Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 185 Just a businessman

Shylock said that there are only a few people who can do such a thing. And Emperor Augustine is definitely the one with the greatest suspicion.

So what has always troubled him has never been who is behind all this.

But motivation!

What kind of huge benefits can make an old man who has been at the pinnacle of power for decades suddenly show a different eagerness and irritability than before.

Shylock thought about the political conflict between the Holy See and the government, about the military control along the Redeker Strait, and even thought about the old man going crazy and wanting to use this method to delay the inheritance of the Holy See for more than ten years. Twenty years.

But in fact, even if he is as smart as he is, he has forgotten a motive that he has always kept on the surface, but has made the entire empire subconsciously forget it.

It’s obvious to the extreme and simple to the extreme.

Emperor Augustine is too old. He won't live more than a few years.

Everyone is afraid of death!

Some people may say that they are not afraid of death, but as the body gradually ages and health gradually becomes a memory, as time goes by, you can clearly feel that you are approaching death step by step.

As an intelligent being, you are bound to feel fear.

Augustine the Great was a human being, he just wanted to live, and that was the motivation for everything.

Therefore, he wants to restart the [Life Extension Experiment].

The premise for starting this experiment is that Professor Darwin's [Soul Visualization Device] must fail!

Because if he succeeds, then no one in the empire will be able to give up on this experimental result that is enough to change the course of human history. This is not about money or power, but about the entire race.

Imperial soldiers are about to control a large number of demons. The situation on the front line of Hell's Gate will be reversed at an unprecedented rate. Humanity finally has hope to regain the throne of the master of this world.

Under this general premise, the [Life Extension Experiment] will definitely be postponed to a deadline that he cannot accept?

He is old and cannot wait a few more years. Even if some devices in the Academy of Life Sciences can barely sustain human life, that is only if their own organs are still functioning.

Aging is always the most serious disease that cannot be cured.

A man who had guarded the empire for his entire life could lead the people of the world to endure the darkest times tenaciously, but in the end he was defeated in the face of his own death.

Somewhat ironic, some embarrassing. Thinking of this, Sherlock habitually took out a cigarette, but as soon as he held it in his mouth, he suddenly realized that this was a lady's room.

But just when he was about to take down the cigarette.

"Click~" sound.

Erin held a lighter in her hand, and she came over very charmingly, lit the cigarette, and then continued quietly:

"As for the assassination in London, the reason is very simple."

"Because the Holy See invested in a soul visualization device?"

Irene was stunned, as if she didn't expect that Sherlock could guess this, but her surprise was instantly overwhelmed by the smile in her eyes: "Yes.

You should know that this experiment was rejected before Professor Darwin became the dean.

And the reason why it was able to restart again afterward was not because the old professor took the position of dean. In fact, in addition to experiments, Dean Darwin was not very good at things like fund operation and sponsorship coordination.

Therefore, his first experimental funding actually came from the Holy See. In fact, over the years, the financial and resources invested by the Holy See in this experiment have already reached an astronomical figure. "

I have to say that if other people heard this, they would be extremely confused, because most people can't understand why the Holy See would invest in this experiment?

The contractors under the Holy See are their main combat force, and the soul visual device can enable contractors to leapfrog mass production.

Isn’t this digging one’s own grave?

But in fact, it is just the opposite. Only those who do not understand the true strength of the Holy See will think that the number of contractors will affect its foundation. In fact, the number of contractors affects everything except the security of the city. Less than.

Commoners cannot imagine the big difference between a clergyman and a contractor without professional training.

Moreover, the soul visual device cannot be like a telephone or a steam locomotive. You can buy one just by gritting your teeth and saving money for a few years.

And most importantly, the empire is shrouded in holy light.

Under the holy light, even the third-level demons cannot tear open the cracks in the void, which means that as long as the Holy See still controls the demon breeding ground, it will always control the promotion path of the contractors.

Just like after obtaining the qualification to practice medicine, no matter how hard it is, it can only belong to the hospital in the end. The more contractors there are, the more people will inevitably become believers of the Holy See. This phenomenon may not appear at first. , but in twenty or thirty years, it will become an unstoppable trend. By then, the foundation of the Holy See will not be shaken, but will become even more stable.

"To be honest, at first, I thought the old guy who had been the emperor for decades was a little crazy, but after hearing what you said, I seemed to admire him a little." Sherlock slowly exhaled a puff of smoke. He even felt that there was some beauty in this approach that he could understand.

Now that you have done it, you must do it to the extreme!

Since we want to terminate this experiment, we must kill the investors, experimenters, and beneficiaries from beginning to end! And then by the way, the entire project was turned into a failed joke. To be on the safe side, the experimental results were burned. In this process, the deputy dean of the School of Life Sciences was naturally promoted to the position, which ensured that the next [life extension experiment] 】 progress smoothly, and at the same time, he can also control a part of the Academy of Sciences in his own hands.

