Irene.

It’s not that everything around is brand new, but because all the details exist independently.

When walking through the entrance, I saw the shoes stacked side by side in the cloakroom, as well as the clothes and dresses hung in categories of colors and styles. It can clearly show that the owner here has a typical rigorous and steady character, and his attitude towards life is also well-organized; and then Seeing the messy books in the living room and the pillows piled haphazardly on the floor, Sherlock's eyebrows frowned slightly; then, he saw some snack crumbs on the ground next to the sofa, as well as some crumbs pressed by the legs of the chair. I only had one slipper to live in, but under such raunchy details, all the furniture was extremely well maintained. It can be seen that the people who live here like to clean the room, and they can't even be found on the carpet. Too much hair. It's almost germaphobic for a woman's home.

The most expensive red wine, simple coffee; a carefully selected soft bed, but always fall asleep casually on the carpet; like reading, but the piles of holy magazines are all new; sentimental, but unable to find indecision There are traces of her; her behavior seems to be reserved and careful, which is unique to a little woman, but the whole room is warm and full of atmosphere, which can even be said to be solemn.

And all of this was not mixed with any servants or attendants. Only traces of her life remained in the entire villa. It's like this woman will show different emotions, different personalities, and different attitudes when she does different things. She doesn't know which one is the real one. If she blindly thinks of some details, she will feel that she has seen through this woman. , then you might learn some very painful lessons.

‘What you see is what she lets you see’

This sentence naturally came to Sherlock's mind.

I recalled how they looked at each other along the way, but my [Thinking Palace] did not give any useful feedback.

This truly confirmed the Inquisition's evaluation of this woman - extremely mysterious.

And when he thought that such a mysterious woman was taking a bath across the wall, and Sherlock assured that the door was definitely unlocked, he couldn't help but find it quite interesting.

About 10 minutes passed like this.

With a click, the bathroom door opened.

Irene walked out in her nightgown, her freshly dried hair hanging casually on her shoulders. Her skin was a little red due to the steaming heat, which made this woman show a different charm than usual.

"I've been waiting for a long time." She said with a smile: "Actually, I was a little worried just now, for fear that you would rush in like a drunkard."

"I promise, it's very hard for me to restrain myself." Sherlock smiled and showed some graceful humor: "But I'm curious, what would happen if I really rushed in just now?"

"Of course he will die." Erin smiled even happier, then walked to the wine cabinet and took out a bottle: "Have a drink?"

"It's best to be within what I can afford." Sherlock said and made some guesses from the change in the other person's expression, and found that the words 'of course he will die' did not seem to be a joke.

Anyway, this is it, the man and woman are like old friends who have known each other for a long time, sitting on the sofa, casually touching the wine glasses, and then drinking against each other.

And at that moment, the cherry red liquid flowed down Sherlock's lips and teeth into his throat.

"The airship crash in London was assigned by Emperor Augustine. You should know that."

Sherlock put down the wine glass. He didn't choke and cough because of this sudden sentence. He just pursed his lips and found that he really couldn't tell the quality of these wines:

"I know. But actually I should have known earlier. It's just that I've been wondering why he did this. His method was too rough and too violent. He seemed to be in a hurry, and he didn't even care about the method of erasing clues. There are only a few people at the top of this society, and he is the one who has been sitting the longest, so he shouldn't be in such a hurry."

Eileen looked at Sherlock's calmness, with a glimmer in her eyes, and took the initiative to pour him a glass of wine with a sense of 'service': "Yes, after guarding the empire for nearly 70 years, he has already stained all areas of the empire. own color.

But he is too old.

In fact, you should have noticed that he hasn't been seen in public for a long time.

A few years ago, I paid a lot of money to get a photo of him sitting in a wheelchair with tubes all over his body. "

What a terrifying figure the 'big price' Irene mentioned would be. Sherlock couldn't think about it at all. He just looked at the wine in the glass, the gas light above his head swaying in the red liquid. After a while, he It seems that I finally thought of a possibility that I should have thought of long ago:

"Is he going to die?"

"Yes." Erin nodded.

Yes, he should be dead. An old man who is nearly a hundred years old and the emperor of the empire. How could he live for so long.

Think about that guy Moriarty, who already has a lot of problems at a young age. People like them who have to worry about so many things every day and carry a mountain-like burden on their bodies don't seem to have a long lifespan. Emperor Augustine was also a human being, he was not even a contractor, so it was so surprising and logical that his death was coming.

"But I still can't figure out why he did this series of events."

"Of course you can't think of it. If I don't tell you, you can't think of it no matter what you think." Irene smiled, like those young girls who want to show their lovable side in front of the people they admire: “Because this involves an experimental project of the School of Life Sciences that has been abandoned for many years.

That was more than 40 years ago, before the second demonic invasion happened, and before you and I were born into the world, Dean Darwin applied for an experimental project called [Soul Visibility].

You should know this.

But none of the records so far mention that he actually submitted another application at that time.

It’s called [Life Extension Experiment].”


Just a name, a simple phrase.

Sherlock's hand holding the wine glass suddenly froze, and countless clues began to gather in his mind, causing the light spots in his eyes to sparkle for a moment.

Then he looked at Eileen in front of him and finally nodded.

"I see."

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