Under this premise, trying to kill the Holy Son does not seem to be a hasty and unexpected idea, but a logical operation, because the failure of the soul visible experiment must be the most cruel blow to the Holy See, so the Holy See will also There will definitely be the craziest revenge.

A month ago, at the little tea table in Baker Street, Moriarty said he was researching about the crash of the airship.

But anyone with eyesight can see who the murderer is, so why bother to investigate?

Thinking about it now, the sentence "When the key is found, the clues will be wiped out" suddenly became extremely gloomy and bloody.

Who is killing people?

Is it really this extremely simple erasure method adopted by the murderer to cover up clues?

Or are the two sides using this reason to carry out the cruelest reduction of each other's power?

Anyway, if you want to take revenge on me, you might as well just create a bigger stage. If the Holy Son kills, he will be killed. That counts as a profit. It doesn’t matter if he doesn’t kill. Anyway, under the cover of the airship crash incident, no matter who dies. , they all seemed so excusable.

Thoughts come to this

Sherlock couldn't help but feel that just because of the name of that experiment, the whole incident suddenly turned around. While admiring Emperor Augustine's extremely aggressive strategy, he couldn't help but murmur. It seems that Moriarty also He was not a poor young man who had to be carried by his maid even when he was running away. In such a big event, the bloody methods he showed were no worse than Emperor Augustine.

After blowing out the last puff of cigarette, the thoughts in Sherlock's eyes gradually converged, and then he looked at the extremely beautiful, yet extremely mysterious woman in front of him.

"What about you? If you ask me to come, is it really just for a glass of wine?"

"Otherwise?" Eileen tilted her head and asked.

"You said, you are a businessman." The woman in front of her was just wearing the most casual pajamas at home, as if she could pick them up just by stretching out her hand, but Sherlock's expression was extremely cautious: "The name [Duncan] is very... Important, the name [Life Extension Experiment] is also very important.

You should know the importance of these two names. You can't give them to me for free. "

"Haha." Erin drank a whole glass of wine, her expression was slightly tipsy and her cheeks were slightly red: "Don't always think of me as a bad woman, I just think you are very unusual. The bounty hunter who made Scotland Yard scared was killed with a pistol. A cleric of the Adjudication Department and a soldier who returned from the front died after coming into contact with you, and a Holy See executive also died inexplicably from the backlash after coming into contact with you."

She was probably drunk, so she lay on the table, looked at Sherlock with a smile, and continued in a vague tone:

"The Holy Son is your friend, and the Holy Lady is your landlord. Nightingale treated you alone in a hospital. Few people survived the airship crash, and you are one of them. Screville has looked for you, but you are still alive and well. You can take out a machine that big, under everyone's eyes. Dear Mr. Holmes, haven't you noticed that you are really unusual?

Isn't it reasonable for me to be a little interested in you like this? "

She spoke in confusion, her eyes already full of drunkenness, but the words in her mouth made Sherlock more and more shocked. Many of those things were things that even the Holy See or government officials could not find out, but she actually Already know everything.

This woman really deserves a terrible evaluation.

However, it was this woman who seemed to finally break out into a drunken smile after seeing Sherlock not responding for a long time:

"Okay, okay, I know I can't hide it from you. I do have a very, very small favor that I want you to do for me.

It's not even a favor, because to you, it's just a casual thing.

You should know that at the end of the year, the empire's transfer inheritance ceremony will be held.

Judging from the current situation, Mr. Franklin has no chance of winning, so I want you to help me.

The specific method is very simple. In fact, as long as you can prove that the old dean was murdered and the soul visualization test has been successful, it will be fine. "

Speaking of this, Irene lazily changed her posture, held up her cheeks, and looked at Sherlock with charming eyes:

"Because of this, Vice President Holk can be prevented from restarting the life extension experiment. If President Darwin's results are to be truly demonstrated, Dr. Franklin's new energy supply is needed. This is related to the future of all mankind. It is An absolutely crushing bargaining chip.

In fact, from a certain perspective, your case has affected changes in the entire imperial government.

Of course, as I said just now, this is just a casual thing for you. "

Sherlock frowned and thought for a long time, and finally asked in confusion:

"I understand the truth, but why do you care so much about the Empire's Translocation Ceremony?"

Asked here, Eileen smiled sheepishly:

"Dr. Franklin is a declining aristocrat. Although he now has working capital, this will only happen after he has produced the experimental results.

And for a long time before that.

You wouldn't think that he has the money to support his expensive energy experiment. "

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